Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Ultra Success/Luck Magnifier combo in the newest g
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I'm probably not the first person to suggest making a program like this. An Ultra Success/Luck Magnifier combo in 5.5g, or 6g even when its perfected, would be the bomb. And it would probably sell well, too.
I want that too.
I hope it will be available before end of summer. Should not be that hard but brings a lot of cash for Shannon because lots of people are interested in success when they are not on DMSI.
This would be a pretty good combo
I agree
I've already requested this in the past. But its never too late to do another request for it again. Hey Shannon Imma gonna vouch in advance that if you'll build this, I should be in the top 10 of the cue. Please do this one while you rest from the DMSI project.
Yes, that would be great! Smile