Subliminal Talk

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7 Days in Alpha 5 stage. Things have become a lot lighter. Its a lot easier and smoother for me to do casual conversations everywhere I go. Looking back to about a month ago, this kind of stuff was much of a labor for me. Am feeling rather more horny these days. I just simply love women. :-) am gaining back the 3D glasses that Don Juan de Marco used to talk about regarding how a woman's clothing gently hugs her body... simply Sexy.(but not in the old needy way). I now frequently gaze into other people's eyes. I have become more accepting of other people's shortcomings and stupid mistakes. My presence and sexual aura now fills the entire room. My fellow workmates have become orbiters in my solar system. I love stage 5!
Haha I love the second to last sentance! Sounds like you're having great success, Reiji.
I have somehow hit a plateau these days wherein I don't know if I'm progressing or am I regressing. It has been like this for about a week now. I somewhat have a feeling that this is the part where social dominance gets toned down(?). Because previously I used to be dominant in every interaction consciously and unconsciously. I know there's a certain change within me somewhere but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Well what the heck. Anyway I was able to skip a day for alpha 5 because work has gotten along the way. Hoping for the best and the upcoming end result of the alpha set.
It could be some resistance. I had many moments where I fell back a few steps and then came out of it a few days later better than ever. Wink
Yes, same Reiji, I also felt weeks during the later stages where I felt like it wasn't working and I wasn't making any progress, it'll go away.

I now feel what Shannon was trying to say when he mentioned about stage 5. Feels like half of me has suddenly nose-dived and the other half of me tells me its okay. Its kinda like I have one foot in hell and one foot on earth barely reaching heaven. I can really feel Alpha 5 really working on out my subconscious mind. I have somewhat light sleeps lately, its like 3/5 of my brain is awake. I think the subliminal is trying to purge something that has long been deeply rooted. Like a stubborn old stump.

Anyway, Alpha is due in a few days from now. Very much looking forward to Alpha 6.
It has been a while since my last post. I believe its been four months since I finished Alpha Set. And basically now is the only time that I felt motivated to write. After finishing Alpha Set, I felt there was still a need for me to improve since I wasn't satisfied with the end result of the set. Somehow along the journey I resisted some of the concepts that were being rammed into my brain or maybe its something else. After Alpha, i used AoS simply because I wanted to be more charismatic(as some of the journals that I have read conveyed) at the same time exude a powerful sexual aura. And yes it had helped me achieve a state of balance. Somehow after using alpha I felt a little bit "off". After three months of usage, I switched back to Alpha 6. Its is by this time I felt that whole idea of being Alpha has definitely materialized. Things like dominance, nonchalance and confidence in my masculine core now feels solidly tangible. I do believe that doing Alpha again would be of much benefit for me and for everyone else out there. :-)
I concur. Smile It can be a lot to try to change in just six months. Wink
Yeah. Me changing somehow shocked most of the people that knew me. My brother even told me that after 7 months of not seeing each other, he finally saw me as a man and not a boy anymore. lol. Prior to Alpha I thought I had Alpha qualities already and I used to harbor a HUGE ego. But now, I basically don't care about being the "alpha" because right now I really don't give a poop. I love this nonchalant, non-attached attitude. It really frees you to do what you want to do, be what you want to be and not have all those crazy poop runnin inside your head like headless chickens. All those rubbish all gone. Man you ain't the "Crazy Subliminal Scientist" for nothin! haha Your the MAN Shan!

Btw, I have a question for you Shannon. will it be advisable for me to run Alpha again after six months of not using it? I somehow feel the itch to start back again. Maybe its something that you mixed into the Alpha soup. I wonder... hehehe... And oh I would want to ask also with regards to the money subs, could you kindly differentiate even more on think like a millionaire and BASE? tried to compare the scripts and it somehow mirrored each other to some degree. what's found in think like a millionaire that isn't found in BASE and vice versa? And are there any reviews regarding these products?
My name doesn't do nicknames well, so in spite of understanding the sentiment behind it, and the rhyming, please don't call me "Shan". It's bad enough that I have a name so few people understand as masculine in the first place. Rolleyes

As to your questions... you are free to re-run Alpha any time you like. It is best to do it with no more than a six month pause between runs until it becomes your natural base.

TLAM and BASE are very different. TLAM is aimed more at becoming a millionaire, and BASE is aimed at becoming a successful entrepreneur, with millionaire as a result. They're not the same thing, they'r complementary. They are both Type B/D hybrids, but in this one instance... they are so closely aligned in terms of what they are trying to manifest that you can use them together without a problem. This is the ONLY case where two Type D programs can be used together this way.

It'd say if you're going to use them, do 8 hours of one, and then 8 hours of the other, followed by 8 hours of rest. But you can't use alpha and these together. Type clash.
haha.. Got it man. And I also got your explanation. Can't be more specific than that. Thanks! Guess I'll have to run alpha again.Shy
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