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Full Version: Resistance; there is no such thing.
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How about this for an idea:

When you're listening to a program, there's no such thing as resistance. Only ups and downs that a person endures during their growth through life.

Yeah, you might have a shit day and have a headache from internalizing the sub, but how would you ever know the amazing feeling of being free and the person you want?

The difficult times is what will take you to the results.

It's kindof like working out. Some people might think running is a shock to their system and torture. However, if you're consistent it gets better. Subliminals is like this, but much more effective because it's directed towards the mind.

This is why using it according to instructions is so important as well.
Actually, the only negative thing that I experience via my subs ride is a mental exhaustion. This sometimes makes me less confident and less sociable but it`s only temporary. That`s all.
That's true. And apparently it's going to get worse with 6G
I don't think it's a bad thing. The mental exhaustion, it's just a matter of balance the listening time. There would probably be more resistance if it would be too easy to handle.
There is resistance, OF is a very good example for this. For the most part resistance on OF manifested to me as waves of intense fear, anger and hatred, which at some point subsided for a while and gave a rather good fearless and calm feeling. But I can say for myself that the resistance is there, although it doesn't have to be such a bad thing. It only means you are working on something and will come out stronger after it passes, so resistance doesn't need to be taken that seriously, it's just a stepping stone.

In short, resistance usually shows as the opposite of what the program is trying to do. It's like when you tell yourself you are happy although you know that you are sad, this will only make you realize how not true that statement is and might even make you angry and more sad.
Right. That mindset is a great example of how my idea should be conveyed towards subliminals, so you're right.

Some people might give up on the process because of the negative feeling. Especially users that aren't experienced enough to have this info.

There's no way you can't get what you want when sticking to the process. It just takes time until the goal is achieved.

The ideology is the good comes after the bad. So no need to worry guys Smile