Subliminal Talk

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DAY 1 & 2 - Hybrid on headphone (I listen to them on my phone with PowerAmp )

- I experienced that in-the moment effect. It's the same open focus effect you get when you do a lot of presence awareness or mindfulness exercises.

- I had a sense of euphoria at some point while listening the sub

Yesterday, I listened the sub on my headphone during the afternoon. I finished the run at around 4 pm.

However, later during the day, I became increasingly tired. I couldn't finish all my work. I was so tired. I went to sleep at 9 PM. I fall asleep immediately. I had a string of odd strange dreams.

I woke up this morning at around 5 AM.
I got an email through my business website from woman I don't know. She said , she has been fan of my work and she would be honored to meet me since she find out that we live close to each other.
She continues by explaining what she does and gave me the URL for her website.
On the form on my website , you can only contact me for three things. I force people to choose WHY they want to contact me (Technical issue/service inquiry/Business collab)
She checked 'business collab' so in her message , she ends by 'maybe we could collab if you are inspired by my work'

As I'm typing this message, (I finished my run 1 hour) , I got a message from one of my follower on Instagram. She never contacted me before. She wrote that long message. Its so long I will read when I finish to write this post. Its interesting because I always wanted to get to know her. She seems very creative. I will nickname her MissCosplay.
If you read my AOS 4g journal similar things happened. Very fascinating.

There is also another girl that I found attractive at my gym. I only see her on Friday afternoon (yesterday). When I was at the gym. I was listening to the sub and for the first time 'luck' put us face to face.
She automatically made a smile at me. I didn't except it, I was taken by surprise so I smiled back at her and told her 'hello'. We met when I was about to leave the gym. I look forward to seeing her again next Friday.

I think Shannon , should put a brake on developing DMSI and develop a business optimized-version of this sub. I will give 500 dollars to have a sub to attract my perfect clients.
DAY 3 - morning

I had an amazing dream during the night. One of those dream that is more real than reality.
I was in a club but not your typical club, it was a mix between an art gallery and a church a cross between the cathedral St Peter in Rome and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. It was huge and maybe 4 times bigger than the cathedral St Peter. The scale was simply massive.
Everything inside was pristine and beautiful. The people were all beautiful and elegant.
There was art exhibits, games, foods & drinks....
Everybody loved me in that place. I was devoid of any need for approval, love , control or security. I was feeling so good within my own skin.
I was welcomed in every area of that place In fact, I was treated like a celebrity or like a guest of honor.
I was semi-conscious in that dream. I knew it wasn't real even though it had a quality that made it seems more real than my own real life.
In a sense, I was in the perfect high end version San Junipero.
There was people I haven't seen since childhood .
I can say that I wake up in total amazement this morning. This dream was quite reinvigorating to say the least.
(12-03-2016, 02:34 PM)SurferJoy Wrote: [ -> ]I think Shannon , should put a brake on developing DMSI and develop a business optimized-version of this sub. I will give 500 dollars to have a sub to attract my perfect clients.
Amazing idea! Definitely build that into the next BASE.
It's good to see V3.0.1 is affecting you. Is this the first version that's done anything noticeable for you?
(12-04-2016, 03:23 PM)RTBoss Wrote: [ -> ]It's good to see V3.0.1 is affecting you. Is this the first version that's done anything noticeable for you?

I started to see some results with 2.5 but I was not sure if it was coming from the sub. So I stopped using it.
Now, I'm back with 3.0.1A and I can again observe some effects.


Today, I listened to the sub while at the gym. mm but I got a few seconds of interruption on two occasions because I accidentally pressed the pause button on my headphone cord. I hope it is not too detrimental.

There is a guy at the gym. He is a regular. He is very fit and he trains alone. He is very focused. Today when he entered the gym .He came to shake my hand and tell me 'Hello'.
Just to me, it's very out of character for him. I have never seen interact with anyone else.
There was another guy who asked me if we could alternate the use of one of the machine. Its first time I heard such a request.
Usually, people wait until the machine is free .

Yesterday, I started to take vitamin supplements. The last time, I used vitamin supplements on regular basis was back in 2010 ;-)

Today, I'm oddly interested to take the '3 liters of water a day challenge'
I saw many inspirational videos and read a lot of interesting things about it.

Note: I'm on no-fap since November 7th

I'm wondering where all of this, will lead me in 2 or 3 months.
health is a great thing

Last night, I had a very vivid dream about unrequited love. In it, I'm on holiday in a nice sunny city and I met that perfect girl.
She has a flock of friends and admirers orbiting around her almost all the time. I join the flock to try to get to know her. The day passes but I mostly get to develop friendship with her admirers and friends instead of her.
At the end, it was almost the last day of my holiday. But, I spent so much time trying to get to know her that I forgot to book a flight home.
I'm also getting low on cash and I start to worry.

.... I woke up not feeling too great.

Later in the day, I had many burst of euphoria.

But, I had also many moment when I was feeling the void within.
DAY 11

Today, when I arrived at the gym, I did my warm up on a treadmill near a girl who seems to be new in the gym.

She was very focused on her training, she briefly glanced in my direction just once.

Then I remembered something I read on the GirlsChase website:
Quote:... by projecting your desires onto the women around you, you can supercharge your sex drive and their attraction for you. If you’re already a confident, suave man, and you start projecting sexual interest and arousal, you’ll find that a LOT more girls are attracted to you than were before. A lot. They respond better to you, act more aggressively towards you, and chase you harder.

So I did that, I imagined that I undress her and that I finger her and some more. But, I didn't get any feedback from it .
When I finished my warm-up , I went to another floor of that huge gym to do my training. I trained there for like 40 minutes and I didn't see her there in that area of the gym. To finish my training, I had to go at another section of the gym dedicated to legs & thighs machines. After a few minutes there; she came there.

She saw me from a distance and she went there to train right at front of me at the glute extension machine. I was on the calf extension machine and we were face to face only separated by less than 2 meters of distance.
Our eyes briefly met but then she looked away and put all her attention on her training. I do not know if it means anything but its at least noteworthy.

Also during the day, I feel a sense of joy or euphoria fleeting in the background. Its not strong but its there.

Like Aventus45, I'm also experiencing since yesterday mild anger and resentment toward women.
DAY 21

Lately, I had a string of strange dreams. Last night dreams were particularly interesting.

In one of the dream, there is some kind of disaster. It remind of some of the episodes of Fear The Walking Dead season 1.
Me and a group of people decided to go on a rescue party in some type of building.
I dont know what the building was about. It could be a hospital, a hotel or even a school. Nonetheless, you could feel a lot of terror in the air.
They are various groups of people barricaded in an aisle of the building.
To arrive to safety people have to leave that aisle of the building cross a courtyard to another area of the premise.
We go join the barricaded people to rescue them. We also have to go to the basement to make sure everything is clear.
But in the basement, one of rescue guy switch something on. Its not
electricity :-) But, a self-destruct system, a countdown begins and an alarm siren erupts. We are told that in 2 hours explosives will detonate in the ocean and 6 hours later , a tsunami will arrive and it will wash away everything, all this drama, terror, stories will be all gone.
At that announce the fearful barricaded people start running in panic in the courtyard to safety even though safety will be gone too.

I'm wondering if the fearful barricaded people are a symbol for my unconscious fears
and perhaps the tsunami is a symbol of releasing, letting go of those fears.

In the other dream, I 'm having a platonic relationship with the perfect girl. I m staying at her house as a guest with her family.
Later on, we are walking in the street and she suggests that because we are both single we should start a romantic relationship together.

I'm wondering if those dreams are symbol of let go of fear and willingness to have what I really want.