04-12-2016, 08:13 PM
Most of the Near Death Experience'r's share about their expereinces on the ' the Other Side",Deep Experienced DEEP LEVEL Meditators and Other high level spiritual expereinces ALL TALK ABOUT having a PROFOUND SINCE OF WELL BEING & SUPERME LOVE...Limitless Love as well as a "Forever-ness" a feeling and sense of Im in "ALWAYS'....FOREVER.
WHAT IM GETING @ is a New level sub in 5.5 G 'er HIGHER, that would be ALL about these two combined-A Sense of Supreme Well Being and Ever Flowing Love 24/7 ,'just on it and in it" all the time...that it becomes a WAY of BE-ING rather than just a 10 minute expereince so to speak. Blessings and Light to Unlimited Possibilities.
"Perfect Love Casts Out Fear"
"Dont worry if certain people dont like you,most people dont like themselves"
wouldnt it be profound to contrubute to a shift on the planet,in how people perceive themselves,like and Love themselves all rolled up into one big ass Love Bomb of Goodness and Goodwill toward the self as well as others with wisdom( NOT becoming a door mat,wide open with no desicrement,ect, having healhty boundaires,ground rules fer living and adjusting accordingly to who/whom yer around. Oh includng HIGH LEVELS of CONFIDENCE) Thanks. Keith.
WHAT IM GETING @ is a New level sub in 5.5 G 'er HIGHER, that would be ALL about these two combined-A Sense of Supreme Well Being and Ever Flowing Love 24/7 ,'just on it and in it" all the time...that it becomes a WAY of BE-ING rather than just a 10 minute expereince so to speak. Blessings and Light to Unlimited Possibilities.
"Perfect Love Casts Out Fear"
"Dont worry if certain people dont like you,most people dont like themselves"
wouldnt it be profound to contrubute to a shift on the planet,in how people perceive themselves,like and Love themselves all rolled up into one big ass Love Bomb of Goodness and Goodwill toward the self as well as others with wisdom( NOT becoming a door mat,wide open with no desicrement,ect, having healhty boundaires,ground rules fer living and adjusting accordingly to who/whom yer around. Oh includng HIGH LEVELS of CONFIDENCE) Thanks. Keith.