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For Now it's

Luck Magnet 5G
Ultra Success 5G
ESE/Self Acceptance 5G

Rennisance Man and all other 6 Stagers should wait after 6G is finished being built.
Definitely getting a better idea of what some in the community want now. Though I have to admit was surprised to see that the want for a writer's subliminal was in real demand. Partly because I've rarely seen anyone talk about it. Also surprised that AYP girlfriend is in first place.
+1 for Woman Magnet upgrade
1)Manifest Unlimited Wealth & Success 5g & 6g
2)AYPG 5g & 6g
3) Manifest 100k US Dollars (got that from one of the wish lists) 5g & 6g
4) BIATBWS 5g & 6g
Update: I'm going to combine a lot of the AYPs into one group since I just realized besides the variations of AYP girlfriend there's also just a one word difference between that and Wife/Wives/Soulmate.
Muwas, US and AOS+Biatbws sound great.
Looks like you put into this poll whatever you consider best for you.Two people mentioned about Pimp 6 stager and you didn't acknowledge.

And by the way, It would be way better if Shannon makes such thread and makes a poll, not a post thread (poll with voting). Looks like you have some free time to spend on here, though.

Plus, it is way better for Shannon in terms of productivity to focus on building ONE thing at a time.Having tens of titles waiting for him to upgrade or working on 3 programs at a time produces stress and diverts focus, slowing down the building process.
Survivor- You know you could have gone at that a completely different way. You could have kindly pointed out that I missed one and I would have thanked you for pointing that out. Instead you instantly accuse me of being bias and tilting the poll towards what I want. Then you take a shot at me because I have time to actually spend here on the forums to update it. I also don't get where you get the idea that Shannon wouldn't be working on these one at a time. If your talking about the AYPs the reason, as I stated, I lumped them together was because there is a one word difference hence they would be easy to build in rapid succession. Also, Shannon had mentioned, I believe, in the discussion journal how he would like something like a poll as a kinda of reference. Either way, I didn't get anything out of your post besides a bunch of negativity and 2 attacks on me. Suggestions and actual 'logical" constructive criticism is welcome in this thread, negativity and personal attacks are not. You can kindly remove yourself from my thread now.
a lot of us want wives and girlfriends apparently Tongue
I would say girlfriends more than anything else. I think at last count before I lumped the AYPs together the girlfriend AYPs had 9 votes, Wife/Wives AYPs had 3 votes, and the Soulmate AYP had 2 votes.
(12-07-2015, 08:38 AM)DarthXedonias Wrote: [ -> ]Update: I'm going to combine a lot of the AYPs into one group since I just realized besides the variations of AYP girlfriend there's also just a one word difference between that and Wife/Wives/Soulmate.

I don't know if it is that easy. Because Shannon could easy replace some words in the sexual subs, like "Nymphomaniac" to "Big Breasted", but he couldn't replace the word "Sexual" to "Romantic", because of the advanced scripting technology he is using. He said the script would need major changes here. However, he is the only one who knows if it is easy in this case or not.
1) Renaissance Man set
2) Bodybuilding 6-stage (I'm surprised nobody mentions it)
3) Writer's sub would probably be nice for some guys, although BASE seems to cover it indirectly (if you care about being successful at it)
Mr.Anderson (says in Mr.smith voice, lol): I just assumed that they would be interchangeable because ,lets say they are upgraded to 5G, It would be:

"Manifest Your Perfect Girlfriend"
"Manifest Your Perfect Wife/Wives"

Also, I looked at the script for both girlfriend and Wife and they both have the sexual and romantic bases covered. The only thing that seems to be different is the words girlfriend and wife. I do realize now though that that the soulmate sub might not work because it uses the word "Ideal" instead of perfect. I might wait until Shannon weighs in on that one though.
Ah. +1 for Soulmate.
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