Shannon I am experimenting with different equipement speakers, headphones, players and masked and ultrasonic
In every configuration I feel different. On some I feel angry, on some i feel calm and peaceful having a hard time to get angry, on some I feel indifferent and on some nothing.
My question is how do I know which configuration works for me or works best. How am I supposed to be feeling when the sub is on input.
And shouldnt it feel the same on all equipement when they are the same suggestion and files?
I am really confused and dont know which to use.
You created them so I think you know best how someone is supposed to feel when the sub is playing.
PS: All speakers headphones, player meet the requieremnts.
all of my equipement is stereo so thats not the point
Its a question for shanon but if you think you can answer it then do so, i doubt it since you are a less experienced sub user than me but why is it that masked played on different players and different headpohnes have different effects, atleast in resistence and mood, why is it that different, speakers different eq settings produce different effects with the same sub on ultrasonic, and how do i know on which the sub is working best
(09-22-2015, 07:02 AM)Dzemoo Wrote: [ -> ]Its a question for shanon but if you think you can answer it then do so, i doubt it since you are a less experienced sub user than me but why is it that masked played on different players and different headpohnes have different effects, atleast in resistence and mood, why is it that different, speakers different eq settings produce different effects with the same sub on ultrasonic, and how do i know on which the sub is working best
Well you don't know that do you? And to be fair he treid to answer the questions you asked, so some thanks wouldn't go amiss to a newcomer on the forum.
I think understand what you are talking about, there are some reports that people are getting great results from the masked tracks, then when they use the ultrasonics they get find they are getting bad effects of anger / rage and depression.
Can you explain the configurations which make you angry and the ones which make you calm or have the best affect?
Of course i can i have read his journal
I will write them down when I am at home.
Yes its cool that he wants to answer but i asked shannon, as this is obviously no easy question
I for example get depression from masked too, so cant say this for sure that everyone gets better results with masked. I also dont believe that masked is more effective. Also i dont want to make this a masked vs us thread the question was, how am i supposed to feel when having the sub input, or how do i know that the sub works as intended
I know that shannons subs work, they even work being played backwards (tested it) but i want to know how you get the optimal results, because i am sure shannons subs are not designed to cause resistence, fear or anxiety, i have a theory that everyone who gets, little or no or bad results with his subs is doing something wrong in atleast configuration
I'm just finding this thread as I'm about to leave and go get some sleep, as my eyes are crossing. Can't see what I'm doing, and that only happens when I have pushed myself beyond my limits of mental endurance. So I'll try to answer this when I have had some sleep.