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Well to begin with I like to keep things real and remain as unbiased as possible. That being said I have a great deal to say about this amazing subliminal set.

Prior to alpha male I searched high and low for something that could help me. Self help products were very average and soon I found a predictable pattern to them, promise the world then produce results nowhere near that promise. It's hard to find a product that can give your mind a major update and make you healthy. My biggest problem was that I had no idea why I felt the way I did or how to fix it. Meditation provided some relief, but nothing was everlasting. I was on my last limb when I found this subliminal and I figured I had nothing else to lose. So a small investment of money was worth the major overhaul to my belief system.

The impact this subliminal has made on my general outlook on life is amazing. I have a lot more will power and an inner strength to keep going when things get rough. It's hard to put into words a feeling of inner security and knowing that whatever life throws your way you can handle. I've said it before, but until a man knows what it feels like to be an alpha male all the theory and knowledge in the world cant help him. I used to know enough, but I never felt it and that was the key factor. When you feel it and know it at a deeper subconscious level it becomes effortless.

I feel that I have made a tremendous improvement in my life. Six months is hard to reflect back on, but I know for a fact that I have changed drastically. I'm simply not the same guy I was 6 months ago and it feels good to finally realize that I don't have to struggle. I still have my occasional down days, but I'm able to bounce back from them and stay positive.

I'm always amazed at how smooth interactions are and how charismatic I've become without even trying. Sometimes people are so interested in me and want my attention. I feel high value and I guess others perceive me that way as well. It's weird because I still can't believe how much beliefs affect your external reality that much, it's mind blowing.

Now here comes the part where I discuss some of the things that still bother me a little and still need improvement. Social anxiety can still be severe at times depending on the situation. New situations tend to be the worst and I have that adjustment period before I can really be relaxed. I get it the worst around girls and sometimes it leads to a lot of self bashing and cursing at why I'm this way and why I have trouble controlling it. My biggest problem is moving from a state of anxiety when a girl is interested in me to enjoyment. I feel like most guys actually have fun with girls, but because of the anxiety it's not really as pleasurable as an experience for me and is maybe why I avoid it.

I still feel as if I have A LOT of negative beliefs surrounding the area of women. I have improved tremendously, but I'll be honest and say that my expectations were not met when I imagined how I would be 6 months from starting. But this is most definitely NOT the subliminals fault. The subliminals are merely a well crafted tool and it really is all up to my mind to accept the changes or improve. However I had a feeling that more than one run through would be necessary. After all, I am cleaning out a lifetime of negative beliefs and trying to instill new ones. I suppose this area is very sensitive for me because rejection would still be something I tend to take very hard and destroy myself over. I didn't expect to be a ladies man, have women flock to me, or have sex every day of the week. All I really wanted was comfort and enjoyment during interactions. I can appear very smooth and charismatic on the outside, but on the inside it's like my mind is screaming for me to get out of there because I'm in danger, very primal and fight or flight response related.

I will say that my standards have gone up, women are no longer perceived as angels and put on a pedestal, and I am incredibly indifferent. Seriously, I rarely get excited by women anymore, but I like it this way because it allows me to treat them in a way that is devoid of any neediness and let things unfold. Now don't get me wrong I still enjoy them, but I see them as people not perfect creatures that need to be worshiped.

This subliminal pretty much saved my life. Other guy's testimonials might have more success than mine, but what matters to me is how I feel from this subliminal. I feel amazing, I feel like my own man who lives by his own rules. People don't push me around and I have a level of respect for myself that I had never encountered before. I feel free and powerful. I feel like an alpha male and every day I look at myself I am proud of who I am. There are still some struggles I go through, but I face them with a newfound sense of courage and strength. I still have much to improve on, but it's just another challenge that I will tackle head on.

Awesome Mat and congrats on finishing Alpha. Smile
Awesome testimonial and like you, I will run through Alpha again (and again if necessary).
Nice testimonial...your posts reflect a major change from your pre-AM11 state...congrads