06-11-2015, 04:28 PM
06-12-2015, 01:05 AM
EHPRA is 5G. Scripts of 5G are proprietary and not released.
06-12-2015, 04:44 AM
(06-12-2015, 01:05 AM)CatMan Wrote: [ -> ]EHPRA is 5G. Scripts of 5G are proprietary and not released.
oh thank you I didn't realise that. I'm new here and from most people's advice this is probably the first subliminal ill be trying put *gulp* lol
May I ask you CatMan do you know whether LTU is as powerful as the individual subliminal programs in it or is it perhaps only 70-90% as strong and so better to simply listen to the individual subliminals such as EPHRA or ASC? I ask because as I'm new here and reading journals and building my confidence in these subliminals working, im lost why all don't start with LTU if it really is as strong as individual subs since its cheaper and has them all inside them (well all foundational ones such as Positive Thinking & ASC & EPRHA etc)
06-18-2015, 07:10 PM
I just saw scripts for other 5G programs like LTU and ASC so why not EPHRA?
06-19-2015, 11:40 AM
(06-12-2015, 04:44 AM)Jake2015 Wrote: [ -> ](06-12-2015, 01:05 AM)CatMan Wrote: [ -> ]EHPRA is 5G. Scripts of 5G are proprietary and not released.
oh thank you I didn't realise that. I'm new here and from most people's advice this is probably the first subliminal ill be trying put *gulp* lol
May I ask you CatMan do you know whether LTU is as powerful as the individual subliminal programs in it or is it perhaps only 70-90% as strong and so better to simply listen to the individual subliminals such as EPHRA or ASC? I ask because as I'm new here and reading journals and building my confidence in these subliminals working, im lost why all don't start with LTU if it really is as strong as individual subs since its cheaper and has them all inside them (well all foundational ones such as Positive Thinking & ASC & EPRHA etc)
Hi, I don't have notifications on as I got too many of them in emails before. So I didn't see this until just now, mate.
Usually bundled programs in 5G are more effective at tackling a bunch of issues at the same time, compared to older programs that focus on one thing. The difference between 4G and 5G is pretty high. Not only the generation itself, but the fact that every 5G program uses at LEAST SOS/HYP and the Naturaliser (ASC 5G has these, even though the page for ASC 5G doesn't list the Naturaliser amongst ASC 5G's traits), the gap between the two generations is that much bigger. Check the glossary to familiarise yourself with these terms and to understand the difference between the generations.
LTU is okay but not free. EHPRA is free and is not a single program per se, it bundles in several elements of OGSF and others and has very powerful 5G techs like Naturaliser and Slipstream. Slipstream is very rare and only on a handful of programs. AM6 is another that uses it. It allows you to bypass resistance extremely effectively. People typically have the illusion that the free programs are lame, due to companies usually giving away free trash, gimped down versions of things as trials. However, these programs for free, ASC 5G and EHPRA 1.0, are both full power, real deal 5G programs. I started with ASC 5G and when I was sold on subs, I moved to AM6 and am now doing SM3. So, ASC changed my life you could say. ASC 5G is an excellent program, and AM6 has a truncated version of EHPRA 1.0 in it, and it was fantastic at removing alot of garbage from my head so I have great experiences with both. No complaints!
Use EHPRA, it's free, powerful and will get rid of a lot of garbage underneath. Use it for 192 days, you'll have a solid foundation to build on with other subs. Buy a pair of Sleephones to use at night to get 8 hours of headphones listening per night, it's WAY more powerful than 8 hours of speakers or whatever else. Trust me on that.
Welcome To Vanchester!
06-19-2015, 06:29 PM
Hey CatMan thanks for getting back to me and no problem mate I understand. I'm just glad you replied and ofcourse I'm very grateful for your time too 
Yeh I've been in and out of the glossary and yet feel little lost as to what all the technology are since I realise Shannon can't got into great detail but what I understand is that their unique ways to script things to compliment and enhance the basic scripting right? either way your explanation has done the job for me and made me realise how amazing LTU must really be now as well as ASC and EPRHA ofcourse.
I'm definitely going to start with EPRHA now mate and wow 192 days is the 6months of 32 days right? will that really be enough or will I or should I need to do it for a year?
If I do it for 192days when should I see or notice any results by day 190? or 100?
thanks I just checked out sleephones on amazon.co.uk (I'm from uk) and there seem to be many different types could you kindly send me a link of the ones you use or are suggesting to me?
I can't use ultrasonic if I use these so are you suggesting I use a masked track at a reasonable volume and try to sleep? is sleep possible?lol
I was planning on buying some Bluetooth headphones (on the ear types not those in ear buds or those that wrap behind the ears like hooks but proper real headphones that sit directly on the ear and go over the top of the head) and wondering if you think that's a good idea too?
so 8 hrs with headphones will be best basically or with sleephones?
again thanks alot mate can I ask what you got from ASC that you noticed that convinced you as I'm asking simply to gain more hope and trust. I've tried so many subliminals hypnosis cds and hypnotherapy cds and nothing ever worked.
what made you not wanna do EPRHA? and instead go to AM?
my goal was to build the strongest and best (literally the greatest) foundation I could such as EPHRA ASC LTU OGSF OF and others such as Positive Thinking & Attitude, Procrastination, motivation etc so that then I could add on what my next goals would be which is AM or women but work career weightloss and wealth so any advice?
thanks again mate. I've no idea what you meant by "welcome to vanchester" lol but thank you haha
ps I did see scripts for other 5G programs on the scripts page but not for EPHRA any ideas why? it's not a biggie either way since I'm gonna start with it 1 way or the other
Also do you recommend 192 days for all non 6 stage programs? why?
I know there's a new version of EPRHA soon to be out. Do you think it'll be any good?

Yeh I've been in and out of the glossary and yet feel little lost as to what all the technology are since I realise Shannon can't got into great detail but what I understand is that their unique ways to script things to compliment and enhance the basic scripting right? either way your explanation has done the job for me and made me realise how amazing LTU must really be now as well as ASC and EPRHA ofcourse.
I'm definitely going to start with EPRHA now mate and wow 192 days is the 6months of 32 days right? will that really be enough or will I or should I need to do it for a year?
If I do it for 192days when should I see or notice any results by day 190? or 100?
thanks I just checked out sleephones on amazon.co.uk (I'm from uk) and there seem to be many different types could you kindly send me a link of the ones you use or are suggesting to me?
I can't use ultrasonic if I use these so are you suggesting I use a masked track at a reasonable volume and try to sleep? is sleep possible?lol
I was planning on buying some Bluetooth headphones (on the ear types not those in ear buds or those that wrap behind the ears like hooks but proper real headphones that sit directly on the ear and go over the top of the head) and wondering if you think that's a good idea too?
so 8 hrs with headphones will be best basically or with sleephones?
again thanks alot mate can I ask what you got from ASC that you noticed that convinced you as I'm asking simply to gain more hope and trust. I've tried so many subliminals hypnosis cds and hypnotherapy cds and nothing ever worked.
what made you not wanna do EPRHA? and instead go to AM?
my goal was to build the strongest and best (literally the greatest) foundation I could such as EPHRA ASC LTU OGSF OF and others such as Positive Thinking & Attitude, Procrastination, motivation etc so that then I could add on what my next goals would be which is AM or women but work career weightloss and wealth so any advice?
thanks again mate. I've no idea what you meant by "welcome to vanchester" lol but thank you haha
ps I did see scripts for other 5G programs on the scripts page but not for EPHRA any ideas why? it's not a biggie either way since I'm gonna start with it 1 way or the other
Also do you recommend 192 days for all non 6 stage programs? why?
I know there's a new version of EPRHA soon to be out. Do you think it'll be any good?
06-19-2015, 09:31 PM
(06-19-2015, 06:29 PM)Jake2015 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey CatMan thanks for getting back to me and no problem mate I understand. I'm just glad you replied and ofcourse I'm very grateful for your time too
Yeh I've been in and out of the glossary and yet feel little lost as to what all the technology are since I realise Shannon can't got into great detail but what I understand is that their unique ways to script things to compliment and enhance the basic scripting right? either way your explanation has done the job for me and made me realise how amazing LTU must really be now as well as ASC and EPRHA ofcourse.
I'm definitely going to start with EPRHA now mate and wow 192 days is the 6months of 32 days right? will that really be enough or will I or should I need to do it for a year?
If I do it for 192days when should I see or notice any results by day 190? or 100?
thanks I just checked out sleephones on amazon.co.uk (I'm from uk) and there seem to be many different types could you kindly send me a link of the ones you use or are suggesting to me?
I can't use ultrasonic if I use these so are you suggesting I use a masked track at a reasonable volume and try to sleep? is sleep possible?lol
I was planning on buying some Bluetooth headphones (on the ear types not those in ear buds or those that wrap behind the ears like hooks but proper real headphones that sit directly on the ear and go over the top of the head) and wondering if you think that's a good idea too?
so 8 hrs with headphones will be best basically or with sleephones?
again thanks alot mate can I ask what you got from ASC that you noticed that convinced you as I'm asking simply to gain more hope and trust. I've tried so many subliminals hypnosis cds and hypnotherapy cds and nothing ever worked.
what made you not wanna do EPRHA? and instead go to AM?
my goal was to build the strongest and best (literally the greatest) foundation I could such as EPHRA ASC LTU OGSF OF and others such as Positive Thinking & Attitude, Procrastination, motivation etc so that then I could add on what my next goals would be which is AM or women but work career weightloss and wealth so any advice?
thanks again mate. I've no idea what you meant by "welcome to vanchester" lol but thank you haha
ps I did see scripts for other 5G programs on the scripts page but not for EPHRA any ideas why? it's not a biggie either way since I'm gonna start with it 1 way or the other
Also do you recommend 192 days for all non 6 stage programs? why?
I know there's a new version of EPRHA soon to be out. Do you think it'll be any good?
I appreciate that, I look outside of my journal each day to try to post to help others.
In a simple sense, yes they improve the program, each of them do it in different ways. It isn't really important for success to know HOW they do what they do, as they bypass the conscious mind anyway. It's more important to use the latest version possible generally, and make sure you get consistent, daily use as much as possible, especially with headphones, and keep a very detailed daily journal, offline if you prefer, of everything including thoughts, daydreams, night dreams, the lot mate. The more info you have of your daily goings-on, the more of an accurate picture you have of you changing. Programs that use the Naturaliser and Slipstream are particularily sneaky about how they change you. And oftentimes, if you don't keep proper daily records, they're so effective at changing you while bypassing resistance, that they make you feel you've always been this way...thus your conscious mind will conclude using logic, that it means the sub failed and you didn't change at all. So you see, if you don't document properly, you can very well have the phenomenon of Shannon's subs working TOO well lol. There's stories of this happening during his Stop Smoking Forever! program, people claiming it failed for them, and they were going to quit anyway etc.
EHPRA is recommended for use for 192 days, that's 6 periods of 32 days. Whether it will be enough is impossible to tell, everyone is different. I WILL say...that you have stuff inside you, that you've either forgotten about consciously, or stuff you don't even know of period, guiding you and making you do and feel things in ways you can't even imagine. EHPRA will start dislodging it and bringing it to the surface to deal with and get rid of over time. How long it takes is unique for each person. Resist the temptation to stop early, most do that with EHPRA when it's clear they aren't done doing garbage removal with EHPRA. They go on to something else, living in denial about where they're at, and fail. Don't be like them, use for at least the full 192 days and then evaluate. You can see results the first day or night, or it may take a few days. Again, everyone is different. Some of this can be helped by how many hours you listen (up to 21 hours per day MAX) and using headphones for more potency.
Here's the link for the sleephones I use: http://www.sleepphones.com/SleepPhones-Wireless. "Official bedtime headphones provider of CatMan" Lol! Seriously, make sure to measure yourself properly BEFORE ORDERING to get the right size! I agree there's lots of different models now, the one I use is excellent. I always recommend headphones use only, the difference is big for me, and no small part of my success, no doubt! Stick to Sleephones for night time bed use, as they're designed for bed use and are very comfortable and secure and won't fall off. And over the ear headphones can be fine for during the day use if you can listen during the day like me.
Use the masked track for bed or whenever using headphones, yes. It's VERY peaceful after awhile, and you sleep very well. I recommend the stream during the night, as it's a constant sound I find easier to relax with, rather than the up and down of the waves. The louder parts are always forcing me to wake up slightly out of fear of a wave crashing against me any second haha!
8 hours of headphones won't be best, in fact it'll be the BARE minimum. I just wanted to make that clear. I think a lot of guys look at the hours Shannon says to use, they see 8 hours minimum, filter out the word "minimum", and then get disappointed at the end that they didn't get as much out of the program as they wanted. Just remember, your brain has had terrible thinking styles, views, beliefs, and emotional pain that has had 20+ years in many cases to grow and strengthen. These subs are very strong, but they need hours and repetitions to be effective, the more the merrier, up to 21 hours per day MAX. So, if you can find a way to get a couple hours more of listening time with headphones each day, that will make a big difference. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if a guy is FIRMLY committed to changing his life, he can find 12 hours a day for this program, absolutely. 8 hours for sleep, that leaves 4 hours here and there during the day, pausing the program at a certain point, then starting it up right at the second you paused it, finding time during the day. 24 hours in a day, 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work, that leaves 8 hours for misc...make sure 4 of them are with the headphones on for the stream or waves going, and you'll be thanking me for pushing you in 192 days...
I never tried subliminals before ASC. I thought they were nonsense. I tried them only out of desperation to be honest...PUA and all that crap didn't work. ASC gave me exactly that, confidence around girls, and I felt less anxious around girls. I've had some bad experiences with them very early in life that damaged me with them, so I knew that area of my life would prove most difficult to fix. After ASC finally gave me some results, I jumped onto AM6 after my 33rd day of ASC. I chose AM6 because AM6 has a truncated version of EHPRA in it anyway, so I would be getting EHPRA as well as AM6 at the same time, as well as other AM6 goodies like OGSF and STC. I listed the hours listened to the subs in my bio, if you want to take a look.
EHPRA is a good start, and the price is right. Plus, it's best to start with a single stage to get into the habit of listening everyday as a regimen etc., getting used to how many hours a day you can handle etc., rather than jumping in too early to a massive six stage program and failing. Also, the new EHPRA 2.0 coming out in the next month or two will have Positive Thinking, Positive Attitude, amongst other incredible changes. My advice is, use the free EHPRA for now, get your results, and when the new version is released, get that and use it. It's shaping up to be an amazing program, alot of powerful add-ons to it. Don't worry about LTU IMO, once you're done with EHPRA you'll likely want to move onto AM and there won't be much for you in LTU by then.
I saw in earlier posts you were from Manchester. I'm a Manchester United fan. "Welcome to Vanchester" is a slogan they used when a world reknowned manager came to Manchester to run United now. His name is Louis Van Gaal, they created a marketing campaign called "Welcome To Vanchester", billboards of him waving to fans coloured in red all over Manchester. They did this in retaliation to their rival Manchester City having a blue coloured billboard saying "Welcome To Manchester" with a picture of a player they signed away from Manchester United as a tongue in cheek insult to United. I'm surprised you never heard of it or know about him etc. lol. No worries, mate.
That's a lot of good info. I'm sure it will help you.
06-20-2015, 10:12 AM
(06-19-2015, 09:31 PM)CatMan Wrote: [ -> ]I appreciate that, I look outside of my journal each day to try to post to help others.
In a simple sense, yes they improve the program, each of them do it in different ways. It isn't really important for success to know HOW they do what they do, as they bypass the conscious mind anyway. It's more important to use the latest version possible generally, and make sure you get consistent, daily use as much as possible, especially with headphones, and keep a very detailed daily journal, offline if you prefer, of everything including thoughts, daydreams, night dreams, the lot mate. The more info you have of your daily goings-on, the more of an accurate picture you have of you changing. Programs that use the Naturaliser and Slipstream are particularily sneaky about how they change you. And oftentimes, if you don't keep proper daily records, they're so effective at changing you while bypassing resistance, that they make you feel you've always been this way...thus your conscious mind will conclude using logic, that it means the sub failed and you didn't change at all. So you see, if you don't document properly, you can very well have the phenomenon of Shannon's subs working TOO well lol. There's stories of this happening during his Stop Smoking Forever! program, people claiming it failed for them, and they were going to quit anyway etc.
EHPRA is recommended for use for 192 days, that's 6 periods of 32 days. Whether it will be enough is impossible to tell, everyone is different. I WILL say...that you have stuff inside you, that you've either forgotten about consciously, or stuff you don't even know of period, guiding you and making you do and feel things in ways you can't even imagine. EHPRA will start dislodging it and bringing it to the surface to deal with and get rid of over time. How long it takes is unique for each person. Resist the temptation to stop early, most do that with EHPRA when it's clear they aren't done doing garbage removal with EHPRA. They go on to something else, living in denial about where they're at, and fail. Don't be like them, use for at least the full 192 days and then evaluate. You can see results the first day or night, or it may take a few days. Again, everyone is different. Some of this can be helped by how many hours you listen (up to 21 hours per day MAX) and using headphones for more potency.
Here's the link for the sleephones I use: http://www.sleepphones.com/SleepPhones-Wireless. "Official bedtime headphones provider of CatMan" Lol! Seriously, make sure to measure yourself properly BEFORE ORDERING to get the right size! I agree there's lots of different models now, the one I use is excellent. I always recommend headphones use only, the difference is big for me, and no small part of my success, no doubt! Stick to Sleephones for night time bed use, as they're designed for bed use and are very comfortable and secure and won't fall off. And over the ear headphones can be fine for during the day use if you can listen during the day like me.
Use the masked track for bed or whenever using headphones, yes. It's VERY peaceful after awhile, and you sleep very well. I recommend the stream during the night, as it's a constant sound I find easier to relax with, rather than the up and down of the waves. The louder parts are always forcing me to wake up slightly out of fear of a wave crashing against me any second haha!
8 hours of headphones won't be best, in fact it'll be the BARE minimum. I just wanted to make that clear. I think a lot of guys look at the hours Shannon says to use, they see 8 hours minimum, filter out the word "minimum", and then get disappointed at the end that they didn't get as much out of the program as they wanted. Just remember, your brain has had terrible thinking styles, views, beliefs, and emotional pain that has had 20+ years in many cases to grow and strengthen. These subs are very strong, but they need hours and repetitions to be effective, the more the merrier, up to 21 hours per day MAX. So, if you can find a way to get a couple hours more of listening time with headphones each day, that will make a big difference. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if a guy is FIRMLY committed to changing his life, he can find 12 hours a day for this program, absolutely. 8 hours for sleep, that leaves 4 hours here and there during the day, pausing the program at a certain point, then starting it up right at the second you paused it, finding time during the day. 24 hours in a day, 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work, that leaves 8 hours for misc...make sure 4 of them are with the headphones on for the stream or waves going, and you'll be thanking me for pushing you in 192 days...
I never tried subliminals before ASC. I thought they were nonsense. I tried them only out of desperation to be honest...PUA and all that crap didn't work. ASC gave me exactly that, confidence around girls, and I felt less anxious around girls. I've had some bad experiences with them very early in life that damaged me with them, so I knew that area of my life would prove most difficult to fix. After ASC finally gave me some results, I jumped onto AM6 after my 33rd day of ASC. I chose AM6 because AM6 has a truncated version of EHPRA in it anyway, so I would be getting EHPRA as well as AM6 at the same time, as well as other AM6 goodies like OGSF and STC. I listed the hours listened to the subs in my bio, if you want to take a look.
EHPRA is a good start, and the price is right. Plus, it's best to start with a single stage to get into the habit of listening everyday as a regimen etc., getting used to how many hours a day you can handle etc., rather than jumping in too early to a massive six stage program and failing. Also, the new EHPRA 2.0 coming out in the next month or two will have Positive Thinking, Positive Attitude, amongst other incredible changes. My advice is, use the free EHPRA for now, get your results, and when the new version is released, get that and use it. It's shaping up to be an amazing program, alot of powerful add-ons to it. Don't worry about LTU IMO, once you're done with EHPRA you'll likely want to move onto AM and there won't be much for you in LTU by then.
I saw in earlier posts you were from Manchester. I'm a Manchester United fan. "Welcome to Vanchester" is a slogan they used when a world reknowned manager came to Manchester to run United now. His name is Louis Van Gaal, they created a marketing campaign called "Welcome To Vanchester", billboards of him waving to fans coloured in red all over Manchester. They did this in retaliation to their rival Manchester City having a blue coloured billboard saying "Welcome To Manchester" with a picture of a player they signed away from Manchester United as a tongue in cheek insult to United. I'm surprised you never heard of it or know about him etc. lol. No worries, mate.
That's a lot of good info. I'm sure it will help you.
Hey CatMan thanks for getting back to me mate again really appreciate it

I hope ive done the quoting right so that only your message comes up lol
I really appreciate it that you look outside your journal to help others because your help is really precious to me and really means alot so thank you once again
I understand and will look into starting a journal both offline and on here to help me and help all that I can like you are doing
Quote:EHPRA is recommended for use for 192 days, that's 6 periods of 32 days. Whether it will be enough is impossible to tell, everyone is different. I WILL say...that you have stuff inside you, that you've either forgotten about consciously, or stuff you don't even know of period, guiding you and making you do and feel things in ways you can't even imagine. EHPRA will start dislodging it and bringing it to the surface to deal with and get rid of over time. How long it takes is unique for each person. Resist the temptation to stop early, most do that with EHPRA when it's clear they aren't done doing garbage removal with EHPRA. They go on to something else, living in denial about where they're at, and fail. Don't be like them, use for at least the full 192 days and then evaluate. You can see results the first day or night, or it may take a few days. Again, everyone is different. Some of this can be helped by how many hours you listen (up to 21 hours per day MAX) and using headphones for more potency.Oh i see so when stuff comes up what do or will I need to do to get rid of it/them, any ideas? I definately want to commit for atleast 192days and yes im looking into the sleep phones etc
I agree about the stuff inside because I realise there must be things inside me, subconscious that im completely unaware of that is causing me to be the failure and the man that I am. The good things I wanna keep but I want to rid myself of procrastination, anger, frustration, anxiety but most of all the fears I have, the fears of failure and fears of hard work and effort etc. I have absolutely NO idea what has caused me to have all these. Many books say that we install these beliefs by the age of 6 yet upto the age of 11 I was doing pretty well and then it all went downhill so there must be alot inside of me for sure!!
Quote:Here's the link for the sleephones I use: http://www.sleepphones.com/SleepPhones-Wireless. "Official bedtime headphones provider of CatMan" Lol! Seriously, make sure to measure yourself properly BEFORE ORDERING to get the right size! I agree there's lots of different models now, the one I use is excellent. I always recommend headphones use only, the difference is big for me, and no small part of my success, no doubt! Stick to Sleephones for night time bed use, as they're designed for bed use and are very comfortable and secure and won't fall off. And over the ear headphones can be fine for during the day use if you can listen during the day like me.Okay I had a look and their website as many products, but you use the wireless ones?
I was planning on getting a mini hifi that can reach the 20khz speakers and also buy some bluetooth headphones that IF i can use in the day then I will. I had some old headphones that are broken but they had a long cable that simply annoyed me so much so thought id get some bluetooth anyway and then found this place. The stereo I was going to use to play the ultrasonic at night because I hadnt spoken to you and knew nothing about these sleepphones but now im a little confused because ive been googling and found out that bluetooth can have some sound loss issues, so not sure if I should get wired headphones and wired sleepphones, what do you suggest?
I tend to sleep on my front and side and my head therefore moves alot at night I think so will the sleephones get in my way or come off at all? or the speakers move away from the ears during the night? or are they restrictive at all?
Quote:Use the masked track for bed or whenever using headphones, yes. It's VERY peaceful after awhile, and you sleep very well. I recommend the stream during the night, as it's a constant sound I find easier to relax with, rather than the up and down of the waves. The louder parts are always forcing me to wake up slightly out of fear of a wave crashing against me any second haha!
Oh man I cant wait to start haha
Quote:8 hours of headphones won't be best, in fact it'll be the BARE minimum. I just wanted to make that clear. I think a lot of guys look at the hours Shannon says to use, they see 8 hours minimum, filter out the word "minimum", and then get disappointed at the end that they didn't get as much out of the program as they wanted. Just remember, your brain has had terrible thinking styles, views, beliefs, and emotional pain that has had 20+ years in many cases to grow and strengthen. These subs are very strong, but they need hours and repetitions to be effective, the more the merrier, up to 21 hours per day MAX. So, if you can find a way to get a couple hours more of listening time with headphones each day, that will make a big difference. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if a guy is FIRMLY committed to changing his life, he can find 12 hours a day for this program, absolutely. 8 hours for sleep, that leaves 4 hours here and there during the day, pausing the program at a certain point, then starting it up right at the second you paused it, finding time during the day. 24 hours in a day, 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work, that leaves 8 hours for misc...make sure 4 of them are with the headphones on for the stream or waves going, and you'll be thanking me for pushing you in 192 days...Okay so youre saying to pause and then continue from wherever you pause it in the day? I thought I read somewhere here that its okay to just stop and start from the beginning but your method seems to make loads more sense to me
My goal so far was to try and get the 8hours during sleep (depends on my sleep because at the moment all im getting is 6hours in the spare room im sleeping in) and then to see if I can get any headphones listening during the day otherwise id just play through speakers (mini hifi if or when I buy it) and then listen to it that way - theres some planning involved now but I am committed that is for sure!!!
I have literally spent the last 10yrs or more trying to sort myself out and NOTHING has worked

I wanted to buy the bluetooth headphones to use whenever I was online watching youtube videos because that is where I find alot of seminars and stuff to learn from and prefer videos to reading most times. So is it okay to listen to the subliminals through speakers while trying to watch youtube, or videos? or even okay to listen through speakers while listening to music through another source? such as play ultrasonic through hifi and watch videos on computer or listen to music from computer? (hope that all made sense) lol
Quote:I never tried subliminals before ASC. I thought they were nonsense. I tried them only out of desperation to be honest...PUA and all that crap didn't work. ASC gave me exactly that, confidence around girls, and I felt less anxious around girls. I've had some bad experiences with them very early in life that damaged me with them, so I knew that area of my life would prove most difficult to fix. After ASC finally gave me some results, I jumped onto AM6 after my 33rd day of ASC. I chose AM6 because AM6 has a truncated version of EHPRA in it anyway, so I would be getting EHPRA as well as AM6 at the same time, as well as other AM6 goodies like OGSF and STC. I listed the hours listened to the subs in my bio, if you want to take a look.Whats STC bro? and yes I had a look and wow you really have organised yourself very well im very impressed and grateful too that youre sharing it all with us. I cant get organised properly because my room has flooded, a fallen ceiling therefore know that I will do what I can until my room is fixed which is when i can hopefully get methodical in my approach etc
Im glad ASC worked for you. I have some anxiety for sure around hot girls, i guess who doesnt but my main issues stem around career and jobs and work etc I seem to either have a feel of studying or reading lots of pages or text and a fear of working, fear of working and being stuck below my potential amongst people that arent striving for a better and higher standard of life like I, You and we all are, make sense?
Quote:EHPRA is a good start, and the price is right. Plus, it's best to start with a single stage to get into the habit of listening everyday as a regimen etc., getting used to how many hours a day you can handle etc., rather than jumping in too early to a massive six stage program and failing. Also, the new EHPRA 2.0 coming out in the next month or two will have Positive Thinking, Positive Attitude, amongst other incredible changes. My advice is, use the free EHPRA for now, get your results, and when the new version is released, get that and use it. It's shaping up to be an amazing program, alot of powerful add-ons to it. Don't worry about LTU IMO, once you're done with EHPRA you'll likely want to move onto AM and there won't be much for you in LTU by then.Yeh EPRHA is what im going to go for. I needed time to be real with myself and realise more than confidence I need to get at the HEART of issues whatever they are that are holding me back so much. I used to have a fear of jumping into the swimming pools that we went to as a kid in school and never have jumped into a pool and dont swim so it would be amazing for me to know this was removed or whatever caused me to become so paralysed with fear lol just never made any sense to me at all.
Yes im waiting on EPRHA 2.0 too and 'Positive Thinking & Attitude' was definately 1 of the subliminals that I wanted to use eventually to build my solid strong foundation on, so basically since EPRHA will be 5G then all of these individual programs like you said with LTU will be just as powerful as if I was listening to 1 subliminal alone?
How will I know if the EPRHA will work? I know that some here use a checklist method, is it the same list that is found on the page: http://www.subliminal-shop.com/product/e...aling-aid/
Emotional pain relief
Emotional healing
Guilt/shame/fear release
Mental/emotional maturity improvement
Self forgiveness
Forgiveness of others
Letting go of the past
Self Validation
Quote:I saw in earlier posts you were from Manchester. I'm a Manchester United fan. "Welcome to Vanchester" is a slogan they used when a world reknowned manager came to Manchester to run United now. His name is Louis Van Gaal, they created a marketing campaign called "Welcome To Vanchester", billboards of him waving to fans coloured in red all over Manchester. They did this in retaliation to their rival Manchester City having a blue coloured billboard saying "Welcome To Manchester" with a picture of a player they signed away from Manchester United as a tongue in cheek insult to United. I'm surprised you never heard of it or know about him etc. lol. No worries, mate.Yes I am from Manchester all my 36years of my life. Where are you from and how old are you?
Ohhhhh i see im so sorry hahaha I used to be a Manchester United Fan but over the years I still support them but I am not following them now. I guess this is the life that I want to change perhaps. Yes Louis Van Gaal is here and he has alot of hard work to do to make UTD the way it once was but hes a great manager so I know he can do it
You know ive never been to a football match at a stadium in my life. I dont know how it is there but when I was growing up, watching a match at a stadium was a dangerous way to spend time lol and now its an expensive way haha
Manchester City have done well with the money they have been getting from abroad but united seem to have not capitalised yet but there is always hope lol
Quote:That's a lot of good info. I'm sure it will help you.Yes it is definately and it has already inspired me, given me confidence and belief that these can and do work. I have listened to subliminals in the past, I have tried many religiously and with maximum committment. I have paid 100s of £s to hypnotherapists and also tried hypnosis cds etc. My issue was I could or didnt ever feel that I could relax in the day and so the cds I never used often and the hypnotherapists all claimed I was in a trance but i never felt it at all nor the effects. I was actually planning never do use subliminals but to take charge of myself and start again with visualisation (which I used to find unusual as its a new thing) and also affirmations (which I have failed at many times too). This time my approach was going to be more structured and with hope.
Its just crazy how for some reason I started to research subliminals once again. I found many sites and im sure I ignored this site on many occasions both recently and in the past. To be honest some of the pages on the shop dont even work, if you go to fears and phobia its blank, there is nothing showing up and the other pages seem outdated so if anyone can let Shannon know Im sure he will look into this because hes being let down if these really do work. The whole marketing of the site and way its set up to be honest put me off many times so I guess I never thought of coming here
I was looking into the old cds that I have and wondering if its time I found those to put into my new room (once its made) and then start using them. From that research/googling I then came across another company. They were kind enough to give me a subliminal silent mp3 for free to try. I have been listening to that as per their instructions (1 hour at night at the minimum, 3hours maximum per day) for 35days so far and ive had no results. I was and am playing it from my phone which i only found on a few weeks ago (since joining this site and because of Shannon's instructions of having 20khz stereo speakers) that my phone and all my old phones were probably all mono and not stereo. I just never knew this lol
So I then thought perhaps nothing ever worked because I never had the money to buy good quality speakers, but always used portable cheap speakers or my phones.
It was this site that inspired me to look into my speakers and also play the mp3s for hours and hours (as you say 21hours max) which makes so much sense to me, rather than a few hours as this company told me. Others i have used though have said to play all night long but yet their cds never worked for me at all. I just dont know why

As you can therefore appreciate after so much time and failure in trying subliminals I wasnt sure any more and its only because of this forum, this site, journals and nice people like you that are willing to be honest and help that I feel maybe now I can fix myself and live the life i had always wanted to and the life I feel I should be living, a life of my true potential and success, know what im saying?
So for all these reasons, I am where I am. I could easily download EPRHA the free version and play from my phone (this is the only speaker I have at the moment) but I know this is a waste of time. I also have used this time to read the forum and build my hope and my trust. I have no expectations except of being a success. I will let the subliminals do what they promise to do and gauge their success against what is pomised of them but my immediate goal is to fix my anxieties and fears
I really hope the new EPRHA isnt expensive because I think that will have OF in it which is great for fears and will I hope boost self esteem which I believe is the root of all true success. Actually do you know if EPRHA works on self esteem?
again thank you CatMan