Subliminal Talk

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I've been on Base 2.1 for 10 days & it happens to contain money magnet in 5g format and luck magnet in 5g format. I have 33 friends on my new Facebook and someone who I rarely see happened to desire some Old Nintendo 64 games. 30 minutes later i have 60 dollars for games I haven't touched in many years. 33 friends is a very low amount so the percentage of that happening is slim.

Coincidence or not this is the first time money has randomly came into my pocket in a long time. I figure it was worth noting. Perhaps the money magnet & luck magnet is already taking effect.
also one more thing to note, After the first 7 days of Base I quit smoking marijuana & watching porn. I haven't stopped smoking weed in 6 years. I believe the Base subliminal is a big reason as to why I haven't relapsed on the porn or weed like I usually do when I try to quit. This is the longest I've went without smoking weed in a long time. And I have no craving at all like I usually do.
That's awesome Rayhon. Had random money coming my way when I was using BASE too!
Will you post an updated full wm2 testimonial ? looking forward