(04-20-2017, 01:03 AM)Darwin Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, definitely, I've already gone back to LTU and immediately felt relief. What I'm hoping for now is that the clearing in MLS5.5g will help to deal with these continuing issues - unfortunately there is a self loathing/animosity which has lingered, and much as people tell me how awesome I can be I can't seem to get out of it with out support from something like LTU.
Sorry Shannon, shmucks like me need some super charged clearing and self esteem/forgiveness before being able to use things like MLS (at least 5g) to any good effect. I read something the other day that went along the lines of 'until you genuinely believe in your own worth, you'll always find a way to fail'. I think this fits well with me, if I could intellectually flip a switch and not have a baseline of self aversion I would.
(04-19-2017, 03:06 PM)Jake2015 Wrote: [ -> ] (04-18-2017, 12:56 AM)Darwin Wrote: [ -> ]Man - since coming off LTU the depression and apathy has been steadily mounting. MLS is interesting and sparks the fun of learning but my core issues are still there - low self esteem, weak aura which means that other's energy and influence creep in.
Im still waiting to see results and success from E2, however I hope I can help with this suggestion which is that clearly you need to remove your inner turmoil to allow learning to occur more easily than it currently is.
Thus either get back onto LTU with a break from this MLS sub (which coincidentally has an error or few in it and was to be removed due to not working for many people myself included) or get onto E2 which is supposed to be far superior at removing inner issues.... however the speed won't be quick it will be whatever is needed for you but a thorough clean.
Hope I've helped
Glad I could help.
However, don't go back onto LTU without seeking advice from shannon because I have heard him and others say that from 1 sub you need a break before jumping onto another.
Im glad LTU is working for you, I've yet to feel any effects from any sub, please read my thread and you'll know what I mean and perhaps can offer me some guidance and advice too lol.
Going back to you though, I also know Shannon has always recommended and suggested to all that its best to clear your inner issues usually with EPRHA and then using other subs as that makes all other subs work better since nothing is anchoring you back so I'm glad youre on LTU and it works otherwise id have pushed you to go with E2.
How long will you stay on LTU? will you then move to E2? remembering clearing your inner issues must be first priority.
I really for example want to use so many other subs, but I'm going to just stick to E2 and hope it does a lot for me - again I'm waiting to see.
Can I also ask how do you listen to subs, headphones or speakers and which tracks , and for how long? as this could help me too.
Finally your issues I believe could be resolved if you change your focus and so let me offer some advice on this too.
Get a pen and paper and find 1 memory that is a real memory of you doing something that made you feel superior and good about yourself.
An example could be scoring a net in basketball or a goal in football to making a girl or guy laugh to achieving a high mark in something or helping someone across the road even.
You only need 1 memory to begin with.
Write it down on a piece of paper and look at it and remember the memory and get the experience and feeling you got from it.
Now all you need to do is just keep focusing on that through the day by remembering it and yes that could be by reading the paper itself.
You only need to remember it a couple of times a day for a long number of days for you to automatically remember it often.
If you get bored then find another memory.
if some new thing occurs that then becomes a cool memory then write it down and remember it and fixate on it.
I love myself, sure I hate my weight and appearance at times however I'm not usually fixated on it, if anything internally I'm happy I believe because I have many things that I recall that prove to me that I'm cool.
If anything bad does happen, like someone says something to belittle me, sure sometimes it can linger on your mind just like a punch however what I do do is smile and laugh at the person for being so silly at trying to bring me down and think to myself what can I do to elevate myself from that situation moving forward or if it happens again.
Don't be a spectator, engage with your experiences and environment and focus on how awesome you are because we all are we just focus either on that or on how we always make mistakes.
Finally mistakes and failures really is the only way to grow and its true. I internalised this a few days ago, that you fail you to know your limits then you keep hitting that limit and failing till you smash it and that what success is then you do it again and again and realise that failure really only means that you are 1 step from success....its profound!