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(06-13-2016, 03:18 PM)Jake2015 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-13-2016, 03:24 AM)ArcticFox Wrote: [ -> ]EPRHA 2.0 started 18/03/2016
Month 2 completed 26/05/2016 - 34 days
Month 3 started Monday 30/05/2016 - (13 days of listening)
Days missed = 1
How much are you listening per day ArcticFox and which track please?
And any results overall upto now? (go to FAQ, where I'm asking a similar thing and people have begin posting)
I use an iPhone 4 and play the ultrasonic MP3, with good quality speakers set up facing my bed. I play the track every night while I sleep and check the US levels using a dB meter, I set it to 60dB. I get around 7-8 hours listening a day.
Overall results are excellent. Hopefully my journal shows the progress I'm making.
EPRHA 2.0 started 18/03/2016
Month 2 completed 26/05/2016 - 34 days
Month 3 started Monday 30/05/2016 - (15 days of listening)
Days missed = 5
Trip to Berlin meant no listening time. I took my sleep phones but we were up till 7am most days then only sleeping a few hours!
Next 2 weeks is a detox for me as I am working with a guy to help reduce my Varicocele and prevent the need for surgery. I wonder if MHS could help with this? This involves no alcohol, no frap, yoga, exercises and cooling techniques, should be fun. I'm also going to start Shaolin Qi Qong as it sounds awesome and is a great way to exercise the internal organs not just the body!
Had a week of being crazy horny while on train to work, everyday i was getting mad IOIs, eye contacts, hair flicks, chicks turning and facing me, trying to get my attention - and this was giving me major boners. This happened with about four girls at the same time one day, 2 of them shifted there seating position so they were facing me more. Not sure what i was doing different that week, but my horn levels and aura were was super high!
Decided to listen to the Masked ocean track instead of US last night.
I fell alseep easy, had more dreams, but woke up very tired and have been very irritable all day.
I think I remembered more dreams because I am coming out of sleep more due to the noise of the Ocean track, and not sleeping so well causes me to be moody.
I might give trickling stream a try tonight.
EPRHA 2.0 started 18/03/2016
Month 3 started Monday 30/05/2016 - (22 days of listening)
Days missed = 5
Been tinkering with my audio setup to use a high end sound card and play the .flac using a raspberry pi.
Organised a meetup cycle ride around London on Saturday which I lead. it was great fun and got to meet new people, I don't believe I would have done this without E2 - and if i did I would have been way more nervous and anxious about it.
I'm a bit to chilled about everything at the moment, I think E2 needs a bit of LTU or motivation to balance it out!?
I got told my contract is up on Thursday, with one weeks notice so no job. Should have given me a months notice! But I'm not even bothered, problem is I cant be a***d to look for a new job or update my CV, LinkedIn. Normally I'd be in kick ass mode and all over this sort of stuff.
Feel like just getting a job in a bar just to cover rent!
(06-27-2016, 03:59 AM)ArcticFox Wrote: [ -> ]I'm a bit to chilled about everything at the moment, I think E2 needs a bit of LTU or motivation to balance it out!?
Definitely. Sometimes I can't even come up with anything to say in conversations, because I don't have any thoughts running in my mind, and I haven't been doing anything that interesting to talk about. Don't really want anything from anyone, or any situation. Used to always have some ideas on what to do when I meet my gf, but lately I have no ideas or opinions since I feel like anything is fine (=no leadership).
(06-27-2016, 04:53 AM)LionKing Wrote: [ -> ] (06-27-2016, 03:59 AM)ArcticFox Wrote: [ -> ]I'm a bit to chilled about everything at the moment, I think E2 needs a bit of LTU or motivation to balance it out!?
Definitely. Sometimes I can't even come up with anything to say in conversations, because I don't have any thoughts running in my mind, and I haven't been doing anything that interesting to talk about. Don't really want anything from anyone, or any situation. Used to always have some ideas on what to do when I meet my gf, but lately I have no ideas or opinions since I feel like anything is fine (=no leadership).
I hear you on the leadership side! While on my ride Saturday I could feel one of the girls taking authority and pushing (subtly) into the leader role. Normally I would be more assertive, but I just thought "I really don't care, if she wants to do that go for it, the worst case is I just chill at the back and let them get on with it. Ultimately her pushiness never interfered with the ride. Before E2 I would have fought a bit and it could have ended differently.
There was also a point where she was looking to get a raise out of me, this was even more subtle but I totally clocked it - I'm very sensitive to words and what people say and the old me would have bit hook, line, and sinker. I saw it and thought, 'meh' not worth the conversation and steered around it.
Regarding making conversation I'm typically very quiet and observant, a listener. Not good at small talk but will engage in deep, meaningful conversations. For me small talk has become easier to engage in, and talking to people in general is easier, and I'm more confident and speak my mind, in the past I would normally just agree with everything. But like you said - I don't have a lot more things to talk about, nor am I in anyway engaging more conversations.
Month 3 started Monday 30/05/2016 - (17 days of listening)
Days missed = 6
I'm avoiding something, but I don't know what. I assumed the sub was making me super chilled thus causing my lack of motivation and drive but now I think its resistance. It's like I have disengaged and I'm now just drifting because I'm not facing up to "whatever it is".
I got told my contract is not being extended and was given a weeks notice (should have been a month), that's some serious coin I'm gonna lose but I am really laid back abnout it. Everyone cant belive how cool and calm i've been about the situation, they all said I should be really angry!! Either way I may have a job lined up for Monday, less pay but good enough to tie me over for a month.
EPRHA is releasing my natural AOS - I realised this when Catman mentioned it in another post. I get loads of IOIs and I had girls rubbing them selves upto me in a crowded bar last night. I just seem to be missing the ability to then engage women beyond looks and basic conversation, I'm to much of a p***y to make a move - or at least i don't know how to approach that.
Month 3 - 19 days of listening
Days missed = 7
Not a very good run this month! Hopefully July will be a better month for listening, not planning on any travelling or parties and I start a new work contract.
Month 3 - 27 days of listening
Days missed = 7
Well the contract didn't work out so I went back to my parents house to see family for a few days. It went well but I am still not 100% where I want to be. It's like a cant accept them as they are and want to help change them, their attitudes are negative/pessimistic in nature (they are old so understandable) so I disagree with a lot of what they say. Rather than just get on with it I instinctively want to turn them more positive, so just end up getting frustrated. It was better than normal though so its definitely improved.
I was using a sleephones and ocean track at my parents and I had an interesting feeling while drifting off to sleep. I was getting the fear while I had my eyes closed, that feeling of claustrophobia as I was lucid dreaming - the dream was frustrating me and something just didn't compute and the feeling in my brain was a physical one of frustration and limitation, then it was as if I was handed a key to a padlock - I received a key in my lucid dream and the frustration and physical feeling went away. It was like I had unlocked something in my mind that had been restricting me for a long time, it was very satisfying!
Another thing to note is when I go to bed with the ultrasonic playing on my speakers, for the first 10 minutes while I go to sleep my brain starts to 'pump' like your heart does after sprinting. I can feel a large channel/vein in my brain that pumps ferociously, it then goes back to normal after a while. I wonder if this is the body pumping large amounts of blood to the brain to help it compute the subliminal that its processing? Does anyone else get this feeling?
Like a few others E2 users have mentioned, motivation to post is very low. In fact motivation is low all round. I'm at the most lazy i've been for a long time in my diet and exercise, and I don't have a job now. Typically in these situations when I have my back against a wall I really go for it and sort things out: update CV, start looking for jobs, make improvements to diet, cut out booze, get running and doing yoga, clean and tidy the house, throw stuff out, sell stuff on ebay. But its just not happening, I've no motivation or drive - Its like everything is cool so don't worry about it, just chill and carry on in your nice cosy cloud bubble!!
Im not usually 100% motivated, but typically I would cycle though lazy periods and then very active periods which where reached at breaking points. That balance has now shifted to the more chilled/lazy side, as I'm not heating those breaking points anymore.
Even though i wanted to do at least 6 months of E2 I think i might switch to LTU after 3 months instead. I'm coming upto the end of the 3 months for E2 so it would be timed well. I also did 4 months of E1 before so I would be at 7 months overall. I know I haven't reached ground zero for E2, I think that would take at least a year. I would also like to do LTU for a year, so once starting theres no going back to E2 after a couple months.
Im gonna have to give this one some time to think about.
Days are flying past me, I wake up late, procrastinate, and the hours are like minutes. Before I know it its 12am and another day is gone. I'm kind of enjoying it in a wierd way, its nice to be lazy and relaxed, the old me would be tearing my hair out as I've "not been productive".
I'm still doing 20 minutes of yoga and running when I can, I cycle lots and I've just started another Whole30 diet. So things are not that bad. It's my lack of direction and purpose that worries me, my interest in women is low, my urgency to find a job is zero and I don't know what I'm doing with my life. I'm close to 40 and I have nothing in comparison to those of a similar age, Kids, car, a house. I've listened to the slight edge, Miracle Morning and I'm now on the Chimp Paradox (guys voice is sooo boring it puts me to sleep) - and although these are all great I don't follow though or action anything.
To get time off like this is what I would consider very lucky, when I look back I will regret wasting because I lounged around the house. I cant work out what's wrong with me, perhaps fear? I dont know. I think I need a spring clean, all of my shit at home is bogging me down, I have tons of stuff just sitting there and it feels like its holding me back. Maybe if I sort through that it will kick start my motivation?
I've been daydreaming a lot this week, in a bubble. All of this time has given me plenty of time to reflect and think deeply. What I have noticed is that past memories are being triggered by everyday things, for example: I was booking a coach for this weekend and it triggers a memory from one of my first kisses with a girl in high school, we were on a school trip together and got together on the coach. This kind of thing has happened at least 5 times this week, I'm doing a normal everyday thing and then it triggers a memory from the past, and they have always been significant events.
Needed to get that written down!
E2 is going well, feel no need to switch soon. I think 6 months on E2 will be enough before switching to another sub, this will mean I've will have run E1-E2 for at least a year. My anniversary since I started EPRHA 1 a year ago is about a month away.
The subs effectiveness seems to have compounded recently, results are going exponential.
(07-27-2016, 07:26 AM)ArcticFox Wrote: [ -> ]E2 is going well, feel no need to switch soon. I think 6 months on E2 will be enough before switching to another sub, this will mean I've will have run E1-E2 for at least a year. My anniversary since I started EPRHA 1 a year ago is about a month away.
The subs effectiveness seems to have compounded recently, results are going exponential.
Great to hear! It seems like finally approaching my 5th month that E2 is hitting the things I wanted it to for me as well!
Keep going man! I'm sure we'll be glad that we stuck with E1/E2 for so long.
Month 3 Complete - 36 days of listening (32 + 4)
Days missed = 8
Month 4 started on 21st July - 7 days in
Switched back to US last night after 12 days with sleephones and masked subliminal. I can feel my brain getting 'worked' more with the US. I can feel the heaving pumping of blood around my head.
If i could get the sleephones to stay on by the time I wake up and would use them and the masked track permanently. Although i get a little tinnitus using the masked tracks.
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