Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Stereo system: Axess 2.1 mini home entertainment system
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Well I have the Axess 2.1 mini it was advertised before I bought it that it had 20 khz capability HOWEVER.....when using ultrasonic tones on it, at max volume, it outputs a static sound......have I been gipped with someone slapping a sticker claiming it does get to 20khz?

I've also been gipped with money paying $80 for it when now it is only around $40 to $ thinks its time to invest in a better quality stereo....opinions please, thank you. Below is an image of the system.....might explain why I am not getting to my goal sooner than I want....

And just so I am venting, I might as well also say that this device doesnt even have a display on the front like more professional stereo systems do; so the remote is obselete and useless.....

[Image: k2-_49593918-730b-470c-8e79-1dc26193cfa1.v3.jpg]