(07-24-2016, 01:43 PM)K-Train Wrote: [ -> ] (07-24-2016, 01:27 AM)Ricardo Wrote: [ -> ]Of course the only people that come out with the "women don't make you happy" bs are always the ones who have women in their lives. Try living without your wive's, girlfriends or what have you, for say the next 20 years, then make the same statement.
I think the key here is that your wife, GF, etc. shouldn't be the primary source of your happiness. Before you even meet them you should already be happy with yourself and content. The companionship and attention of women should be a perk; an add-on to what you already have.
Here's a good analogy: Let's say your car engine has the ability to generate its own energy (regardless of how realistic it currently is) BUT adding gasoline allows it to perform at 150% vs 100% (with no gasoline). Obviously having some gasoline is going to really provide a boost however if that engine runs out of gas it still can run and the car can keep going.
Now let's suppose you have a car that relies on gasoline to function. Once it runs out of gas it'll eventually stop dead and shut off until you re-fuel it. A lot of people (myself included) have operated like this in the past in regards to women or currently ARE operating like this with women. Which engine would you rather have? The engine that is self-sufficient but can be boosted with additional help or the engine that relies on gas (women in this case) in order to keep going?
You are correct Ricardo in that humans are social creatures and social interactions do play a role in our health. My point with all this is that women should/can be a "power source" for your well-being as long as they aren't the PRIMARY power source for your happiness and well-being.
Yea, I enjoy this forum so now that I slept on it I mean if people want to pick on me on the internet it's really not a big deal I'll just let them do it without defending myself, I shouldn't let other people make me want to leave a forum I enjoy.
Anyways though, women just make me happy. We all have different things that make us happy and for me it's women. Someone else it may be a million dollars, or a billion dollars. I'd be happy with a mill but if I had to choose a mill and no women ever again or my perfect wife and always be poor, I'd choose the wife cause women make me happier than anything else.
Some people are happy cause of all sorts of different things, for someone else dancing could make them happier than anything, singing, playing an instrument, acting, whatever it is we're all different, and for me women make me happy. Meaningless sex would make me content until i found a girl for a great relationship then I'd be walking on sunshine again and for me that feeling does not exist without women. Women make me happy. Of course I'll be happy without women but I'm saying happy like there's nothing missing from my life like the darkest days are still amazing days because I have that girl.
I could be a billionaire with the body of a male super model, be enlightened, be a self developed guru master king, and if I don't have women I still won't be happy. I don't mean happy like "oh today was fun" I mean happy like, truly happy. I know others can become truly happy without women but I can't, it's not possible.
In my own personal belief a man is not even supposed to be happy without women, it's not natural to be happy and have no women in your life, that's against biology, it has to be, at least it's against mine.
I can only speak for myself, and will only speak for myself and it'd be nice if people wouldn't tell me I can and should be happy without women because for me that's not true at all. All you guys may not need women to be happy but I do need women to be happy. Well, I need women to be content and I need a very serious committed relationship to be happy.
Tell me what makes you happy, and then I'll tell you that you don't need that to be happy and you will think in your head "ummmmmmmmm what????"
You may not need women for your happiness, but I do need women for mine.
A girlfriend won't make all my problems go away but it makes it so there's nothing in the world that even really seems like a problem, that's why they're called your other half, I'm not happy when half of myself is missing. You guys may be happy alone, but it does not at all mean that I am and it does not at all mean I should be focusing on wealth, health, or enlightenment instead to try and find happiness in a different way and try to get what women give me without women, there's no point in that when I can just get women. That's like telling me to try and find happiness in something that doesn't make me happy.
I don't even understand why you guys care so much that women make me happy. I'm happiest when I have a girlfriend or at least a sort of girlfriend. When I have no women, no girlfriend, no sex, no even being around a woman, there's nothing in the world that could make it so I have no women in my life, and am happy UNLESS it was by choice, meaning I KNEW I could easily go get a girlfriend or get get sex but I was BY CHOICE avoiding it for some reason.
I'm not single by choice. I'm not sitting here not having sex by choice. I'm not alone right now instead of hanging out with beautiful women by choice. I like inner game stuff and self development, but no amounts of self development or enlightenment is going to give me the happiness I'M looking for, which is women. It's a happiness that only comes from something real with a woman, and the only thing that can keep me content is dating, hanging out with, and having sex with women until I meet that 1 special woman to be in a serious long term relationship with.
It don't make any sense to sit here telling me I don't need women to be happy.
Yes I do.
Not, it's been a good week happy,
Happy happy, walking on clouds happy, feel like you're made out of a rainbow happy. feel like you're glowing happy.
You guys may get it from something else, I get it from women.
Women make me happy.