So I created this thread to let us compile suggestions I what to Put in alpha male 7.
Personally I think AM7 should be labeled type E programming for long term one programming because that's what would yeild the greatest results. Since I didn't do AN6 I can't complain about the product but put your complaints below.
AM7. LOL. It would be insane.
My suggestions:
1. Intuition at its best like WM
2. Unshakable self confidence
3. Approach machine (NOT approach anxiety, AA is underrated.)
(I wanna become the insane approach machine.)
4. Fill the life with new and wildly driving purpose.
5. New and instant motivation to learn new things.
6. Leadership at its best
7. Run the room Ability like Social Circle Mastery
8. High Status Enhancement
9. Find the happiness in approaching as neediness kills the drive to even approach.
10. Know what to say in every situation like an alpha male
11. NO bs attitude from even men
12. No shit test failure from even men
13. Make friends easily like (Friend Seduction, not literally, but friend creation mastery)
14. Complete control over emotions
15. Complete control over State of mind
16. Complete euphoria almost all day long to do new things
17. Curiosity enhancement in everything we do
18. Find good thing in everything We do
19. Personality typing of men and women and Act in a way that makes them feel we know each other for very long time (Also Personality typing includes knowing exactly what to say and do for the specific personality type)
20. Awareness at its peak training to know when to banter, when to connect, etc.
I will post another suggestions if I find something new.
Extreme kill of all, any and every bit of neediness
Extreme assertiveness training
Discover one's purpose and do so passionately for oneself
Extreme mental and corporal super relaxation, super calmness and super peacefulness
Enhanced benign selfishness ( do it for you and only you)
Extreme psychic abilities
Extreme Limitlessness
Positive thoughts, positive feelings
Eprha 2.0
Extreme OGSF( more fear destruction, more guilt destruction, more shame destruction)
Stress relief
Socializing is a fun game
Extreme presentness in the now-moment
Extreme positive self liking, self loving, self valuing
Self enjoying, self caring,self appreciation
Extreme neatness, cleanliness, organization
Extremely unbreakable willfulness
Extreme Sincerity and contentment
Extremely masculine & extremely dominant
Extremely self disciplined& self mastery & self controlled
- Social Circle Enhancement
- Ability to build rapport easily
- Courage enhancement
- Enhanced ability to achieve
- Enhanced positivity
- Likability
- Stress Relief
- Release of tension with others
- Enhancing desire to socialize
- Loving socializing
- Testosterone Enhancement
- Strong-man mentality
- Thinking big programming
- Playful in viewing everything
- Discipline Enhancement
- Everything is possible programming (Limitless)
- Learning set (MLS etc) for helping to achieve individual goals
- Nothing to lose programming
- Love adapting to new situations
- Love encountering new people & circumstances
AM7 is still far away. First do few runs of AM6. When 6G will be tested enough to use as a new technology AM7 will be automatically prioritised.
I don't see why it is not viable to suggest for AM7. Suggestions may not transfer to immediate producing. They can serve as references and place for discussion.
I haven't ran AM6 yet, but from what I've read, adding EPRHA 2.0 and pure OF to AM6 in all stages would make difference.
From there, a general feeling of euphoria associated with self would be nice as well. And maybe have the script for AoS be a bit re-enforced since some people don't notice it.
(11-25-2013, 05:40 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]It's possible... I don't know how soon, though. AM6 has definitely plugged up my flow. Thank goodness I am free to refuse to ever, ever update or upgrade the damned thing again.
I also have a LOT of stuff in queue to work on, and language subs are already in 4G, so they won't take high priority. I can create a single stage 5G for learning any language faster and more easily, and add new specific languages at another time, but once I get past AM6 I still have dozens of programs to build, some of them six stagers in 5G (like Alpha Female 2.0, and things like the 7+ stage pregnancy set for women).
Either it will be rebuild or not, I do not like (at all) the suggestions for AM7.
First, why we still think that a one six-stager could contain so many things at once? There is a limit to what Shannon could include and there are realities' rules that can't be bend.
Second, AM's suggestion are mostly repetitive (sucks) and geared toward becoming a magnet or going away from the initial basis of AM itself.
Third, why does AM suggestions are dominated with more and more
extraversion programming? Alpha is Alpha, regardless of introvert or extrovert, regardless of having many friends or not. Alpha is Alpha.
Rather, AM approach should be (and forever always be, for) internality. Being internally powerful and rational. An Alpha is rational, wise, self-aware, and doing-things-that-should-be-done and above all else having
AM is all about defragment who you are, mold it, and rebuilt your inner core from the tiniest bit of your existence; being. Tis' don't have any relation with outside world (might be, but not dominated with).
Just simply upgrade the current script and add enhancement for self-mastery, rationality, awareness and zen state. That's it!
AM6 is (THAT) awesome regardless
PS: Throw away the thought "Oh, if I run better version of AM I only need to run it once" or such thought. The work still exist guys, even in your mind. Rome doesn't built overnight, regardless of how advance the technologies are (at that time).
Yes, maybe we should start suggestions to "what to cut out of AM" to get to the main points of an alpha. But that is years away and there is one AM6 program to buy and use. So I can use it, find out how I react to it and IF Shannon decides to update the program, I might already be an alpha and or the suggestions I would have made a long time ago are dealt with in different reruns of AM.
I cannot see the benefits of this thread.
If your goals are met with am6 then cool if not then here's this thread. I have done am5(1-7)am6(1-6)sm3(1-6) & now am6(1-7).
If people have other goals then becoming Alpha then why not running other subs which meet the goal(s)? AM should be about becoming Alpha and not about becoming a social butterfly, approaching machine, pussy magnet, entrepreneur,...etc. Shannon already included some stuff that makes it easier to socialize, there is some content regarding attracting women, GSF, etc. Putting more stuff inside would just distract you from the core stuff.