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(12-11-2015, 11:37 PM)apollolux Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-11-2015, 09:41 PM)Womanizer Wrote: [ -> ]Sometimes sex can ruin friendships that's why women put some guys in the friend zone.

No, women put guys in the friend zone because they want them to keep doing stuff for them/giving them stuff and attention but aren't willing to have a sexual relationship in return even though "modern men" are still being trained/"taught" that sex is a reward that can be earned. There's no friendship ruined because there never was a friendship to begin with, it was a relationship of convenience where only the woman benefits.

He said, sometimes.

Any way, you`re right. That`s why I`ve finished "relationship" with a girl which told me that we can be friends. She did it exactly for this reason (mentioned by you) and thanks WM I had easily sensed that. Sorry, but I don`t want to be "a reservist". Tongue Another funny thing is, that some girls tell you that they have a boyfriend becasue they think that you`ll start to try harder to get them. LOL C`mon, they know what they`re doing when they build attraction and in "right moment" they reveal this "frightening true". Tongue I say "No!" for this kind of manipulation. Smile
Yesterday, two times some jerks get frustrated because I strongly looked into their eyes. But their were not so confident to offend me or fight with me. Also two 9`s were only able to look at me from the corner of their eyes because they were too timid to look straight into my eyes. Damn! My gaze must be very powerful. Smile
Today, through all day, I was experencing something quite similar to what I was experiencing during 1st stage of my AM6`s ride. On 1st stage of AM6`s ride I fought with women a lot but I was the one who was starting this and now, women "attack" me in some kind of playful/bantering way to check my boundaries, to test me if I`m for real a confident and valuable man. Also cute girl (8 maybe 9), that I met today, right away had started to test me in playful way. I passed all from this tests from women by not letting down my poise and confidence. Also, some ugly fat, chick tried to "bethisize me" by trying to command me when we were playing volleyball, but I said "no" verbally and via my body language what made her very mad on me. I think that my self-confidence and carelessness provoked her. Tongue

Any way, this girl (8 maybe 9) was gazing at me a couple of seconds with very hight interest in her eyes, she looked at me like at god or sth, like a little girl at delicious candy. Smile Her smile was awesome! I sensed that she has a natural and strong character and she`s naturally attracted to me because she sensed that I have a similar character. Smile Besides, I`ve got the greatest weapon in The Universe - Woman magnet 2.0! Big Grin
(12-14-2015, 10:21 AM)Voytek Wrote: [ -> ]Any way, this girl (8 maybe 9) was gazing at me

Bro, you really need to get away from all these underaged chicks Confused
(12-14-2015, 08:12 PM)Vincent_Vega Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-14-2015, 10:21 AM)Voytek Wrote: [ -> ]Any way, this girl (8 maybe 9) was gazing at me

Bro, you really need to get away from all these underaged chicks Confused

LOL, I think he means like an 8 or 9, out of 10. He's speaking English as a second language. He's doing a better and better job of it too, I think the sub's English script is probably helping with that, cool side effect. I don't think he's pulling a Michael Jackson, don't worry.

But he REALLY needs to stop manifesting aliens. That crap is weird, VoyTek haha.

(12-14-2015, 08:12 PM)Vincent_Vega Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-14-2015, 10:21 AM)Voytek Wrote: [ -> ]Any way, this girl (8 maybe 9) was gazing at me

Bro, you really need to get away from all these underaged chicks Confused

She is about 20 years old and her beauty is at 8 or 9 per 10. Smile So, don`t worry, mate! Big Grin
Haha I know guys, just trolling Wink
My body language has improved a bit and my self confidence is much higher. Also, not beautiful women, that I`m not obviously ineterested in, are mean for me. Fortunately, only some of them. But, from another hand, beautiful women often gaze at me from a long distance that`s why I wrote that my body language is better. Besides, I feel more natural and more comfortable into my own skin. I didn`t know that I can but... I feel it.
(12-14-2015, 08:12 PM)Vincent_Vega Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-14-2015, 10:21 AM)Voytek Wrote: [ -> ]Any way, this girl (8 maybe 9) was gazing at me

Bro, you really need to get away from all these underaged chicks Confused

This made me laugh. lol Big Grin
Last days I`ve noticed that almost all attractive girls, that I softly approach (without any agenda), try to help me to seduce them. Cool! Big Grin Also, I`ve got a lot of gazes from casual hot women when I walk a street or a mall. Smile Only thing I need is to motivate myslef to "take an action".
I`m in a half way and I put here a little summarization. Thanks to WM2 I attract at least 5 hot girls (8+) per day but the main problem is that I`m not eager to f@* them. I think it`s because I`m a virgin and I don`t know what sex exactly is. My friend told me many years ago that if you try pussy you can`t stop yourself from seeking and f@*ing them. May be I should pay to a hooker and do her to know what sex is. Becasue, for now, it seems to me that sex is a big deal but it`s not. Brodsky recommend to do this if you`re not familiar with woman`s body and sex. WM2 is really awesome, if sex isn`t a big deal for you and if you truly want to f@*. Frankly, women have started to help me to seduce them but I`m too indifferent and not so eager to do with them. And no, I don`t have any approach anxiety and I`m not rationalizing my behaviour. I must set this goal clearly and act to execute it and I think that experiences with a hooker can give me clarification and motivate me to give all those girls what they deserved... pleasure! Smile
(12-20-2015, 10:15 AM)FrostedFake Wrote: [ -> ]Instead of a hooker you could have sex with an average girl. Easy peasy, and you don't have to pay lots of money. Or just try to seduce one of the hotter girls. They might even be turned on and want to take your virginity. Trust me sex isn't a big deal, you'll figure it out. You don't have to be a god for your first time. The woman will probably find it interesting how you're so hot yet a virgin. She'll probably feel special too since you're giving your virginity to HER. Reframe your virginity into something awesome. In fact, you really shouldn't have to, its pretty awesome.

Hmm... How can I motivate myself to start my sex journey? I know that it sounds weird but I know that I `need to` take a first step and do with a girl to put things forward.

My reply for some user message:
Quote:Actually, I don`t get numbers from women because I`m not eager at all to date. Also I don`t have my own place to do with them. I wish I have my own place, and if I do, I`m interestend only in one night stands, I don`t want to be into relationship. So for now, I think the best solution is to get laid with a hooker to motivate myself to do something towards sex with all those beautiful women (first of all, move out from my parents house and rent a room in a big city). And no, if woman takes a step forward, I only tease her and don`t push things forward. It`s only a play for me without an agenda towards sex.

There`s an old saying `ignoti nulla cupido`. I think that`s the root of my problem that`s why I consider to get laid with a hooker.

I avoid to take a crucial step, which is show women that I`m really interested and want to "do" with them. I`ve never conisdered any girl, which whom I conversated with, as a sex object. I don`t know why. I like to watch porn and you know what but I have nevrer actually wanted to f@*.
Interesting, a lot of the same issues I came up against.

I advise NOT going to a hooker. Paying $500 for an attraction program and then going to a hooker is terrible and will set you back by having your first time go that way. You don't want to setup a thing in your mind where you feel below a woman that you need to pay for her to have sex with you. That's lame and NOT what a magnet would do.

Just enjoy the program, and don't put pressure on yourself to make something happen. If you don't "get laid" by the end, do what I'm doing and work on OF 5G. Shannon has said to me that if a guy doesn't get sex during a magnet and has used the program at a proper volume and is working correctly with speakers and headphones, and used it for the right minimum amount of time and for the right days, that it generally boils down to fear. Especially in the case of virgins. So, in the case things don't work out this run, do OF 5G like I will be soon.

Don't try to force things. You're changing at a very fast rate in a short amount of time. You may start to get that "duality" thing I and others have experienced. Just let it happen and be chill, and realise you're on the track to where you want to be. Don't try to force it.
Yeah, you`re right, CatMan. There`s no pressure onto me and, yes, I made a great progress during this 9 months of using AM6 and WM2. I think, I need to focuse more onto relations with women and, finally, try to seduce one of them for real not just only for fun without `end result`. I have to be confident about what I want from women... And we all know, what we really want from them. Smile
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