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Full Version: AM 6. Relationship with other man
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Hi guys,
I would like to ask if AM6 helps improve my interaction with other man. Because I think my old self tend to react to guys that are bigger than me, in a fearful way. I usually have a visualization in my head that if I am alpha towards guys that are physically more dominant than me, I get smashed in my head. Is it some kind of fear ?
Yes. AM will cover this. Used to be that way aswell but have turned 180 degrees.
I also used to be weak near big guys im short and I was always intimidated. doing 1 run of AM 5.0 and 1 run of am v6 made me the alpha in the room 99 percent of the room.
(06-26-2016, 08:02 PM)Rayhon Wrote: [ -> ]I also used to be weak near big guys im short and I was always intimidated. doing 1 run of AM 5.0 and 1 run of am v6 made me the alpha in the room 99 percent of the room.

When I listened to Alpha Male 6... even with myself and others at six feet tall; we also have issues of men that are 6'3 and up... so, it will strengthen your image of yourself at a more secure level Smile
I put on allot of muscle in the last year thats another reason I have more confidence. But alpha male is the main reason I know for sure because before I did AM I had social anxiety around women and alpha/macho/big guys.
It's normal to react to bigger guys no matter how tall you are. Why AM is so successful is it builds you as a confident, secure male so you won't fear anyone has physical advantage over you.