Essentially I'm just wondering if there is a drop in effectiveness of longer or more complex statements or Affirmations in the script of these subliminals because I would have assumed that simpler statements, such as "I am happy", would be more effective and easily processed than complex statements, such as "I am only happy when I'm riding a big pink elephant through the Plains of Madagascar", but when reading through the forums I've seen suggestions of such longer and more complex statements for scripts.
Yeah I very much agree with an increased specificity and clarity being used to design a script that would accomplish the goals being targeted because it reduces the number of different ways that the conscious mind can Interpret the given script, but since the conscious mind is being bypassed by the subliminal presentation of information there will be fewer mental constructs available to interpret the given information, or so I theorize because I don't know for certain, which is why we see the Subconscious not recognizing different time related tenses, differentiation between real and imaginary, and as I suspect the ignoring of certain linguistical constructs that don't have a physical equivalent, which is why I ask my original question, along with probably a number of concepts as well.