Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Using Shannons Brainwave and Subs General Question
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So I'm guessing this question has been brought up many times in the forum but I wanted to go a little deeper with it. I read a study on Brainwave and in that study the researchers stated that the Alpha brainwave was linked to relaxed state, and also they found that extroverts had two times more Alpha brainwaves than every body else including introverts. My question was will using one of Shannon's be, specifically Alpha Brainwave set, give better experience of the sub since most guys start from a position of introverness?

To clarify this is for , Maybe Ephra etc. pretty much any program that deals with interacting with people . [font=Courier][/font
I believe that if they have linked Alpha state to extroverts, it is probably unlikely that inducing relaxation will result in extroversion, as the relaxation (alpha state) probably arises from a lack of fear or anxiety in extroverts. Inducing alpha does not necessarily give you that. So it would most likely be a product of such a state, but inducing the product of that state will not likely induce the state itself.