I decided not to make a journal for OF so this is more like a half way feedback to let people know whether they want to use OF or not. I have been running this sub with a 20h/day average, with an accidental 30 hours on one day that gave me a headache and exhausted me completely.
To start off, this has been one of the toughest subs I've run with a lot of resistance from the beginning. Now I feel like I have reached a good point about 3-4 days ago, I sleep much better and my general stress/anxiety levels are down from 8.5/10 (used to be every day) to a low 3/10 which can go a point up in a stressful situation and a point down in a calm surrounding.
My stress when starting actually went up and I had to spend approximately 5 weeks being scared of everything, which was probably OF bringing a lot of fear on the surface. I was extremely tense all over the body and my sleep was HORRIBLE even with 12h in bed a day. I woke up every 30 minutes each night and kept turning in my bed consistently which would sometimes keep me up for 3-4 hours in the bed. That led to a lot of brain-fog during the day and general unease. I won't go into specifics about what happened since the experience will vary depending on the user.
Somewhere 4-5 weeks in I had a small break from all the fears which gave me a good day or 2. Then everything returned and fears got surfaced again. A little tip for anyone running this sub: You will want to change subs and will convince yourself that it's a good choice since "it's not working" or doesn't seem to be. But stick with it, that is just the emotional part that blinds you from your goal. Strong emotions will arise with this sub, if you give in to them, you will lose the battle against your old self that you want to put behind. That is the worst battle you could ever lose.
I have had a lot of self improvement with this sub, I had no idea fear was affecting THAT much of my behaviour. Things that don't even look like they are related to fear on the surface level. I am more self aware as a result of dealing with things that this sub brought up, this is huge for me especially since I have had a lot of trouble analysing myself accurately, this part however is still in the starting phase and there is a lot to improve.
Another big thing that has manifested it's self is that I don't crave alcohol as much as I used to, I see less and less uses for it. I suppose the main reasons why I drink are anxiety,stress, depression and boredom. Now I'd rather feel focused instead of blurry while drunk.
That's actually how I quit smoking a few years ago, I just didn't see the point in it so the craving disappeared. And now I'm not a recovering smoker, but just someone who doesn't smoke. I don't count days because I don't have to.
OF helps a lot with realizing that.
Today I am feeling pretty good, and have felt pretty good for the past 3 days. There will be more things that will surface, however I am kind of used to it by now and the resistance doesn't shut me down completely.
In conclusion: Pick up this sub if you can handle the resistance which can vary depending on the person and how much fears are controlling you. I have been extremely shy most of my life (except with a drink in my hand, then I go loco) so there has been a lot of fear to work out and there's plenty more I believe.
In my view, the resistance is good because it gives you a conscious view of the things that change when you take a look back.
The rewards from sticking through the tough times are 10 fold with this sub. This sub is not for "trying", when you start, don't stop until you have reached a stable high state and ease. I don't think I have ever slept as good as I did for the past few days.
I'm giving this sub 7/10.
9/10 for what it can achieve and 3/10 for how easy it is to run it.
I would say this sub is for an averagely experienced user who knows what resistance is and doesn't give up because it is there. Beginners should either understand what comes with this sub or do something else.
I won't be updating this thread, except if I see some tremendous breakthroughs, I feel like it's time for another feedback or when I have finished it. Peace and good luck to those who decide to run it.
EDIT: I actually only need around 8 hours of sleep now and I feel completely new with none of the tired edginess. That will not be the case in the beginning though.
Thanks for the update on of.
I found when I first started these subs ,it will bring up anything not congruent with the incoming program again and again.until it is dealt with.it was quite an issue with me as I kept having stuff come up.i am glad I pushed through the resistance,as I came out the other end a better person.
I am currently running wm2 which has of in it.as a 5g.
Thank you, that's a very good and valuable update! I have 1 month to go before I decide whether to run OF or not. In a way that hard resistance & transparency into what's happening is what draws me to it, knowing that it'll be temporary. Another reason is that its very focused, while at the same time very universal (affects almost everything).
2 things I hope you could clarify:
1) You said: "Things that don't even look like they are related to fear on the surface level. ... I had no idea fear was affecting THAT much of my behaviour." - Could you give some examples? Logically I guess everything comes down to a fear of something, but I find it difficult to evaluate how much its affecting me currently, i.e. what do I have to gain vs. other programs.
2) When you've had those fears/resistances brought up to the surface, how have you dealt with them? I'm assuming relaxation, maybe meditation and such, or have you done something more creative?
And finally, 2 tips come to mind that you probably already know: 1) geodude recommended recording monthly videos diaries of yourself (for yourself), and 2) Sarge posted
THIS LINK is his journal, and the smile meditation has been helping me feel more content overall. I'd assume it could work for that resistance too, in some form. Massage too maybe.
(08-04-2015, 10:29 AM)koshas Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the update on of.
I found when I first started these subs ,it will bring up anything not congruent with the incoming program again and again.until it is dealt with.it was quite an issue with me as I kept having stuff come up.i am glad I pushed through the resistance,as I came out the other end a better person.
I am currently running wm2 which has of in it.as a 5g.
That seems to be the case indeed, however the resistance is different if I compare it to what I got while running ASC. That was just filled with anger at some point, but nothing I would say that is related to confidence, that just kept growing. Maybe the fact I have suppressed anger a lot and then had confidence to let it surface. The resistance from OF was way stronger, not only did I have a ton of emotions that I didn't understand come up, but also the paranoid feeling.
For example I had this strong fear at one point that someone is in my house (in the middle of the night) which got my adrenaline so high that I got out of bed, then walked through the house to make sure nobody was there, that happened 4 times in a row and had me completely awake for 3 hours or so.
Also I didn't know WM had OF in it, pretty cool.
(08-04-2015, 11:12 AM)LionKing Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you, that's a very good and valuable update! I have 1 month to go before I decide whether to run OF or not. In a way that hard resistance & transparency into what's happening is what draws me to it, knowing that it'll be temporary. Another reason is that its very focused, while at the same time very universal (affects almost everything).
2 things I hope you could clarify:
1) You said: "Things that don't even look like they are related to fear on the surface level. ... I had no idea fear was affecting THAT much of my behaviour." - Could you give some examples? Logically I guess everything comes down to a fear of something, but I find it difficult to evaluate how much its affecting me currently, i.e. what do I have to gain vs. other programs.
2) When you've had those fears/resistances brought up to the surface, how have you dealt with them? I'm assuming relaxation, maybe meditation and such, or have you done something more creative?
And finally, 2 tips come to mind that you probably already know: 1) geodude recommended recording monthly videos diaries of yourself (for yourself), and 2) Sarge posted THIS LINK is his journal, and the smile meditation has been helping me feel more content overall. I'd assume it could work for that resistance too, in some form. Massage too maybe.
One of the things I have noticed change is my sexual preference which was more toward fucked up and weird shit I've seen in the past, but now is more towards the natural and more passionate. I have no idea how that is related to fear.
Then there's the ability to reflect accurately over an event or situation where I didn't act in a fair matter toward myself and when a similar situation happens again, react differently without making myself feel bad. This might be a little bit related to fear.
These have been on a big scale, but there's other minor changes too.
When the fears surface, I do things related to relaxation like meditation, sitting in the garden for 10 min and the like or anything else that I could find to get myself distracted from spiralling too much into the fear. I also write when things get too bad, I have a small notebook for that. It seems to give a little distance from the emotions, good thing is that I haven't needed it recently.
I believe the main thing to do is distract yourself enough that your emotions calm down and then deal with them if you want to or let OF do it's magic until you reach a new peak. Drawing, sports, TV, anything works really. And of course, relaxation techniques.
Yeah OF continues to wreck my sleep to this day, and I still deal with resistance daily. But when I missed a day due to being drunk and passing out, I felt absolutely unstoppable and amazing. Once I started running it again, the resistance came back. I've got like 6 weeks until I reach the 6 month mark and I can finally change subs. I still maintain that this has been the best sub for me by far.
I've had to resort to tapping to deal with the resistance and it's synergizing amazingly well.
This sub isn't for the faint of heart, but it will change your life dramatically.
(08-04-2015, 06:28 PM)Geodude Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah OF continues to wreck my sleep to this day, and I still deal with resistance daily. But when I missed a day due to being drunk and passing out, I felt absolutely unstoppable and amazing. Once I started running it again, the resistance came back. I've got like 6 weeks until I reach the 6 month mark and I can finally change subs. I still maintain that this has been the best sub for me by far.
I've had to resort to tapping to deal with the resistance and it's synergizing amazingly well.
This sub isn't for the faint of heart, but it will change your life dramatically.
I actually had sleeping problems way before starting OF. What I can say is that OF has helped me reflect and move towards the right direction, takes a bit of time and conscious effort but I think I have found out the root of what causes stress for me while I sleep.
In short when I was 5 or 6 I was sleeping and was left behind from going to the beach, I remember being very upset about that. So there's the fear of missing out while sleeping. I also noticed that I feel guilty of being tired during the day which makes me try and force myself to sleep, that is only counter productive and very frustrating. Just understanding the reasons for the stress almost releases it completely.
Personally I don't do tapping, I believe it's a distraction and we are meant to release on our own without any special techniques. Also I feel like it splits my focus thinking too much backwards and being "stuck" clearing the past. I share a similar belief about using subliminals, they can become and addiction once you start believing that you need to run a subliminal for each problem you have in life. That might partly be a reason why people keep swapping subs before getting the full effect of them.
(08-05-2015, 04:21 AM)Natious Wrote: [ -> ]Personally I don't do tapping, I believe it's a distraction and we are meant to release on our own without any special techniques. Also I feel like it splits my focus thinking too much backwards and being "stuck" clearing the past. I share a similar belief about using subliminals, they can become and addiction once you start believing that you need to run a subliminal for each problem you have in life. That might partly be a reason why people keep swapping subs before getting the full effect of them.
I think using PSTEC would be amazing when fears surface...
That being said, doing
ANYTHING to change
EASIER is what we're doing here, isn't it? Saying, "we're meant to release on our own without any special techniques," doesn't make sense. You're using subliminals. I know you touch on not using subliminals as a crutch, and I get that - but you're programming yourself with tools to help you so you won't need them (or need them less) in the future. Like it or not, life will always have problems and our ability to deal with the past will always have a direct affect upon its quality.
The very fact that you are wary of using subs or anything else is, to me, your mind resisting change in a sneaky, nefarious way. Your mind has accepted beliefs to protect you - and it will try to keep you from destroying its defenses in silent ways that you wouldn't notice until the programming (or at least its effect) is gone.
I think people are really just worried that
release techniques reduce the efficacy of the subliminals. The thing is, all tapping or PSTEC or Sedona does is release resistance, and at different rates of effectiveness. Whether you release resistance through meditation, relaxation, forgiveness,
whatever it helps, some more than others. I don't know why, but I get the feeling people rate whether a sub works by how uncomfortable they feel. If you get rid of resistance faster, no matter how, it will allow the programming to take hold faster and more powerfully.
But, ya don't have to take my word for it! :::d de-dun-dun!::
Quote:I have been running this sub with a 20h/day average, with an accidental 30 hours on one day that gave me a headache and exhausted me completely.
Wow, 30 hours? Where do you live, cause where I am, 24 hours in a day is the limit, and it's not enough!
Quote:I have had a lot of self improvement with this sub, I had no idea fear was affecting THAT much of my behaviour. Things that don't even look like they are related to fear on the surface level. I am more self aware as a result of dealing with things that this sub brought up, this is huge for me especially since I have had a lot of trouble analysing myself accurately, this part however is still in the starting phase and there is a lot to improve.
Another big thing that has manifested it's self is that I don't crave alcohol as much as I used to, I see less and less uses for it. I suppose the main reasons why I drink are anxiety,stress, depression and boredom. Now I'd rather feel focused instead of blurry while drunk.
That's actually how I quit smoking a few years ago, I just didn't see the point in it so the craving disappeared. And now I'm not a recovering smoker, but just someone who doesn't smoke. I don't count days because I don't have to.
OF helps a lot with realizing that.
After studying the effects fear has on people for about a decade now, I am astonished just how much of the average person's life is spent dealing with, focusing on, reacting to, preparing for and sabotaging themselves because of, fear. And yet, it's no normalized to everyone and so few people understand the difference between conscious and subconscious motivators that when I point out to people things they are doing as a result of their fear, they think I'm nuts. "What? I don't smoke/drink/do drugs/whatever because I'm afraid! I do it because I am stressed [out of fear]/bored [have time to think about my fears]/lonely [and afraid of being alone]/whatever."
It's not all fear based, but fear accounts for a huge amount of it, and even when it's not based in fear, fear can and usually does act as a lock on the situation. For instance, a lot of people smoke pot/drink to self medicate, and some of that is fears they are trying to avoid, but in some cases it is bad memories, or some sort of emotional distress or pain they want to avoid. When it's not fear, fear of the pain itself is often a lock for not dealing with it. They become afraid of the pain, instead of dealing with it.
Here's another example. Most smokers started smoking because they wanted to fit in with some social group. What is that, really, but fear of being alone?
Quote:I'm giving this sub 7/10.
9/10 for what it can achieve and 3/10 for how easy it is to run it.
So you give it high marks for being effective, and then low marks for being effective quickly? Hate to tell you this, but dealing with fear always includes... feeling fear. Just like dealing with pain always includes feeling pain. So far I have not found a way to block that experience, only minimize it; so, until and unless I do, feeling the stuff you're dealing with is going to be a normal thing, and the faster you do it, the more obviously you will experience it. That's just how this works.
(08-05-2015, 02:19 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]After studying the effects fear has on people for about a decade now, I am astonished just how much of the average person's life is spent dealing with, focusing on, reacting to, preparing for and sabotaging themselves because of, fear. And yet, it's no normalized to everyone and so few people understand the difference between conscious and subconscious motivators that when I point out to people things they are doing as a result of their fear, they think I'm nuts. "What? I don't smoke/drink/do drugs/whatever because I'm afraid! I do it because I am stressed [out of fear]/bored [have time to think about my fears]/lonely [and afraid of being alone]/whatever."
So are you saying that if I'm contemplating running Stress Relief I should consider running Overcome Fear instead?
(08-05-2015, 02:19 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:I have been running this sub with a 20h/day average, with an accidental 30 hours on one day that gave me a headache and exhausted me completely.
Wow, 30 hours? Where do you live, cause where I am, 24 hours in a day is the limit, and it's not enough! 
The North Pole
Quote:Quote:I have had a lot of self improvement with this sub, I had no idea fear was affecting THAT much of my behaviour. Things that don't even look like they are related to fear on the surface level. I am more self aware as a result of dealing with things that this sub brought up, this is huge for me especially since I have had a lot of trouble analysing myself accurately, this part however is still in the starting phase and there is a lot to improve.
Another big thing that has manifested it's self is that I don't crave alcohol as much as I used to, I see less and less uses for it. I suppose the main reasons why I drink are anxiety,stress, depression and boredom. Now I'd rather feel focused instead of blurry while drunk.
That's actually how I quit smoking a few years ago, I just didn't see the point in it so the craving disappeared. And now I'm not a recovering smoker, but just someone who doesn't smoke. I don't count days because I don't have to.
OF helps a lot with realizing that.
After studying the effects fear has on people for about a decade now, I am astonished just how much of the average person's life is spent dealing with, focusing on, reacting to, preparing for and sabotaging themselves because of, fear. And yet, it's no normalized to everyone and so few people understand the difference between conscious and subconscious motivators that when I point out to people things they are doing as a result of their fear, they think I'm nuts. "What? I don't smoke/drink/do drugs/whatever because I'm afraid! I do it because I am stressed [out of fear]/bored [have time to think about my fears]/lonely [and afraid of being alone]/whatever."
It's not all fear based, but fear accounts for a huge amount of it, and even when it's not based in fear, fear can and usually does act as a lock on the situation. For instance, a lot of people smoke pot/drink to self medicate, and some of that is fears they are trying to avoid, but in some cases it is bad memories, or some sort of emotional distress or pain they want to avoid. When it's not fear, fear of the pain itself is often a lock for not dealing with it. They become afraid of the pain, instead of dealing with it.
Here's another example. Most smokers started smoking because they wanted to fit in with some social group. What is that, really, but fear of being alone?
I have actually realized the same things and I'm not even surprised that you have too.
Relating to my last post's goal of "being able to release naturally" I have also been thinking about what would it take to create an ultimate self improvement sub. I wonder how often has that thought crossed your mind. The end effect would be something similar to NZT from limitless, however I can imagine that making such a sub would take more than just one person and a lot of research. I would definitely want to be a part of that team though.
Quote:Quote:I'm giving this sub 7/10.
9/10 for what it can achieve and 3/10 for how easy it is to run it.
So you give it high marks for being effective, and then low marks for being effective quickly? Hate to tell you this, but dealing with fear always includes... feeling fear. Just like dealing with pain always includes feeling pain. So far I have not found a way to block that experience, only minimize it; so, until and unless I do, feeling the stuff you're dealing with is going to be a normal thing, and the faster you do it, the more obviously you will experience it. That's just how this works.
Just to clarify I didn't mean the 7/10 as an average of the other 2. They were like the separate scores that I wanted to add. Regardless of my enthusiastic feedback I feel that there's a lot more to work on. Why I gave it a 7/10 is because I sensed that it could use a few statements specifically about self confidence and positivity. I guess I should have mentioned that in my first post. The 3/10 had nothing to do with whether I expected it to be an easy ride though, I gave it so if people start running the sub they can go "AH! that user had a lot of resistance too, I guess that's normal, I'll keep at it, thanks Natious, you da man!".
