Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Be in Tune with yer personal frequency-home frequency as well
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I read a Book 3 months ago entitled "Frequency" and I Love reading it.
its all about how to be tuned into yer personal data system,yer personal frequency, and being tuned into your 'Home" frequency,where ever you go. I love the idea and the vibes I get when I tune in thru prayer,MY intention and focus. worth considering. I realize that this is a generic statement in a way 'cuz there are soooo many many be-ing with so many many different frequencies,vibrations... perhaps a variation on a theme?
Putting it out here,putting it on the table....see what happens.
I read that book too and liked it alot, the only way I could see a subliminal like this is if someone had a clear concept and physiological experience of what a home frequency was and then there sub-conscious could be 'trained' by the subliminal to bring them back to the state of that frequency
Agreed! thank you R A. very good observation and feedback,thank you. I admit it'd be tough one to 'get a hold of" even if one wanted to create their own custom made Sub' here,I honestly wouldnt know where to begin...IM a right brainer,and as a heavily right brain dominant person,I can feel it,sense it,know but to reiterate it into the left brain ,LINEAR logic,it'd be tuff. right brain or nor its a "hard' on to pin down but hey its do-able some how,just gotta figure out the combination there of. thanx again. ncbeareatingman.