Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Maximum Pleasure & Enjoyment
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I'd like a sub that leads you to get maximum enjoyment out of life. Wake up every day like you're on vacation (or holiday for you guys across the ocean), with wide-eyed wonder, and an attitude of exploration. I watch my son, and I'm envious that everything he does is so interesting to him. He's a motivated little sponge, and everything seems to gleam. It's all new and exciting. We lose that as we age, and life can become dull and monotonous if we aren't vigilant and proactive.

This sub would make you view life like a hobbit, perhaps. Increase a "stop and smell the roses," attitude. Take pleasure in everything. Appreciate the little things in life, while seeking to have new, varied, and amazing experiences. Perhaps scripting to increase traveling, and make vacations more of a priority. Motivation scripting for increasing the amount of fun you on a regular basis, as well as manifest like-minded people to explore and have fun with. Scripting to develop a "come-what-may" attitude, and take advantage of creative ways to enjoy nature (camping, fishing, hiking, kayaking), or whatever appeals to each individual. Increase willingness to learn new crafts, talents, hobbies, etc.
It's pond, not ocean, pond.

I like the sound of this. It would be great if it could be short term with long term results. Play 3 loops and feel like you've been on vacation/holiday for a week or two. Relaxed and refreshed, batteries charged, ready to go!!