Subliminal Talk

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I am awfully confused about using affirmations with subliminals because I have seen topics where Shannon says it is ok and then one where he says he is against them.. ? I of course want to use both since subliminals are much more effective then simple affirmations...

I am simply using a type B subliminal and want to do cory skyy affirmations and I am going to record myself saying his and then play them for the suggested time. So if the affirmations are just stated in the present and made to where the mind won't takeit the wrong way.. it is ok to use with a subliminal?


Conscious affirmations are not subconscious. They must first go through the critical filter. When you say affirmations consciously they must go through interpretation and there's many many defense mechanisms it would have to pass through to have those messages affect you literally as they are written. The important part is how you envision them.

Having said that though, there are certain parts of the day, specific times and activity that bring about different brain states that are similar to or even identical to hypnotic states. If you do affirmations during those times (i.e. right before bed) there is a chance they can be taken literally in which case it would be bad. Shannon just wants you to get the maximum, best, and safest results from the subliminals. It's also a liability issue because affirmations in general can be troublesome and often have opposite reaction to what's intended as well as often potentially inducing stress and the all to well known in-your-head-too-much syndrome that seems common sometimes on this forum Wink Generally we just don't recommend them. We want what's best for you, so if you want to be on the safe side, I'd recommend Shannon's most recent advice.
once again thanks a ton my man.

Now I do not mean at all to say that you are wrong. All I am saying is after looking around some more about recorded affirmations and they really do work, you are right abot that they might induce stress and the rest of what you said but it is no different then resistance with subliminals. The only difference it seems is that they just require more listening to, so eventually it is just background noise.