07-10-2016, 07:29 PM
07-14-2016, 03:21 AM
(07-10-2016, 10:08 PM)yeah! Wrote: [ -> ]Cool where is the SM one?
The one for SM3 is in the instructions pdf with the program.
Shannon only started doing the "stage by stage" instructions thing when SM3 came out. WM2, preceding both SM3 and AM6, did not have such detail in it's book I believe. All a part of the process, like how BASE 2.1 for example has such a vastly detailed sales page compared to the other multis.
Here's a copypasta I got for you and anyone else interested:
"The Stages Explained
Stage 1
Stage 1 is the preliminary stage, in which there are two primary goals:
1. Normalization and foundation building. This stage is trying to make every man who uses it equal, balanced and solid in terms of self esteem, self respect, self image, sexual confidence, sexual
stamina and sexual performance minimums. This allows the rest of the program a stable, predictable basis from which to begin and continue making changes.
2. Introduction of goal materials and manifestation efforts. While not everything will be available for you to start with in Stage 1, those things that can be introduced towards making you
more capable and comfortable with socializing and attracting beautiful women for sexual purposes are presented. Furthermore, the beginning of the manifestation sequences begins here, although it
is not yet a major focus.
Stage 1 is primarily concerned with preparing you for those things that are critically important for success in meeting and seducing beautiful women, including self confidence, self esteem, self respect, self validation, self control, refusal to be tricked, mistreated sexually, overcoming previous restrictions concerning women
and sex, and the generation of and use of aura manipulation takes place starting here. Kills neediness.
Sex drive begins increasing. Refusal to have sex with underage girls is introduced and present throughout the whole program.
Stage 2
Stage 2 continues, extends and enhances a lot of the self improvement, normalization and foundation building efforts of Stage 1. It also begins introducing new concepts that step up your development as both a skilled flirt and a man skilled at attracting and seducing beautiful women. Manifestation becomes a solid component of the program at this stage. New auric enhancements are added in and woven into previous aura generation and enhancements. Escalation de-sensitization makes it easier to escalate a woman past talking, and into more advanced stages, such as touch. Body language effects and eye seduction introduced here. Focus on causing women to notice, become interested in, and approach you is introduced. Automatic
detection of, and refusal to have sex with, women who are attempting to manipulate you with sex, trick you into getting them pregnant or have STDs is introduced. Sexual stamina and self control work begins.
Kills neediness. Increases sex drive. Introduces “pulling the trigger” resistance removal. Introduces two special new types of manifestation method.
Stage 3
Stage 3 takes the self improvement and foundation building to it’s logical limit and conclusion. Manifestation becomes a multi-threaded effort, and a new form of manifestation is introduced here as well.
Major focus on not just effortless socializing and flirting with beautiful women, but automatically steering conversations toward sex and escalating to sex in other ways. Touch and touch based seduction starts
becoming natural and automatic here. “Pulling the trigger” hesitation is dealt with. Aura is further multi-plexed and enhanced with new changes. Extension of concepts introduced in Stage 2. Major focus
on causing women to notice, become sexually attracted to, and approach you. Kills neediness. Increases sex drive.
Stage 4
Jettisons the “booster rockets” from stages 1, 2 and 3 that were acting to get you to a stable state from which to deal with, attract and seduce beautiful women. Focus now shifts strongly toward enhancing
concepts introduced in Stage 2 and 3, and includes new and more advanced enhancements, ideas and manifestation specifics. Introduces getting women to try to seduce you.
Stage 5
Even more focused than Stage 4. Refreshes Stage 3 concepts that were not dealt with in Stage 4. Now the focus is not on introducing new material, but in solidifying the more advanced stuff introduced in
stages 3 and 4, magnifying and enhancing the changes that have already taken place, and getting women to approach and seduce you. Starts polishing the effects of all previous stages.
Stage 6
Final polish of all effects so far. Focuses on shifting “you approach and seduce them” to “they approach and seduce you”. Final push for manifestation effects. Refreshes some important materials from previous stages. Pulls everything together and turns it into a well balanced, coherent whole.
... (I included this last part as it's important to note when reading through this imo)...
Notes On Stages
Not everything each stage does is described explicitly. This is partly because each stage does so many things that it would be impossible for me to describe it all short of showing you the scripts. Scripts are
not available because they are ridiculously long, and contain trade secrets developed by me over the last 8 years, which I do not care to just give away to everyone else out there who makes subliminals, but hasn’t made the effort to figure these things out for themselves. Therefore, the descriptions given here are rough and do not get terribly specific, but will give you a good idea of what is going on in each stage. Also keep in mind that Version 3.0 is built using a “smooth stage transitioning” method, which means that the
transitions between stages will not necessarily bring obvious shifts in direction or experience from stage to stage. Worry not; they are still taking place behind the scenes, and you should see results faster than
Version 2.0.
In many cases, specifics are left out so that your conscious mind cannot interfere with the process, which will make the program produce better results.
All six stages are heavy with optimizations which will push things as far as possible."