- Time management to also include starting on a project (I'm thinking of school here but can be applicable for all further learning and work too) as soon as the teacher gives it to you and completing and checking it before...well before the deadline.
Also to have weekly review of the work
Maybe to have reviews built in as ebbinghaus said.
To also have the universe bring to you and for you to find ways to study smart, read books smartly actively and quickly and to overall boost your learning ability and skills.
I may be repeating myself but ill list what came into my mind today for MLS:
A Time Value component.
I certainly don't have a true value of time. I don't feel I do. If I valued my time I wouldnt waste it being lazy or procrastinating or choosing less productive options than more productive choices.
Move and work/study quicker
I seem to study or work slowly rather than quickly yet at other times I'm doing things at a good speed, so the sub to address this indirect form or speed which may be procrastination again.
Procrastination, study habits, study techniques, motivation, etc
Self Esteem
Without this and a major clearing can we even grow?
We all have had that teacher, friend or other past experiences that hold us back, in this case in regards to MLS therefore we need to forgive those people and experiences and circumstances as well as forgive ourselves and our parents and families.
Mother/Mummy/Mommy loves you
This I've read about and its value in affirmations
Everyday in everyday were getting better and better
Im sure shannon knows about this
Multiple Input/Information coping mechanism.
Sometimes we get stressed and overwhelmed with the amount of learning we need to do, or the amount of information thrown at us by our educators/teachers or we at one time have a lot of DIFFERENT information thrown at us at the same time on different issues, topics etc so we need a way to be able to file these away, organise, learn, understand and etc etc
Not just learning the material but making connections and understanding
Emotional IQ as we as IQ
Just to balance and harmonise this and increase if possible.
Organisational skills
I find girls have always been amazing at being organised and having amazing filing systems
Note taking and note making skills
Again girls are amazing at this and their use of colour etc
Can we include make hand writing neater and more pleasant to the writer because when I make notes I hate re-reading my own writing most of the time.
Calm, relaxed, alpha-theta state
Best state in which to get studying
Remove Perfectionism
i wish I could just study whenever I had time, even if for 5mins without feeling all the time that I had to be ready, composed and in the zone etc
Remove Laziness
This is massive, I may only be in class for 30mins but whenever I get home I get lazy, and I just don't know why
Avoid Social media and distractions
These without us realising are addictive and suck at our time, thus the need for the respect of time and its value
False Confidence
I and a friend have realised that when we study for 20mins and feel we know something then we become cocky, over confident and decide not to study again because we have a fail appraisal of our own beliefs.
Based on the false confidence above, a study was done on children which revealed that the difference between boys and girls in school is that the boys are OVER confident and the girls are under confident. Boys over estimate their ability and potential and thus don't study, girls under estimate and worry they know very little so work harder. This MLS is for all genders so needs to address both or a future sub does.
I dislike myself for being egotistical when I know something someone else doesn't. There have been times I get angry and annoyed at someone who cannot grasp something I clearly do which I assume is easy for all to grasp. I don't want to be this way. I want humility and not ego, I want to help people and be patient and not believe I'm superior but that we are all the same. I don't like this attitude I've had and its not nice for those that need my help either. When I seek help from others they give it, I'm sure I give it yet at times I know atleast in the past I havent given it all.
I know I have written study skills and time management skills but there has to be a way to utilise efficiently the skills we know that can work and use skills that work for us, for example pomodoro technique or the spaced repetition etc
Im going to add to this list by saying the love or enjoyment of reading textbooks, literature and complex or technical material that one needs to progress. I don't mind reading a novel though I havent in years but to read something for the pure intention of understanding and learning I have problems it. Whether its fear or boredom I don't know. I had heard or read somewhere that procrastination is the fear of losing the time to enjoy ones life. The same time you should do something your brain is missing the time you could spend enjoying life. This may be the same reason I have anxiety fear and procrastination towards study and towards reading stuff that I know I should.
(05-31-2017, 02:56 AM)plasmic Wrote: [ -> ]so there's a "write more twisted plots" sub but what about a writing flow sub?
a program that removes your limitations and inspires you to just write write write.
would be very useful.
This was written by Plasmic in another thread here in this suggestions area.
It made me think, that if MLS can either help with this or assignments/projects, or help in allowing the mind to come up with ideas that one needs to study, learn, write, etc that would be great
Self Motivation:
I need MLS to have this in loads and bucket loads because I seem to lack it.
I have posted my latest IYGSH update here for Shannon to read for when he does come to read this thread because he may find some nugget of info that may benefit us all, thanks
(06-01-2017, 03:36 AM)Jake2015 Wrote: [ -> ]Day 3 Update
Nothing to report however I am procrastinating ALOT whenever I wake up.
I do not have the desire to get out of bed and face the world.
I have no uni classes or anything now, all I have is days off until exams so days to study.
I know this means that the tendency to relax and chill and procrastinate is there however I'm hoping that either with this sub or with MLS 5.5G there is some self motivation that will kick in.
Sleeping and laying in bed or sitting up browsing the internet and new articles is terribly inefficient and a useless use of my time but yet I sit there as if I'm challenging my own self, as if I'm saying to myself its bad but look I'm doing it still.
Does that even make sense?
I don't know but anyway thats all to report so far, I'm a big fat lazy blob :/ lol
Also just to add an element of MLS if possible is to connect the conscious with those day dreams and thoughts and visions we flash in our minds that show us as being super studious and productive in regards to learning and class.
For me i wish I was studying hard and using the time to study hard and know my stuff yet its not happening.
I guess study smart rather than study hard is also better which ties in to study skills, and learning strengths so....
As well as learning strengths, it would be good if the sub can make us learn at our best using the means that we learn best such as self testing and then helping us to know how we learn best and to make that happen.
If we don't know how to learn then the sub can help us have the courage to learn and the fortitude to practise until we learn at our best at the best speed possible.
A another addition is to learn not just from practice (instrument) or reading (books, articles, online sites) but to also be able to learn from video (presentations, youtube, khan academy, etc) and so this ties in with enjoying that endeavour and also having the patient to sit there and enjoy it while you do study or listen.
Some studying can be for 25mins however when you sometimes have to watch a presentation or a webinar it isn't always easy to pause, therefore we all may benefit from the sub to get us into that zone quickly when we need to to learn.
And by zone I don't mean ONLY the alpha and early theta state for learning but these states if in the sub would help us to harmonise our 2 cerebral hemispheres ALOT and thus allow us to learn at our best perhaps so if the sub can have binaural or isochronic beats/tones then perhaps it will improve and enhance the sub even more?
Shannon when you read this perhaps you can get in touch with Morry Zelcovitch, as the pioneer and creator of binaural beats etc.
Here is his study method that you may find helpful for adding elements into the sub too... (he explains at the end about LTP and memory so please read)
Im not trying to break any rules by posting this link or giving this information and I'm sorry if I have and it isn't to break any rules so I'm sorry I'm just trying to give shannon the best information that i know of so that it can help him to help make us the most terrific sub or subs possible.
If this isn't allowed I'm sorry please tell me so I can remove these links but leave the post as theres some ideas that I need and would like shannon to read and view for MLS.
thank you
1 more issue that I want MLS to sort out is Perfectionism too.
lol I have issues to be the only one constantly on here but oh well my minds giving me ideas lol
So anyway...
Destroying Fear cos I'm on here really really hoping wishing that MLS will help me otherwise I may lose this degree I'm doing
Success and Luck. I believe both are needed so that we can be lucky but also be successful in our learning/studies etc
I also believe that we need to overcome exam and test anxiety and worry
Also daily momentum and motivation
Overcome laziness and lack of energy after coming back from uni for me (even if I've only been in uni for an hour) and in the evening when back from work (for other members) or back from anything, usually evening is when most can study and yet many avoid it due to 101 reasons: laziness, energy, procrastination etc
The most important thing needed for maximizing learning speed is an eidetic memory. See something once, remember it forever with total recall. Imagine learning a language fluently by spending a few hours flipping through a language book, including how to properly read and write non-Latin scripts like Japanese or Russian. We're only scratching the surface of what an eidetic memory will do for you.
(06-02-2017, 12:47 PM)Zane Wrote: [ -> ]Haven't u mentioned these suggestion before? Or Maybe I am having Deja-Vu..
What you are describing is a very basic suggestion. Also you are treating every issue differently.
Laziness, procrastination, energy are all tied up together.
I mean if u use MLS-5.5G then it would will make u feel interested in the study materials which will make ur laziness go away...which means u will have a lot of energy all of a sudden and you will only direct that energy to learn ur study materials due to which u will gain confidence and you won't fear failure cause u already know the materials and then in test u get good grades and everyone praises u and ur self-esteem increases and due to which it will only motivate u to study more.. And one day u become a Scientist. .. So there u have it.. LAZINESS, PROCRASTINATION, ENERGY ISSUE... all solved just cause u were interested in gaining and learning...
Remember It's "Maximum Learning" Sub not "Maximum Dreaming '.. You can't expect to learn anything if u lack energy, procastinate or keep dreaming . .. It's will deal with all the issues.. Just have faith. You and everyone has waited so long.. Just have patience and wait and when it is released then watch ur potential unleash..
Also I really wished if u would have listen to OF-5G instead of IYGSH-4G.. If fears is bothering you then attack it directly.. Just 3 weeks remain for MLS-5.5G to be released. If u can listen to OF-5G then it will be really beneficial to you.. . Btw we should continue this conversation on ur thread. Lol,
haha I agree please bring it to my thread and we will continue there
(06-02-2017, 01:09 PM)JamesM Wrote: [ -> ]The most important thing needed for maximizing learning speed is an eidetic memory. See something once, remember it forever with total recall. Imagine learning a language fluently by spending a few hours flipping through a language book, including how to properly read and write non-Latin scripts like Japanese or Russian. We're only scratching the surface of what an eidetic memory will do for you.
this would be amazing if it can be done via a sub, but I'm unsure if it can.
If MLS can do this OMG!!!!!
Also in MLS suggestion: removing self sabotage if I havent said this already.
Learning to pronounce words correctly when heard. This will be good when u know in ur mind that how that word sounds like but u can't or ur tongue isn't train or something... You get it. Thus will help in speaking languages with correct accent and pronunciation
Maybe connect the tongue to subconscious mind.. Lol
Realising the hard work necessary to become a success is perhaps the cause for procrastination and the failure of taking action. I realised that this may be 1 of the struggles we have.
I have a vision and a dream of being a top student and know that this requires persistent daily actions that I don't do simply due to life challenges and obstacles.
So if MLS can help overcome the daily chores, errands and sudden time demands life and our own bodies put on us (such as low energy, mood swings, lack of joy etc) then this would be epic.
Seeing the clearing that DMS is having on shannon means we need something this good or stronger in MLS please to get it to clear us as we use it.
I still think a 2 track sub like dmsi would be great and unsure how a 1 track can even challenge the power of the 2 tracks of dmsi
ps: If I havent said already I think we need discipline too. We need this to get the work done.
another addition to the sub is High Achievement. We need to do whatever we do to the best, so if thats studying, or learning, or reading or doing a project or assignment or studying for a test, we need to do that at the highest level to be able to get the best grade/achievement etc.
pps: The desire to grow. I just heard a song with a nice electric guitar strumming in and along and it made me wanna learn this instrument too, so MLS to help us not just to learn boring things to get us the grades or achievement at work but also the desire to grow and learn languages, guitars, etc
I was just watching jamie olives knife skills online and I would love to be able to watch a video and learn it. Ofcourse he doesn't explain every detail, sometimes being there and being able to show a teacher what youre doing so they can correct a mistake is better but if therefore MLS can enable you to have a tutor, a teacher, a mentor, a guide, someone within your subconscious as in YOU being there able to assist or guide or help.
No idea if thats possible otherwise drawing and attracting to you the above so that as you learn something the right people come closer to you.
There are different types of learnings though, we do some because we MUST and some that are hobbies or of interest.
I am at uni, I MUST learn everything no matter how boring, and at the same time as that I want to also learn skills to cook or impress girls, such as knife skills in the kitchen or guitar playing etc.
So if MLS can help with all this above then awesome! hope I made sense.
If the sub is not heavily focused on taking action and concentration nothing else matter.