Go to Udemy.com or Coursera.com (both have kickass online courses), invest a little money and learn new skills that you can market. If you have no disposable cash, Coursera offers financial aid and scholarships. You can fill out a form on many of the courses and get it for free.
I've was a digital marketer for years, but I've grown tired of it. My true passion is writing and storytelling, so I've been learning 3D modeling, programming and game design to expand how I can get my stories out in the world. Invested very little money, learning a lot. All courses purchased on Udemy.
I've sold pretty much everything I own except my computer, car and cell phone. That gave me a really nice nest egg. I sold my iPhone 6 Plus for like $450 on eBay and bought this unlocked BLU Android Phone for $150 (BLU Life One X -- check it out). It's nice. I killed my monthly cell phone service with Sprint, which cost $120/month and now I'm on ATT GoPhone. Get this -- I get better service (on Sprint, you can't talk and use data at the same time, wtf), unlimited minutes and I'm paying $42/month. I do get less data, but I do most of my work on Wifi anyway.
Instead of getting an apartment, I found someone with a back studio for rent. $500.
I've made a couple of infoproducts and I own some eCommerce sites. I also have a couple of copywriting clients on retainer. That brings in about $3.5k/month.
On the weekends, I drive for Uber. In my city, they offer a guaranteed $25/hour for Friday and Saturday nights. I'll drive from 10p - 3a and make like $100 - $150/night.
Planning on joining the AF Reserve or Army National Guard to kill off student loans and provide me with enough income to cover my small amount of monthly bills. Not to mention I have a Master's degree, which pretty much guarantees that I'll go in as an officer.
All in all, my monthly expenses are around $800.
What about entertainment? Well, I spend most of my day working on new infoproducts and finding clients. At night, I train martial arts for a couple of hours. Then I read. I split an Amazon Prime account with my brother so I have access to hundreds of books.
If you have a Bank of America bank account, you can get free passes to museums one weekend a month. Lol, that's where I take women out for dates.
I love my simplistic lifestyle. One day, I'll "reengage" with society, but right now, I'm just gonna relax until I find out what I really want the most.
Hope that helps.