Subliminal Talk

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Hi everyone,
During stage 5 and 6 my eyelids open less than before. and i feel more dominant, my voice goes deeper than when i open normally. Is that normal? anyone has the same experience. As the way my eyes open now just messed with how i normally look around, i have to readjust my posture. Thank you
Not yet at that stage but notice my eyes are more heavy and relaxed, like dreamy and not fully open, somewhat inward even at times
Am6 definitely made physical changes in me, but I donto particularly remember that about the eye lids. . It'll likely be different for everyone, as far as what physical changes happen to each person.

I noticed better posture and more firm and "assured" tone of voice in myself.

Ymmv..... and I do believe it's normal what you are experiencing in transitioning into alpha
For some guys, they associate a less-opened eye with more relaxation and therefore more confidence, comfort, mastery and alphaness. It just depends on what you consider the physical traits common to what you consider alpha.
Do u guys feel like its hard to look around. Or it is me not used to this relaxed state of my eye