Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Been a while, got laid!
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Honestly didn't know how to title my thread, but wanted to write a little bit on this forum. Truthfully I just wanted to let people know about how life is going with the decisions I make, whether they are good or not.

Last year ended a little bit rough for me, with a suicide attempt. Took like 120 pills, cut one of my wrists and hoped not to wake up. I guess it wasn't my time. All of this was at around s3 of AM6.

This event spiraled me into another world. I was hospitalized for about a month and there I started truly finding myself. I started writing and doing things I normally would not have. One of those things was getting laid, but I also started socializing like crazy and found a lot of my inner strength.

This lasted for a while and now things have gotten odd again, I am planning a trip to Thailand after the summer ends and things have been A LOT different than they used to be.

I stopped AM6 at stage 5 (half way), it really didn't seem to be doing much. I was also spending most of my nights with a woman I was seeing so just didn't give any fucks.

I didn't want to write too much right now, perhaps I will keep filling in on later dates and choose a sub to run, if I should return to subliminals at any given point.

Peace, Natious!

EDIT: Also I am up to some questions if anyone has some.
Finish AM6,even if the later stages seem to you like not doing much.It's important.
Man alive. suicide attempt? Dude, that's not the answer. Believe me, I've had suicidal thoughts my entire life but I know it won't get me what I want.

Stick around this time and connect with people who support you.
Hi Natious, do you remember me? (my nick name before was Pau Ko)
I've just read your post right now - how are you doing? Is all fine? Have you got any better after your suicide attempt?
I really hope it's all fine. Sending you lots of love and good energy Heart Take care of yourself, lots of love to you Heart
'You gotta be careful with these subs... you really think they don't work..? oh, they do
From someone who saw that there was no light at the end of the tunnel. You have evolved into an alpha who is not afraid to go out and socialize, meet women. You have decided to kick the world in the teeth and say "I am tired of life controlling me its time for me to control my own destiny !!. AM has done its magic please complete all stages.
If you got suicidal from AM, don't start it again. Whatever people say, what can be worth risking your life? There is other paths to well being. You don't have to be an alpha male to feel good or to socialize.

Look into trauma releasing exercises. They have helped me a lot. Get better buddy.

Edit.: I saw that you are feeling better, good for you and congrats! However my previous advise still stands, suicide attempts should be taken seriously.