06-16-2015, 08:44 PM
Hi I am halfway through CD2 but wanted to write and tell you some interesting things that have happened.
My friend gave me a set of these discs because I was going downhill fast. No confidence. My boss is a bully. Every one is in fear of him. I have been drinking like a fish for over 4 years because of stress and depression. having to work late nights and weekends without pay. I thought yeah no chance a set of cds will help me. I am so far gone and had massive resistance to using them. The discs sat on my desk for ages. Then with a bad day at work when I was shouted down yet again for something not my fault, and making myself sick with drink that night my friend said why not start to use them..... what have you got to loose..
The speakers in my old cd player rattled under the ocean waves! I think it needed retiring anyway. But first few nights of CD1 listening to the ocean waves for 8 hours a night it started off a strange but beneficial set of events. I slept better for the first few weeks although I seem to be more tired though during the day. I have no idea what words of wisdom are being said in the script but I started to tidy up my apartment I started to come off the drink slowly after third week of cd1. (did try ditching the drink and stopping altogether but got the shakes) I keep getting positive one liners coming into my head.
With having no money I decided to drag my floor speakers and amp and cd from living room into my bedroom and set them up alongside the bed. I was determined to try this out as i felt like something strange was going on. I have a small bedroom. You now have to be a mountain climber to get into the bed! But it plays and loops the cds for me.
Towards the end of cd1 i got this sudden urge to go through my wardrobe and get rid of all my scruffy old clothes and went online to buy jacket and casual wear. Maxed out my visa but think it was worth it. This is something if you know me just didnt happen. think I have worn the same stuff for years. Same colours. A man with no style. I sold things on ebay to generate cash for vitamins couple pairs of new jeans.... Although bullied at work...I sit right opposite the bully.....I felt a bit happier. I dont know why. Still got bullied through cd1. still had really bad days but cd1 helped. On the whole it was like someone has launched me magically into another direction towards positivity. I decided to religiously play the cd everynight for as long as I could.
Halfway through CD2......Yesterday brought the biggest change. I went in early. Grabbed all my stuff from my desk including my paperwork, man utd tea cup, computer and monitor screen and set up down the other end of the office. Boss comes in and asks why I have moved. I said without thinking......and not shouting at him...just in a calm voice....because I need to and because I can. He just strolled off. I have no idea where that came from. It just came out. Didnt regret it but theres no way I would have dreamed to have said those things to him before. Yes he still comes over ranting and roaring his stuff but its less often and longer for him to get here hahahahahah...plus I am not indirect line of fire. I dont know why I didnt do it years ago. Lack of confidence I think. It was always a thing..I sat opposite him. My desk was right up against his so we were sat face to face......didn't dare move I think for fear of him having a go at me. I have been sat opposite him for 12 years. I feel like something has changed. I cannot change him but maybe its changing me. I feel happier where I am sat and getting myself organised.
It doesnt sound like much but theres light coming into my world because of these cds.. Its nearly 6am. Yes I have the cd on even while I am writing this. I was in bed but got the urge to get up and see what photography clubs are in and around manchester and hve signed up for them. I dont know what it is. I just feel like breaking out!
All I can say is that I didnt believe and so resisted. I have tried hypnotherapy with three different people, I gave up thinking my stuff is just too hard to get through and I have locked myself away in a shell. I wish I had reached out and found this years ago. No its not a cure for my boss he has his own stuff to work though but i am looking forward to finding me again.
My heartfelt thanks goes out to the creator of this wonderful set of cds. You have rescued one very lost soul and dread to think what I would have been like if I had continued on my downwards spiral lifestyle. I look forward now to finding what I am capable of.
My friend gave me a set of these discs because I was going downhill fast. No confidence. My boss is a bully. Every one is in fear of him. I have been drinking like a fish for over 4 years because of stress and depression. having to work late nights and weekends without pay. I thought yeah no chance a set of cds will help me. I am so far gone and had massive resistance to using them. The discs sat on my desk for ages. Then with a bad day at work when I was shouted down yet again for something not my fault, and making myself sick with drink that night my friend said why not start to use them..... what have you got to loose..
The speakers in my old cd player rattled under the ocean waves! I think it needed retiring anyway. But first few nights of CD1 listening to the ocean waves for 8 hours a night it started off a strange but beneficial set of events. I slept better for the first few weeks although I seem to be more tired though during the day. I have no idea what words of wisdom are being said in the script but I started to tidy up my apartment I started to come off the drink slowly after third week of cd1. (did try ditching the drink and stopping altogether but got the shakes) I keep getting positive one liners coming into my head.
With having no money I decided to drag my floor speakers and amp and cd from living room into my bedroom and set them up alongside the bed. I was determined to try this out as i felt like something strange was going on. I have a small bedroom. You now have to be a mountain climber to get into the bed! But it plays and loops the cds for me.
Towards the end of cd1 i got this sudden urge to go through my wardrobe and get rid of all my scruffy old clothes and went online to buy jacket and casual wear. Maxed out my visa but think it was worth it. This is something if you know me just didnt happen. think I have worn the same stuff for years. Same colours. A man with no style. I sold things on ebay to generate cash for vitamins couple pairs of new jeans.... Although bullied at work...I sit right opposite the bully.....I felt a bit happier. I dont know why. Still got bullied through cd1. still had really bad days but cd1 helped. On the whole it was like someone has launched me magically into another direction towards positivity. I decided to religiously play the cd everynight for as long as I could.
Halfway through CD2......Yesterday brought the biggest change. I went in early. Grabbed all my stuff from my desk including my paperwork, man utd tea cup, computer and monitor screen and set up down the other end of the office. Boss comes in and asks why I have moved. I said without thinking......and not shouting at him...just in a calm voice....because I need to and because I can. He just strolled off. I have no idea where that came from. It just came out. Didnt regret it but theres no way I would have dreamed to have said those things to him before. Yes he still comes over ranting and roaring his stuff but its less often and longer for him to get here hahahahahah...plus I am not indirect line of fire. I dont know why I didnt do it years ago. Lack of confidence I think. It was always a thing..I sat opposite him. My desk was right up against his so we were sat face to face......didn't dare move I think for fear of him having a go at me. I have been sat opposite him for 12 years. I feel like something has changed. I cannot change him but maybe its changing me. I feel happier where I am sat and getting myself organised.
It doesnt sound like much but theres light coming into my world because of these cds.. Its nearly 6am. Yes I have the cd on even while I am writing this. I was in bed but got the urge to get up and see what photography clubs are in and around manchester and hve signed up for them. I dont know what it is. I just feel like breaking out!
All I can say is that I didnt believe and so resisted. I have tried hypnotherapy with three different people, I gave up thinking my stuff is just too hard to get through and I have locked myself away in a shell. I wish I had reached out and found this years ago. No its not a cure for my boss he has his own stuff to work though but i am looking forward to finding me again.
My heartfelt thanks goes out to the creator of this wonderful set of cds. You have rescued one very lost soul and dread to think what I would have been like if I had continued on my downwards spiral lifestyle. I look forward now to finding what I am capable of.