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Day 33, an off day

Had a bad sleep, woke up sweating and realized I only listened to the sub 6 hours. Didn't do my morning routines as usual but I still felt sexy, on a subtle level throughout the day.

Ohh an another thing is, AoS is making me pretty horny ;-p

- LM
That's one good thing about AOS: arousal! If you think you're horny now, try SM2011. Once it gets going, watch out! Smile
Hah, I guess. In the beginning I thought that it was some kind of neediness but, I realized it doesn't matter if I'm are gonna be with the girl or not. It's just how it is.

I think I'm gonna be a very sexual creature, if I'm gonna do SM2011, after I peeked in your journal ;-)

But, gonna start AM2011 first, if I'm doing SM 2011, as recommended.

- LM
Right. Do Alpha 1st and get that foundation built. When I get through with SM, I'm running AM 2011. Smile
You didn't do AM2011 before you did SM? If thats so, I'm curious how's that working out for ya?

Day 38,

Yesterday night, I went clubbing by myself in this city and I felt not well because the place was SO crowded that you couldn't stand your space, without being pushed and I'm not that tall, so my presence is just gone. I hate when it's that crowded.

The only place you could own your own space was at the bar in the middle of the club. I talked with a guy, telling me that I was standing at his space, where his smoke was and he offered me some.

I didn't socialize that night much but I was trying to have fun by myself.

At a point I look over to the other side of the bar and I lock eyes with a cute brunette, I smile slyly and she gives a big smile back. It lasted about 4-5 seconds before I broke it.
Later a girl touched my back and I turned a little and she asked for a cigarette, knowing that I had smoked but I knew I didn't have many left as I found them somewhere in the club, so I said no. So she asked the guy besides me.

BUT I realized it first after, that it was that girl, which I have had eye-contact with Dodgy

I was doubting myself but I didn't want to doubt myself. I felt like I had a small battle inside me, which was affecting my energy.

Changes I see right now;

* I catch women much more looking at me

* Women are trying to qualify themselves to me more

* I walk and stand more confidently and more sexy (I'm doing this consciously)

* Sometimes, I often have to remind myself of being in the moment, when I'm in doubt but the change has somehow made me more aware of it

- LM


What's the point of doing the subs if you don't act when women show interest?
@ LM: I did alpha male 2010 before SM.
(07-11-2011, 08:07 AM)Mr.Mike Wrote: [ -> ]What's the point of doing the subs if you don't act when women show interest?
LM pretty much stated in a previous post on why he didn't take proper action: doubting and limiting beliefs, which the subliminal(s) will address in due time.

Exactly Ron.

Well.. this thread is finished!

Going to AM2011

- LM
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