31 july 2016
day 1 stage 1 duration listening approximately 8 hours
hello everyone I want share my journey with BASE 2.1. actually my academic background is an electrical enggineering. After graduate from my college I want to start my own business. after listening in 8 hours I feel that my enthusiasm with bussiness and product become more powerfull. I decided to start a new online class about finence, looking for new habbits that build my personality in busssiness and start to learning new programming language to build some apps and website. Sometimes I hear a sound in my body that say "you must increase your knowledge in business and entrepreneur"
1 august 2016
day 2 stage 1 duration listening approximately 8 hours
Now I'm trying to improve my habit. I download an apps for tracking my habit, I make some to do list for improve my habit, and do what I have write on my list today
I've lost my time for listening BASE 2.1 on 2 days, so I decided to get some rest using BASE 2.1 on 3 days on 5,6,7 august and come back on 8 august
8 august 2016
I start to listening BASE 2.1 again aproximately 12 hours I've listen BASE 2.1 stage 1, 5 hours on my daily activity and 7 hours when I sleep.
I just to say that I will more serious with this program, and decided to improve my duration for listening BASE 2.1
9 august 2016
my second days in BASE 2.1 approximately 12 hours 5 hours on my daily activity and 7 hours when I sleep.
Something that I want to share is, I become easily feel tired on my activity but my couriosity about entrepreneur is still high. I want to study with many resource in internet but my tired body did not allow it.
10 august 2016
my third days in BASE 2.1 approximately 12 hours 4 hours onmy daily activity and 8 hours when I sleep.
I read an announcement about any startup that requires an electrical enggineering to build an alarm product for motorcycle. I try to apply there because I interested with startup and learn how to build a startup
11 august 2016
my fourth days in BASE 2.1 approximately 12 hours 5 hours on my daily activity and 7 hours when I sleep.
I have now officially joined that startup, my job is doing reaserch abaout how to get data from DLC (data line control) on injection motor cycle. I do not know if this is because BASE 2.1 or not, all that I know is I join because I want to know how to buid startup. I want to be an entrepreneur even it means I have to be an employee at first
12 august 2016
my fifth days in BASE 2.1 approximately 12 hours 5 hours on my daily activity and 7 hours when I sleep.
I feel my head is thick and headache, but I'm still to listen it to become a sucessfull entrepreneur
13 august 2016
my fifth days in BASE 2.1 approximately 12 hours 6 hours on my daily activity and 6 hours when I sleep.
I'm still get the resistace, I feel I do not want to listen to the base. When I listen BASE my head become more thick and my shoulder became heavy
14 august 2016
my sixth days in BASE 2.1 approximately 12 hours 6 hours on my daily activity and 6 hours when I sleep
My resistance become powerfull, my head become heavy and I difficult to concentrate for doing my job. Now I'm trying to control using BASE on my daily activity and split it into 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in daylight. I hope it can be reduce my resistance using BASE 2.1
15 august 2016
my seventh days in BASE 2.1 approximately 12 hours 6 hours on my daily activity and 6 hours when I sleep
I still have the resistance, when I start playing BASE on my handphone and speaker instantly I feel
dizzy. But I'm trying to hold out until 3 hours, it is difficult but I have to do it. Anyway I think to reduce my duration of using BASE 2.1. is it okay if I recude the duration of listening BASE 2.1 when I on progress in stage 1 ?
16 august 2016
my eighth days in BASE 2.1 approximately 12 hours 6 hours on my daily activity and 6 hours when I sleep
Split the listening duration is a good idea, my resistance now is fall off but I still had a headache. I become more extravagant now. I easily to buy something expensive and I spend more money to buy a food.
You can reduce your hours. Base2.1 is loaded with some hard core modules he hehe and if it's your first 5g sub, it can pack a serious punch. After 2 weeks it'll be fine. But if you're facing massive resistance, lower to 10 or 11 hrs. But As long as you get minimum 8 hrs every 24 hrs you'll be fine.
See if the dizziness goes down after you eat some fruits and drink extra water because the brain is literally being shifted into overdrive with these subs =)