09-02-2017, 02:41 PM
So I as said before that I am gonna create a thread for STMA 5.5G and here it is.
Shannon Bro, Idk how much time it's gonna take for you to complete your Custom Sub, but I really hope that it gets finished asap. I know I am being impatient but seeing what 5.5G techs are capable of I really wanna get my hands on STMA 5.5G.
I am also gonna add link to one of the post Catman posted in the discussion threads as he has some very good points and u can consider them while making the sub upgrade.
Shannon Bro, Idk how much time it's gonna take for you to complete your Custom Sub, but I really hope that it gets finished asap. I know I am being impatient but seeing what 5.5G techs are capable of I really wanna get my hands on STMA 5.5G.
I am also gonna add link to one of the post Catman posted in the discussion threads as he has some very good points and u can consider them while making the sub upgrade.
(08-26-2017, 12:39 PM)CatMan Wrote: [ -> ]Pornography addiction and Masturbation addiction are often linked. They seem to feed off each other. There's a lot of documented evidence from many people suffering the same symptoms (both with themselves and the indirect effects it has with them and women, both I corroborate) linked together by several doctors now to see the link. I can provide if more info beforehand is required. But, it's absolutely legit, no doubt now.
Combining the two would be a massively beneficial program! I'd be extremely interested, I'm sure others would be. I've mentioned before about the massive community struggling with these two demons, and how a combined program could be a great revenue earner and gateway to further programs. This program has a lot of upside for IML from that standpoint.
I've written about "STMA" giving me a year and a half break from this annoying masturbation addiction. That streak came crashing down during V3.1, which was disappointing to me. I've also written about how compulsively I view images online, and how often. Not really "porn" always per se, but it's "virtual women", celebs or even social medias of women I know, so still a part of the same issue connected to porn, "virtual women" as substitutes. Not all have this issue, but many do, just to preempt any "well, actually..." posts, lol. Never mind the "horny fits" that I get as I call them during DMSI, where I go compulsively view porn itself for awhile when horny out of nowhere seemingly. That needs to go. The edging that has returned on V3.1 too needs to go, that's causing even more issues than masturbation due to the prolonged elevated dopamine levels WAY beyond just masturbating and moving on. Hurting erection abilities over time as you seem to end up only getting erections for porn or digitised material of women, not REAL women. And even then with porn, it takes a huge amount of effort to only get slight semi-erections over time, that wouldn't be able to penetrate women in reality. And next to nothing from the penis with "real" women erection wise. It's something that gets worse and worse the more porn is consumed and how often, and the lack of "real" women sexual contact to "ground" you so to speak, how far removed from "real" women and real situations it is and more. I don't even remember the last time I got an erection around a sexy woman, and there are TONS around me every time I'm out in my big group. So there's ample opportunities for it to "respond" lol, but nothing. It's strange I know, and only a "thing" since broadband internet has been widely available, allowing tons of video porn to be available, now it's turning out that can cause issues in the brain over time with "real" women. You lack interest for "real" women as a result, and the lack of erection ability makes you wary of them. Vicious circle. In fact the PIED, porn-induced erectile dysfunction is usually the point where a lot of guys discover WHY they are having these issues. That's what happened to me, a forum member posted a vid from a doctor long ago about all of this. I'm so grateful for that, before I had no idea what was up. This is a problem in the brain, not the penis, so ED drugs have no effect, just in case readers thought of that. Never mind the procrastination while engaging in this nonsense, how much wasted time there. And the brainfog gained from it is awful, and needs to go.
So, the way I see it, the interconnected issues are:
1. Masturbation, was removed by "STMA" 4G for a year and a half, but returned on V3.1.
2. Pornography, video, images, erotica whatever it's framed as, "virtual women/sex" as substitutes in the end, regardless.
3. Compulsive viewing of pictures of females, celebrities or whatever, not even porn! But still, a form of "virtual women", digitised, not real. I'm embarrassed to even estimate how much time I've spent (WASTED) doing this. And downloading them, organising them. Rarely if ever LOOKING at them, oddly. Just a compulsive thing about going to search and seek for them, like them, save them. Rinse and repeat more times than I can count. I hate how badly I procrastinate doing this, it's awful how much time I've wasted doing this. Procrastination/brainfog are two very big parts of this, because in that unempowered wasteful state, it's likely you'll start the searching and seeking pattern>images>videos>edging>masturbation cycle. The procrastination and brainfog need to go, to avoid getting in the situation where it's most likely for the relapse to occur. All of the searching and seeking for images themselves is probably a way to avoid "real" women, somehow trying to get needs met this way. Also common issues of only having porn stimulus and not "real" women in regards to women with guys, the ideas of "real" attraction and intimacy and what women do etc. are so far removed from reality, and so extreme as a result of porn being their only female outlet, that they tend to be mediocre with women and not recognise things for what they are in reality. Not seeing "signals" because to them and their porn references, that little gesture or what not is nothing compared to how women "come on" in the porn they watch. Fear of being with them and around them, low confidence with them and themselves, insecurites, all due to extremely limited experience with them. Usually at least partially caused by porn getting a grip on them at a young age so their experience with "real" women is next to nothing. So there's a huge cognitive void on many nuances of "real" women as a result, which can just feed them back into the addiction, as they get dejected due to the failure and sudden steep learning curve with "real" women and figure at least porn etc. is there for me. That's what seems to be happening, widely reported, the same kinds of things. So something may need to address that aspect of it, as a seasoning of the main stuff I suppose, similar to your few statements in OPA 4G in regards to it. Good idea, I liked that approach, dealt with it from both sides, but only slightly to keep the focus of removing the addiction FIRST, then lightly guiding in the correct natural direction and how things are to naturally flow and be.
4. Edging, terrible habit that has further ruined my ability to get a natural normal erection to actually ever HAVE sex...that was gone thanks to E2, but has returned on V3.1. In fact, due to the porn-induced erectile dysfunction itself, it may be wise to incorporate OED functions in here. There's more than enough overlap there to make it relevant. A one-two punch of C&H, and scripting to give you the ability to have solid, powerful erections so you can actually realistically HAVE sex. OPE could be a fantastic benefit, to be honest guys with these porn and masturbation issues fall into two camps it seems. One with PE, premature ejaculation which is obvious both in what it does, and that it's bad to have. But, the other camp is DE, delayed ejaculation, where they're so desensitised from so much porn use and masturbation, that they don't feel enough pleasure TO ejaculate. Oddly, they can get an erection, often after effort, but can't climax with a woman, but can no problem with porn they enjoy etc. More of the "virtual woman substitute" I spoke of. So, maybe something in there to deal with PE and DE in a way that fits to your wants and needs in a custom way to not force one camp or the other, depending on their individual problem, of which it's almost always one of those extremes sadly. Lasting as long as you want etc, to give both partners optimal sexual pleasure and orgasms, something along those lines would give benefits to both extremes.
Eliminating those 4 interconnected issues and little sub issues listed, would be a massive success. And would likely drive results forward with women themselves, as no form of digitised women, or self sex etc. would be tolerated, and you'd now have the belief in yourself and the optimal erection capability, and removal of PE and DE issues, to actually be able to have sex with them and give them incredible pleasure and get incredible pleasure. The KNOWLEDGE of you being capable of that, especially when you come from this position, would be a massive impact in confidence and fear removal and huge increase in your beliefs with women. And of course, that would spillover into results with them too, obviously.
You removed my masturbation addiction for me after 25 years of masturbating daily once or even more with merely a 4G program I used for a short period! You removed the lingering edging addiction after that, for me after a brief run of E2! The other things listed lingered sadly. But my point is, if you did those two things with 4G and early 5.5G, I see NO reason why the others can't be eliminated now. Seems completely possible to me, given my history/results given. Seems completely realistic! They're all interconnected, so removing them would be a serious upgrade for anyone suffering with them. Could even indirectly get them with "real" women as well, not only solve the addictions and what not.
That could be a real special life changing program. Could give a lot of guys their lives back. And allow you something very effective to sell to a huge community of guys, all struggling and sadly often failing to wrestle with these serious issues plaguing them.
There you go, something from someone who's dealt with all that for a long time and researched reputable experts on it all, to get the ball rolling, Shannon. Hope it helps!
P.S. Let me know when to go off DMSI to prepare for it, lmao...
P.P.S. Of course, a lot of this is likely to be implemented for V3.2 anyway, so waiting until then won't be a detriment to me personally. When you announce you're working on it, I will repost the link to this post, along side my other V3.1 roadblocks I've identified for inclusion into V3.2. But this program would still have great potential to be a real earner for IML given the massive communities I've found struggling with these interconnected issues.