Remembered a key element to applying the learning and just sitting down and doing the work is grit. The ability to endure, and even enjoy the discomfort of learning. Hard work is tough by definition and inspiration alone doesn't overcome this, so something to quiet the voices which tell you to stop when the going gets tough would be good.
I was also thinking if we can find ways to solve a particular problem in a much shorter,simpler and less time consuming way if possible..For example
While you are solving math problem both in real and academic life. I mean in every area of life and in evry subject we try to learn we must subconsciously try to find the most shortest and less time consuming way to solve a particular problem by recalling everything we know to solve a particular problem.
(02-27-2017, 08:20 AM)Darwin Wrote: [ -> ]Remembered a key element to applying the learning and just sitting down and doing the work is grit. The ability to endure, and even enjoy the discomfort of learning. Hard work is tough by definition and inspiration alone doesn't overcome this, so something to quiet the voices which tell you to stop when the going gets tough would be good.
There is no maximum learning without maximum focus..I repeat Maximum/Laser Focus is must in this sub.
(03-02-2017, 02:55 AM)ALI6NMENT Wrote: [ -> ]I just wrote a shitload of ideas, but I pressed a link by accident, lost it all. Bloody phone!
I am sure others will eventually come up with similar ideas, once Shannon starts this baby.
I have faith in Shannon making it the best it can be anyway, so it's all good.
Yeah Shannon will smash it, don't even know if any suggestions are useful. Nevertheless have posted in case.
Zane, don't think anyone disagrees that focus is needed.
(03-02-2017, 02:55 AM)ALI6NMENT Wrote: [ -> ]I just wrote a shitload of ideas, but I pressed a link by accident, lost it all. Bloody phone!
I am sure others will eventually come up with similar ideas, once Shannon starts this baby.
I have faith in Shannon making it the best it can be anyway, so it's all good.
Write again ...I wanna know
I would like a healing module in here too, I think its safe to say I got a dislike and subconscious fear of learning because of school and people telling me i am stupid and lazy, and that i DONT WANT TO LEARN, i have ADD and this is where people's view of me daydreaming confused for lazy.
so as i am wanting to learn more languages somehow i haven't started and i wonder why? is it procrastination? fear? laziness?
Shannon, don't know if you will read this or if it will help at all but I just got done with this book
The art of learning by Josh waitzkin.
It's absolutely remarkable and frames learning in such a powerful way. This is a guy who became a chess grand master, and then an international martial arts champion. In it he describes his process for aquiring mastery.
Another book, the four hour chef by Tim ferris, talks about how Tim did things like winning a world flamenco championship (from no background at all) to investing well. He describes how to go from zero to operating in the top 10/5% of performers in any discipline and actually seems to show that it's not very hard, but that getting to the top 1% like someone like Josh waitzkin actually is very difficult.
One thing practical that both suggest is training so that you use your energy more efficiently for performance (since learning any discipline seems to rest on maximising the use of exertion vs. Rest and recovery cycles.) I think this would be hard to achieve with a learning sub but perhaps at least maximising a persons ability to recover in a short space of time would be useful.
I'm guessing from what you've said already though you're already there with the goals you want to achieve with the sub. But there it is anyway.
I just had some more thoughts and epiphanies so here goes:
If this sub can it would be great for it to help us get past the initial boredoms and fears when we encounter a new learning of some kind. Usually this is accompanied also by a feeling of overwhelm and dread.
We face this because the material before is both VERY new and also dauntingly hard work.
So if this sub can make us love and appreciate this initial stage of our learning upon every time we face new material then it will work far better than ever expected I'm sure.
To thus add to this I believe the sub must also work on active reading, active learning and active recall strategies and methods rather than simple passive ways, or rote learning. This also applies to active methods of practise for all forms of learning whether academic/scholastic or personal such as guitar playing to financial trading for example.
I also would like the sub to all us to get into the alpha zone or theta zone for learning as well as get us primed and focused for the learning we just to do so if the sub can come with instructions that are that every time I want to learn something then I get focused clear and confident to learn that topic. There are many times when we sit to study only to waste that time by not focusing yet BELIEVING falsely that we have studied for hours. That wasnt a productive use of time however the mere fact that time was wasted/spent on a topic gives us the ILLUSION of us working.
Those that achieve I believe focus when they set the time to study, not waste that time with unfocused energy.
I also want the sub to enable us to use spare 10mins here 20mins there to study. Some of my excuses to not studying are usually based on me saying I'm not prepared (perfectionism) to I have no time (10mins is time yet I see it as flowing too fast to learn).
This also follows to the next point which is to make time flow slowly so we can get a lot more done in that time - time is after all relative and its up to us to make every second count so if the subconscious finds and gathers ways to not just learn fast but study and practice and revise and self test fast and efficiently then it would be awesome.
This one of those subs by which a lot observable change should be noticed by the listener and thus one of the major subs many of us are waiting for.
Hope it really works better than any sub so far! - thanks Shannon
I wrote this in my thread then decided to write here to here are the salient points:
(06-19-2017, 08:48 AM)Jake2015 Wrote: [ -> ]That being said, I had some thoughts about the future MLS.
I hope that since it will help with learning in all areas that it automatically will help with things we do that we need to develop without consciously trying to learn such as best way to chop an onion or even when going to the gym, help us tweak our skills with that or for newbies quickly grasp how to train safely with better form and this applies to any new skill we are utilising but not necessarily trying to learn in a structured format.
I also hope that MLS can help with compartmentalisation, that is the ability to turn off when in a structured learning session and do other things without having life get in the way or the learning get in the way of stress.
I may add this to the MLS suggestion thread actually.
And it may have been said before but it would also be great if as well as always learning such as whenever you watch a video or hear something, without actually trying to learn for a test you still absorb it and make use of it so that youre always learning and understanding 24hours a day as such...but to also be able to wake up everything you have ever encountered in your past that is a connection in your mind so that it can be brought up to help you learn or recall. Not sure how to explain this but hope it made sense.
alright, gentlemen, I'll be looking through this list today and extracting what I believe will be doable and useful. There's already a lot going in, so don't expect a lot more, but I'm looking.
Looks like there was more here of value than I thought there would be, lot of it was already part of something else I was doing, but we can flesh it out more.
Shannon Sorry about this but 2 threads were created.
I believe everyone from here then went to this other thread and listed what they wanted for MLS so please do see that thread too...
I will share this to your journal too.
It's encouraging to hear you found this thread to be of value, Shannon.