Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Housework Motivation and Enjoyment/Overcome Procrastination
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Hi Laura,

I am very resistant to these types of programs so anytime I listen with any more intention than the turtle in a race, they mess with my psyche any way they can. In this case, I was listening to more than one sub and I'm just not a good candidate for that. I have to focus on one thing at a time and also give it enough time to work. These subs didn't work for me because I didn't use them long enough. I'll use them again at a later date.

I don't know what you're using or how you're using it, but my advice would be to just keep listening. Sleep disruptions tend to dissipate with more usage, or it did for me anyway. Usually, it would bother me most in the beginning of the programs.

My other advice would be to pitch everything you possibly can now! lol I'm listing my house to sell in a couple of weeks, and the amount of stuff I've thrown out, have to throw out, sell on ebay and/or craigslist or donate, is ridiculous!!!!!
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