Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Which 3G Titles Should Be Upgraded First?
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BASE and combine it with Luck magnifier!


Grow Taller of course, Shannon, you said, the type C is better in 4G, so grow taller is a must. I need it much too and i believe it will works like charm. Big Grin
develop irresistible charisma


one musical instrument-related sub
Extreme Self Esteem, Reading Motivation & Enjoyment, Study Aid: Mathematics, Balance Your Brain Hemispheres
Enhance your intuition
Maximum Learning Speed
Lightning Reflexes
Maximize Your Memory
Laserlike Focus & Concentration

or better you make a poll
Socializing Is Just A Fun Game 4G

Enhance your Intution.
What I would like to see upgraded from 3G > 4G or 5G ASAP:

Lightning Reflexes
Extreme Bodybuilding
Become Irresistibly Attractive to Beautiful Women Sexually


Edit (3 Feb 2014):

Thanks for upgrading BIATBW Sexually!!!

Looking forward to Lightning Reflexes and Extreme Bodybuilding in 4G.
develop irresistible charisma
Socializing Is Just A Fun Game
Extreme Self Esteem
Love and appreciate yourself
end self sabotage

either upgrade or make them available for a short sale Smile
The Student/studies one and the MLS one

However if they can ALL be combined into a super 5G or super 6G version even better

I believe this should also apply to all the 3G subs too
Intuition. Memory.

Even if it's added into something or seperate
hand eye coordination was awesome for sports
Extreme Body Building
Maximum Productivity
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