(03-06-2017, 07:33 AM)mat422 Wrote: [ -> ] (03-06-2017, 04:38 AM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ] (03-04-2017, 12:11 PM)mat422 Wrote: [ -> ]I definitely get what you're saying Rayhon. You sound like even before the subliminals you had an awareness of this. Certain people do, I don't know what it is. But I've always compared it to the equivalent of being plugged into the Matrix. Being fed lies your entire life under the guise of them being the truth. It sucks when you're surrounded by people who keep pushing those types of limited realities on you. That's why it's so important to surround yourself with people who are of equal mindset or greater.
I'm not 100 percent sure but I feel like doing LSD and Magic Mushrooms at a young age (13 years old) and DMT later in life helped me become more self aware and less egotistic.
(especially the Shrooms and lsd)
I used to have a tough guy image and want to fight people at school, then I did magic mushrooms and lsd and became friends with everyone at school and completely different person. I was super happy and not egotistic unlike majority of people my age at the time. It really did open up my mind.
I did allot of lsd and shrooms in grade 9 by myself.
and your absolutely right, it's terrible being associated with these people but some of them are my best friends and people I love. I decided to stop talking to them about certain things because they only bring me down. It's sad seeing other peoples fears being projected onto me and they don't realize what they are doing.
Yeah that'll do it. LSD and Shrooms have tremendous power to change our perception of things.
Yeah it's not about cutting them out of your life. But think of it like a scale. You want there to be more positive uplifting people in your life vs negative. This way your own reality isn't shaken up by all that fear based propaganda. It's hard though because if you're not solidified enough in your beliefs they can get under your skin and cause you to doubt things a lot. It's even harder when they are family, like a parent because we've been conditioned to believe our parents with certainty growing up and still hold onto that into adulthood.
I realized a long time ago my parents make most of there decisions based on fear so I don't trust or value there input. But definitely allot of other people believe in and or are too scared to go against what there parents want or believe.
Some of my closest friend's are like this.
(02-28-2017, 07:16 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Seriously guys?
The CIA has not contacted me, and I hope they never do. But if they wanted the data I'm sure they have plenty of money to look within the government itself for people who have much better funding than I do to find what they're looking for.
Plus, they probably have technology in this direction that makes my work look like a joke. And I'm sure that if they wanted it, they could find a way to get it from my computer without me ever knowing.
They're decades ahead of me in all this, and they have millions if not billions in funding. I have... you guys. And a laptop. And a very curious mind.
I don't think we really have to worry about the alphabet soup secret agencies. I'm not so interesting as all that for the likes of them. And if I was, they surely would have contacted me. Unless they're just siphoning my hard drive remotely. In which case... I don't even know, and they would have access to everything.
I think you guys are overthinking this.
It wouldn't need to be the government. Can you imagine what would happen if advertisers started using ultrasonic tech to 'program' people to buy stuff? I mean that's the point of advertising anyways, programming images and sound-bytes into your subconscious. It's why my kids will never be watching TV.
No need to worry; we are not monitoring this site.
(03-14-2017, 01:05 AM)Zeroxmachina Wrote: [ -> ] (02-28-2017, 07:16 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Seriously guys?
The CIA has not contacted me, and I hope they never do. But if they wanted the data I'm sure they have plenty of money to look within the government itself for people who have much better funding than I do to find what they're looking for.
Plus, they probably have technology in this direction that makes my work look like a joke. And I'm sure that if they wanted it, they could find a way to get it from my computer without me ever knowing.
They're decades ahead of me in all this, and they have millions if not billions in funding. I have... you guys. And a laptop. And a very curious mind.
I don't think we really have to worry about the alphabet soup secret agencies. I'm not so interesting as all that for the likes of them. And if I was, they surely would have contacted me. Unless they're just siphoning my hard drive remotely. In which case... I don't even know, and they would have access to everything.
I think you guys are overthinking this.
It wouldn't need to be the government. Can you imagine what would happen if advertisers started using ultrasonic tech to 'program' people to buy stuff? I mean that's the point of advertising anyways, programming images and sound-bytes into your subconscious. It's why my kids will never be watching TV.
Ultrasonic would not be their approach of choice - too easily detected. They would use masked format. Done right, it is completely undetectable.
And I would not be surprised in the least if the had been using that for decades. But they don't need to, because watching tv, playing video games puts you in an altered state and makes you more suggestible. The end result: hypnotic suggestion.
In other words, they've effectively need doing this since tv was invented.
How do we not know that whatever is happening now in our lives, society is being manipulated using some highly powerful ultrasonic technology. We all want peace however there are certain people who believe that they can only exist and reap gains if chaosis exists. This might seem far fetched however I feel this is the case.
(03-16-2017, 10:46 PM)thor2014 Wrote: [ -> ]How do we not know that whatever is happening now in our lives, society is being manipulated using some highly powerful ultrasonic technology. We all want peace however there are certain people who believe that they can only exist and reap gains if chaosis exists. This might seem far fetched however I feel this is the case.
The media, TV, movies, advertising is more then enough to brainwash the public.