I don't handle disappointment well. At all. At the least, I get irritated. At the worst go into a blind rage, and things end up broken.
Do any existing subliminals have programming to manage or disconnect from disappointment or "injustice," and if not, can we get something with programming to manage and cope with disappointment?
Develop A Zen Attitude seems to me like the golden way.
I just read the script, and I don't want half of that in my head. Especially transparency of thought, and I tell others what I'm thinking. I'd lose most people in my life if I did that, lol.
Well, you don't have to use the exact words that were going through your head and I don't know how much control you will have over it. Develop A Zen Attitude is part of Alpha Male, so most of us have parts of it implemented.
But one thing I don't understand: Why do you want people in your life that you don't want to know your thoughts or opinion? It doesn't say you have to tell right away. But if you lose people that you already don't like, it's ok I think.
But to give you another option: Maybe LTU or Positive Thinking and Positive Attitude?
Maybe. I'm going to do Anger Management here, shortly, as I picked it up during the sale.
As for my thoughts, I have dark thoughts that I only control through spiritual practice. I feel very very deeply. When crossed, it's not good. My mother-in-law for instance. I borderline hate her. I used to love her, then she royally f*cked over my wife - it affected my whole family as a result. Looong story. Anyway, she's never apologized to me, and likely feels she never did anything wrong. She's made "amends" with my wife, and while my wife has forgiven her, I can't help but feel annoyed by literally everything about her. The way she talks, laughs, eats, and treats my sister-in-law differently than my wife - it all irks me. If I told her what I think of her, she'd cry for days. I can be that mean...I work on forgiving her all the time, but I get nowhere. She crossed some kind of line my subconscious won't let go of.
My wife lined up a birthday trip for me, and invited her. Now, I don't even want to go. She didn't ask me if that was ok, and she knows I don't care for her mother. It hurts my wife that I don't like her, and that I can't forgive her, but I just feel like I can't help it. Anyway, if I felt the compulsion to tell her how I feel about everything...IDK, maybe it'd help if I could say how I felt in a kind way - but I don't think it'd come out too kind. I feel like I just need to get over it internally, on my own.
And that's only one example...
Ok, I understand you. It's not an easy position you are in and I certainly cannot know how hard it must be for you.
I think in that case it would help to use EHPRA (original) or if you wait, Shannon will soon (well, undefined "soon") be done with building EHPRA 2.0. It could help you forgive others.
What helped me for these kind of feelings were the books Transurfing and The Power of Now. I cannot say if they might help you, cause I am not you. Transurfing helped me see things in a different light and The Power of Now helped me to not identify myself with my emotions. That helped me to create a distance to bad emotions and look at them in a different light.
Also welcome the feeling that may be bad at the moment and try to understand what it tries to teach you. What it tries to communicate to you. If you understood what that feeling is trying to tell you, it's possible that it will be quiet and gone or just less intense.
Hope there is something in that post that might be of help to you.
I've read them both. I'm just now getting back to focusing on being present with wherever I am and what I'm doing, appreciating my own life - where I'm at, and the people and things in it. Both are great reads.
I will definitely purchase and run EPRHA 2.0 - it's not coming out fast enough! :-)
Thanks for your kind and helpful words.
Run EPHRA in the meantime while your waiting for 2.0