08-16-2015, 11:55 AM
differences 4g vs 5g
i used shanons 4g and 5g subs and noticed how they work in different ways
4 has a much smaller script and amount of information passed in the same time (9.2 times less than 5g)
that means the set of instructions is smaller but also the qunatity of repetitions is lower, that means less informations are passed in the same time
we all know the more something is repeated to the mind the more it gets accepted by the mind, so the script of 4g subs is repeated less often in the same time
but the script is also smaller, so i think it comes to the same end result, its like learning a poem reading it more often will help learning it faster but
for a shorter poem you need to read it less often than a big one
the reason why 5 g is not 10 times more effectiv in terms of results is that is has ten time more information but also a larger script, more repetitions but more
stuff to learn, 5 g penetrates the mind more than 4g but it doesnt mean that it will affect your behavior in the same way because we all are limited by our energy and
thats means a smaller script will drain less energy and will require less effort to act on it because it has less goals or descriptions how to get to this goals
a bigger script contains more information and is more specific (metascript for example not only defining the goal but also how to get to it)
thats why some poeple notice changes on 4g even if they dont consciously change their behavior
5 is more effectiv as a programm technically but will require a higher amount of energy ambtion and effort to get the desired results, because even if the mind is effected more e
effectivly than with 4g that doesnt mean that our actions are too because we are still the ones who have to act according to the script and do the work
while 5g will effect your mind more than 4g it might distract you more from your day to day work and make it harder to concentrate on things, 4g will distract you less but
might not push some poeple hard enough to change, 5g on the other hand might push some poeple who got results from 4g too hard, so that they can end trying to hard
5g is noticed more by users because it will effect your dreams more, and you will notice a change in emotion and will notice your brain working, but it might drain your energy
more and make you too lethargic and tired to act on it, thats why some poeple who ran huge amounts of time on am6 think they get the benefits just because they become indifferent
or emotional more stable, but dont change anything obvious in their life like new style in clothes, going to other places or doing things they usally dont do, give you internal changes
is only one part of the subs the other is external changes, this shows then in the magnest who are build primarly for external results, these same poeple fail there and blame the subs for it,
internal results are nice and good but if you dont change your life with it, its not much better than a drug which can make you feel better too
it also seems that 5g is noticed more conciously, while this might be good for some resistend poeple or poeple that doesnt notice much with 4g because that stiumaltion is not strong enough for them,
it might backfire with some other poeple because their conscious awareness makes them unconfortable with the changes and progress
also what i noticed even 5g is more allround it sometimes is an overload sometimes its more than its needed, and you know too much of something is always bad, for example am6 has a stronger impact
on the mindt and forces more concentrated alpha behavior, but it sometimes is more than needed, and gets the opposite acting alpha is attractive to women but too alpha might scare them away and let you come over
like a dangerous unpredictable guy
i know i know some guys here will now scream why i use women as a example, i know women are not everything but they are a good mirror to your overall success in life, not always like some user here shows us but often...
also what i am concerned is the fact that the definiton of alpha goes more and more in the wrong direction, the term alpha comes from the animal world, alpha is by defintion the leader of the pack and the one that gets the females...
but nowadays many guys try to change the definition to better suit them because they are not like this but like the idea to think about themselves in this way, alpha is no virtues leader, or a good careing person and stuff like that,
he can of course be and that is noble but this doesnt make him alpha or not, there are many alphas in prison for example...
also what i noticed, that the forum is going in a wrong unhealthy direction "just let the sub do the work" is a sentence i read to often, the sub cant do anything you have to do it, it can only give you a boost, an inspiration or idea...
another think is why do you think shanons recommended the books in the instruction, its because your subconcious mind needs to have an idea what alpha is, otherwise you wont fully get the resulst because everyone thinks alpha is somethin different
some guys might think alpha is to be an asshole and some might think alpha is to be a good careing family dad you see? the subconcious can only work with the informations that are availabe to it, shanons also mentioned that the sub wont educate you
you have to do it, but here every book that is recommend gets thrown in the pua corner and not being necessary, like shanons said here are guys that are playing videogames the whole day while listening to the sub in the background and
think "i let the sub do the work" lol
that are my thoughts on it what i believe is right, there are for sure a lot of other opinions on that and noone has the complete truth and we cant know anything for sure, but guys if you dont get results with your run then stfu and stopp
acting like experts and giving everyone else advices on subs....
i used shanons 4g and 5g subs and noticed how they work in different ways
4 has a much smaller script and amount of information passed in the same time (9.2 times less than 5g)
that means the set of instructions is smaller but also the qunatity of repetitions is lower, that means less informations are passed in the same time
we all know the more something is repeated to the mind the more it gets accepted by the mind, so the script of 4g subs is repeated less often in the same time
but the script is also smaller, so i think it comes to the same end result, its like learning a poem reading it more often will help learning it faster but
for a shorter poem you need to read it less often than a big one
the reason why 5 g is not 10 times more effectiv in terms of results is that is has ten time more information but also a larger script, more repetitions but more
stuff to learn, 5 g penetrates the mind more than 4g but it doesnt mean that it will affect your behavior in the same way because we all are limited by our energy and
thats means a smaller script will drain less energy and will require less effort to act on it because it has less goals or descriptions how to get to this goals
a bigger script contains more information and is more specific (metascript for example not only defining the goal but also how to get to it)
thats why some poeple notice changes on 4g even if they dont consciously change their behavior
5 is more effectiv as a programm technically but will require a higher amount of energy ambtion and effort to get the desired results, because even if the mind is effected more e
effectivly than with 4g that doesnt mean that our actions are too because we are still the ones who have to act according to the script and do the work
while 5g will effect your mind more than 4g it might distract you more from your day to day work and make it harder to concentrate on things, 4g will distract you less but
might not push some poeple hard enough to change, 5g on the other hand might push some poeple who got results from 4g too hard, so that they can end trying to hard
5g is noticed more by users because it will effect your dreams more, and you will notice a change in emotion and will notice your brain working, but it might drain your energy
more and make you too lethargic and tired to act on it, thats why some poeple who ran huge amounts of time on am6 think they get the benefits just because they become indifferent
or emotional more stable, but dont change anything obvious in their life like new style in clothes, going to other places or doing things they usally dont do, give you internal changes
is only one part of the subs the other is external changes, this shows then in the magnest who are build primarly for external results, these same poeple fail there and blame the subs for it,
internal results are nice and good but if you dont change your life with it, its not much better than a drug which can make you feel better too
it also seems that 5g is noticed more conciously, while this might be good for some resistend poeple or poeple that doesnt notice much with 4g because that stiumaltion is not strong enough for them,
it might backfire with some other poeple because their conscious awareness makes them unconfortable with the changes and progress
also what i noticed even 5g is more allround it sometimes is an overload sometimes its more than its needed, and you know too much of something is always bad, for example am6 has a stronger impact
on the mindt and forces more concentrated alpha behavior, but it sometimes is more than needed, and gets the opposite acting alpha is attractive to women but too alpha might scare them away and let you come over
like a dangerous unpredictable guy
i know i know some guys here will now scream why i use women as a example, i know women are not everything but they are a good mirror to your overall success in life, not always like some user here shows us but often...
also what i am concerned is the fact that the definiton of alpha goes more and more in the wrong direction, the term alpha comes from the animal world, alpha is by defintion the leader of the pack and the one that gets the females...
but nowadays many guys try to change the definition to better suit them because they are not like this but like the idea to think about themselves in this way, alpha is no virtues leader, or a good careing person and stuff like that,
he can of course be and that is noble but this doesnt make him alpha or not, there are many alphas in prison for example...
also what i noticed, that the forum is going in a wrong unhealthy direction "just let the sub do the work" is a sentence i read to often, the sub cant do anything you have to do it, it can only give you a boost, an inspiration or idea...
another think is why do you think shanons recommended the books in the instruction, its because your subconcious mind needs to have an idea what alpha is, otherwise you wont fully get the resulst because everyone thinks alpha is somethin different
some guys might think alpha is to be an asshole and some might think alpha is to be a good careing family dad you see? the subconcious can only work with the informations that are availabe to it, shanons also mentioned that the sub wont educate you
you have to do it, but here every book that is recommend gets thrown in the pua corner and not being necessary, like shanons said here are guys that are playing videogames the whole day while listening to the sub in the background and
think "i let the sub do the work" lol
that are my thoughts on it what i believe is right, there are for sure a lot of other opinions on that and noone has the complete truth and we cant know anything for sure, but guys if you dont get results with your run then stfu and stopp
acting like experts and giving everyone else advices on subs....