05-02-2011, 07:30 AM
Quote:After I finish AM, I wanted to listen to two subliminals at once, they are "Seek The Challenge" and "Everything Is Possible." How would I go about listening to those two at the same time? I know that I am supposed to listen to a subliminal for a minimum of 32 days. How many hours would you suggest for listening to those two subliminals? Since I work at 6am almost every day, with a few days off here and there, it would be hard to listen to two subliminals say eight hours a day. Would something like 2-4 hours for each subliminal? Thanks
The best way to listen to two subliminals at once is to use a player that can play from a playlist. Have it play one subliminal for 8 hours at night, and one for 8 hours during the day. You'll have to take it with you, and you'll want to use speakers if possible.
The reason I instruct 8 hours for each subliminal is that 8 hours gives you enough exposure to maximize the impact and speed of results, and gives your mind/brain time to rest, assimilate, integrate and act on the programming. By using two programs at once, you are in effect puling your mind in two different directions. Therefore, it is even more important to use them for the right amount of time.
In your case, you will want to use one subliminal for 8 hours at night, and one for 8 hours during the day. Use each one for 8 hours straight.
If you for whatever reason cannot use the program for the instructed amount of time, expect to see it take longer to get results, or see lessened impact from your program. Never use them for less than 4 hours a day. More is better, up to 8 hours. Using them for 4 hours a day each, you'd want to use them for 64 days to get the same amount of exposure.
Keep in mind, some subliminals (such as the Alpha Male Subliminal Training Set) should not be used for more than the instructed number of days per stage. They will say so in their instructions if that is the case.