Let me know, what is the time required for ASC 5g to be permanently programmed in my mind?
I know it would vary from person to person.. but still can you give me a number?
Because i am really impressed with it.
I think this is the best explanation,
Shannon wrote :
Quote:Permanent results are hard to achieve because of how your mind works. Your subconscious is always recording everything you experience, and it is also constantly building your "running program" from that recorded set of experiences. Whatever has the most repetition and/or emotional impact will be what gets used to create your running program. Subliminals work by hitting you with an incredible mount of repetition in a short amount of time, and they do a great job of it.
Quote:Most of my stuff already has permanency programming. The issue is not whether or not that is there, it's the fact that you as an awareness are a dynamic and ever changing system of accumulative thoughts and information. Your "program" is automatically created by this accumulation, which happens 24/7 every day of your life. The biggest pile of repetitions (or the biggest traumatic emotional impact) wins, and becomes the dominant programming.
This means that over time, all programming that contradicts your normal environment will probably require at least refreshing to maintain. The only exception would logically be a chance that causes the outward to generate the inward in line with the new programming.
For instance, if you use Ultra Success and become successful, then the inward has generated the outward, and that outward in turn supports, advances and regenerates the inward because the experience of it acts to increase the "pile" of experience repetitions which are being used to form the current program.
This is part of why huge programs like AM take multiple repetitions for most people to see permanent results. It takes time to replace the old programming with such a huge script, and then it takes time to generate the resulting outward reality which supports, advances and regenerates the inward reality from which that outward reality sprang.
Quote:Permanent results are definitely possible. It will depend on the specific person, how long the subliminal is used, how much exposure is had, how consistently it is used, how much resistance there is, and to what, and why, and the specifics of the personality. Simple enough for ya?
For instance, breast enlargement or reduction will be a permanent change. Smoking cessation will be a permanent change as long as you use it for the full course. Using a program of Type B for 32 days should be at the very least a long term change, and could be permanent; the chances are improved if you use it longer. Any title used for 6 months should be very, very likely to be a permanent change. But the specifics and variables will change from person to person, and there is no single, simple, definitive answer. I'd be lying to you if I said otherwise.
I know a man who used the Alpha set once, in 2008, and it is still with him today. I know another who used it once and needed a refresher after 6 months. I used Self Confidence for 32 days, and was very confident for about 32 days. My standard level of confidence did not increase and stay up until I used the alpha sub for 6 months straight. I know other people who have used my subs for three days and had a very obvious and permanent change. Alcoholics who stopped drinking cold, for instance, one was reported to have stopped after 3 days, and one after about a month. Both reports came to me over a year after the fact So it's really not a question for me...