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Ok. Let's try this out. I thought I already had a username, but I think I only made 2 posts with it, so I guess it had been deleted.

I'm on my last month of Manifest Abundant Beautiful Woman. I hadn't realized when I started it that Alpha Male was a prerequisite. So my results are tainted by the fact that I didn't follow directions.

Either way, I've definitely had a lot of success with this set, especially the earlier stages. Sort of fell off the wagon starting at about stage 4. Kind got back on at stage 5, and now stage 6 will last me till mid march.

The whole process has seemed to make me more comfortable around women. More casual and friendly, and less likely to be forced or awkward.

End of stage 2, beginning of stage 3 (mid oct-nov) was the most blatant as far as I could tell. I could pull off being extremely flirtatious with girls at work without a care in the world. The most important part was not caring what anyone thought. Very joking, teasing BS attitude that I felt very good about.

I ended up briefly dating a girl who I would have normally considered way out of my league. And it was her who stepped forward and expressed the interest in me.

I've been told by more than a couple girls that I look like I could be a model. I've been taking steps to dress better, and look better, and I can tell that it's working off.

Now the bad sides. Because I didn't start with Alpha Male, I feel like I was missing some of the confidence I needed to really pull this off. Things didn't work out with date girl, and that really put me back into my old bad mindset of being very self conscious.

Ended up spending a lot of time with another girl that I used to have a very big crush on, and that's not helping much either. This month has been kind of rough on me emotionally, and I'm definitely seeing my old worries and hangups coming back.

Starting in March, I'm going to try and do it all right. Run with Alpha 2011 and then rehit this set (or a future version of it) when I finish.

I have trouble with the ultrasonic subs (they really bother my ears, like TV static), and I can't sleep well with the ocean sub unless I turn it very low. The ocean stream one sound like a really good idea.
stage 6 of Manifest Abundant Beautiful Woman seems to be have brought me around back into the realm of positive effects, as I'm re-entering that mindset of become friendly/flirtatious without caring much of the results. This has had an immediate positive effect on my usual interactions with the girls I'm around.

I have a dinner date with the crush I mentioned in the previous post. She's one of those girls that I can never really tell if she's into me or if it's just a platonic friendship. At this point, I've finally accepted the fact that I don't really care because she's the kind of person whose company I really enjoy, even if nothing else were to come of it.

Oddly enough, accepting that fact has helped me loosen up and be more silly and subtly flirtatious, which leads to her paying more attention to me, etc.

Moral of the story, the less I care about the end result, the easier it is to bring out the fun side of my personality, and the better I do for myself. Ha.
Good to hear you had nice results from the program! You should get Alpha Male and maybe take another run through MABW after you are done with it!
Even though you did not do Alpha first, it sounds like Woman Magnet sure gave you some good results! You might have the ultrasonic on too high. It is suppose to be silent to the naked ear. 25%-50% tends to work best. Or, play it till there is the high pitch static and decrease the volume till it is no longer noticable. I am doing AM11 right now, I highly reccomend the program with playing the Stream version. Unlike the Ocean, it remains very constant in volume and actually makes me want to fall asleep lol.
I know it's supposed to be silent, but I still have extremely exceptional hearing (at least in one of my ears...) I can still hear up to about 17-19k quite clearly, which seems to be about where the "ultra sonic" audio resides. It's not actually silent, it's just too high for most peoples ears to actively perceive. Wink

I probably play the ultra sonics at a tenth of what I comfortably play other music at.

It sounds nearly the same to me as a CRT TV. And I'm not talking about tuning into a channel with no signal and playing white noise. Mute the audio on a TV, and a CRT still puts off audible noise at about 15.5khz that most people can't hear, but tends to really bug me.

Either way, I've gone back to the ultrasonic mostly for the consistent volume compared to the ocean sound. I just turn it down to the point where I can barely hear normal music, and that works fairly well.
Ok. Finished up with Manifest Abundant Beautiful Woman. Definitely think I took some things home from it. Overall, I feel I can easily flirt with girls around me, but things like "dealing with rejection" and an overall sense of self confidence were never fully realized. I feel like I can much more easily recognize when a girl is into me versus not into me and can use that to my advantage a bit.

Decided to jump straight into the Alpha Male 2011 set. Do like the new stream subs. Feel really tired this morning even though I got 9 hours of sleep. really hard to force myself out of bed.

Going to be a lot better about sticking to the plan on this one. 32 days, no misses is rather tough to hit, especially six times in a row.
I have very similar experience to yours marty - considering I have not done Alpha Set either. I find it very similar to your experience as in flirting with women being carefree, get approached by them occasionally and knowing exactly which woman holds attraction for you and what they are conveying to you between the lines. You actually start understanding them on a different level. The thing I really loved about this program is it installs an absolute love for women in general, you simply love everything in them - the way they look, the way the talk, the way they test you. You just simply love this creature Smile

I am on stage 6 and a couple of weeks to go before I finish this, and I have to ask you this. Did you get the euphoria or mojo back which used to be there in Stage 4? Stage 5 seems to kill that 'joy' and buzz you have - Stage 6 is bringing it back slowly but its nothing compared to Stage 4. I mean you still have all the things installed in you but the joy just went away somewhere during stage the ball just dropped.

I added ASC in parallel to Stage 4 - it definitely took things to a next level as in you become totally carefree what you say and do - most importantly you do it 'right' all the time.
Stage 6 definitely seemed to bring things back around, and ended on a pretty good note. Some of the "kill-joy" effect may simply have been external stress, or "winter-blues" or something entirely different.
I also noticed that sort of love for women thing going on, particularly right now.
Three days in to AM11, one positive affect that I'm noticing is that I suddenly feel over the girl I've been crushing on (and as a result, a girl that's been causing me a lot of frustration). Which is good, but then I noticed myself feeling a bit empty as a result of that loss of a focal point. Ha, I can't win.

Either way, not really much else of note, but that was interesting because it happened almost like a switch went off in my brain.

Been using the stream sound exclusively thus far.
Did you perhaps feel that she was mistreating you in some way?
perhaps. She's a flake for sure. For a while, I'd try to make plans with her, she'd agree, then almost always flake out at the last minute.
I've been in that position too many times. If they flake once just forget about her. She'll probably come back to you and still talk to you and eventually try to make plans with you.
I see flaking as wasting my time. Which I don't give people many chances to do. If a woman flakes on me, I'll usually just presume she's not serious and move along. Flaking is a sign of disrespect, and may also be a test. What will you do if I disrespect you this way? I don't waste my time. If she comes back, I usually don't give her very much priority until and unless she earns MY respect back for pulling stupid crap like that. It's all about not having time to waste on stupid crap.
Kind of the way I'm feeling. Ha.
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