Subliminal Talk

Full Version: World Wide Mind Control Gen-Pop,Radio, TV, Triggers, DID
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Would you guys think there's a possibility for a world wide or at least nation wide, use of AUDIO subliminals in everything that's on TV and radio, or even the tv/radio itself? Could there be inexplicable triggers that may happen to all of us because of the TV & radio, for which we would usually point it to numerous other reasons, and reasonable as well.

I realized during the years, that by avoiding to watch the TV, I somehow started to grow in my own bubble and have my own life, and when I say this, I am talking in direct relationship (comparation actually) with the life of my friends and people I know to be watching TV all day, or every day, for hours and hours. The television, be that audio subliminal or not, I think it makes the casual beaner-couch Joe to be attracted by what he sees, into a lifestyle he could have, and due to the fact we are all not perfect human beings, we may not all achieve our dreams. Even if I don't watch TV as often, I by no means claim I have a perfect life, but I am much more aware of my self being, my thoughts, life etc

In this topic,,, problems starts from a good saying I know, which is if you desire a thing long enough and long enough and truly, and you don't get it in the end~, that may make you insane/mad/severely depressed/victimized. Problem here is that desiring alone without constant manifestation towards that goal, will eventually lead to failure. And people who live in poverty (or at least that's what they learn to think about themselves, and I'm talking about those that can put food on table, have a roof,a TV, but not necessarily enough to buy a BMW),, I think that such people, they watch TV for years and years and they start to crave for a 'better life', and they get addicted to 'craving' by watching TV (and to the TV itself) without doing anything, or just really poor attempts. This can go like a vicious cycle actually, as you it can and will, disrupt their chakras balance (if you study them you will find that there's logic to them) and the more you crave for something, the more you imprison yourself. The correct way may be to visualize about how would you feel if you'll have what you crave for and go from there, rather than a pure and brutal and mindless crave.

And I personally think that every human/person is having a 'natural-safe' multiple personality disorder/DID, but not exactly like DID, but in a much more safer way. As someone was saying, we are split into 3 personalities and we hardly realize it: the higher self - that thinks of long term, great dreams and true happiness as we envision it sometimes, the way we think when we feel motivated and energetic and generally we feel optimistic about that moment and ourselves; the mundane self - that is doing the daily works, clean the house, drive the kids to school, scratching your butt and smell it after for no reason; and the lower self - that thinks about things like revenge, self inflicted ego overdose, wanting to stay on couch all day long and smoking what not, wanting to go partying and 'forgetting' about responsibilities while knowing well when he crosses his/her own limits, living in thoughts of regrets and shame etc etc.. --- like these 3 selfs are continuously cycled in us/by us~ on a daily basis, and sometimes/different people, manage to stay more into one of these selfs. So, assuming I would be close such a reality, what if we are bombarded and influenced to live in the lowerself more? And we push ourselves daily to bring our mundane self, and we hardly can genuinely achieve and maintain a higher self.

I know I know.. but it's the lobby Blush

I do not watch TV anymore as I used to when I was a kid, since nearly a decade now, only when there's important competition football/soccer, some real breakout news, or documentaries. But I can't help to say that especially in the old TV's, there was that kind of sound specific to all of them, be it mute or with the volume on, that kind of sound that keeps the mind in some sort of 'safe' feeling, but maybe it just has to do with the fact that people alone in their houses may simply hear safer hearing other voices or humans in a box.

Not sure what I'm doing here, but hey, it's the lobby #Conspiracies rant
I should probably go to bed now for posting this and never return again Heart