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Full Version: AM6 and Radical Inner Game
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Pages: 1 2
Thanks for yer explanations! Smile
(05-27-2015, 02:00 AM)iRRepLaceaBLe Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah,but doesn't AM have a little BIATBW( 'become more attractive to women sexually,romantically ... ' - in the product description) , AoS and some more things ? Some guys even say that ' Am has the lead-in to SM '

Yes, there is an aura and a lead-in to SM.
(05-27-2015, 02:00 AM)iRRepLaceaBLe Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah,but doesn't AM have a little BIATBW( 'become more attractive to women sexually,romantically ... ' - in the product description) , AoS and some more things ? Some guys even say that ' Am has the lead-in to SM '

Yeah, but every person is different. There is a person who accept the affirmation fully, but there is also person who only accept the affirmation only half.
Guys! Guys! True masculine man is super attractive for girlz. Big Grin
Pages: 1 2