04-02-2015, 04:36 AM
I would like to request a subliminal I could have playing in my company offices for employees.
Nothing complicated just useful and supportive stuff to fine tune them and keep them on track like:
I commit to doing everything possible to help the business succeed.
I commit to doing everything possible to deliver what's expected of me in my role.
I commit to helping colleagues and management succeed to the best of my abilities.
I work efficiently and diligently to the best of my abilities.
I seek to grow my skills, ability, and commitment wherever possible.
I make the most of my opportunities at this organization.
I respect my colleagues and work with them to find the best solution.
I am organized and maintain a clean and effective workspace and desktop, both in the real world and on my computer.
I find opportunities to help the organization grow and succeed.
I work with the team to make sure the business succeeds.
Together with the team, we make sure the right things get done quickly and efficiently.
I show good judgment and am not afraid to recommend or make tough decisions.
I behave appropriately in the company at all times.
I give my all to the business when I am on site, and when I am away I allow my subconscious to generate solutions to the projects issues and challenges we face at work.
I provide encouragement and advice to others when needed.
I do my best to maintain a positive attitude.
I take steps I know will help me maintain an emotionally healthy approach to my work.
I make sure I approach my work with reliability and consistency.
I seek, welcome, and incorporate valuable feedback from people appropriately.
If I am a manager, i provide the support and encouragement my team needs to succeed.
If I am a manager, I provide the leadership, decisiveness, and decisionmaking the team needs to succeed.
If I am a manager, I will seek the best options and recommendations from people inside and outside the business before making an important decision.
If I am a manager, I will treat my team with respect at all times.
If I am a manager, I will provide honest feedback to my team.
If I am a manager, I make sure I and my team are well organized to achieve and deliver the results we want.
I make sure I and my colleagues do our best to treat customers with respect and diligence at all times.
I make sure I and my colleagues do our best to not take things personally or take offense.
Shannon let me know if you're interested in something like this and I could generate more script for you. Maybe a simple 4g script nothing complex, tiring, or distracting for the people @ work. Something that benefits everyone up and down the organization and helps people make the most of their time at the office each day. This would be worth a lot of money to companies. We would put in the employee handbook that we have self-help subliminals playing in the business and would disclose the script or link to it if that's something you would want. Your terms and conditions could require companies to explain and disclose the usage to employees and disable them if children are on site.
Nothing complicated just useful and supportive stuff to fine tune them and keep them on track like:
I commit to doing everything possible to help the business succeed.
I commit to doing everything possible to deliver what's expected of me in my role.
I commit to helping colleagues and management succeed to the best of my abilities.
I work efficiently and diligently to the best of my abilities.
I seek to grow my skills, ability, and commitment wherever possible.
I make the most of my opportunities at this organization.
I respect my colleagues and work with them to find the best solution.
I am organized and maintain a clean and effective workspace and desktop, both in the real world and on my computer.
I find opportunities to help the organization grow and succeed.
I work with the team to make sure the business succeeds.
Together with the team, we make sure the right things get done quickly and efficiently.
I show good judgment and am not afraid to recommend or make tough decisions.
I behave appropriately in the company at all times.
I give my all to the business when I am on site, and when I am away I allow my subconscious to generate solutions to the projects issues and challenges we face at work.
I provide encouragement and advice to others when needed.
I do my best to maintain a positive attitude.
I take steps I know will help me maintain an emotionally healthy approach to my work.
I make sure I approach my work with reliability and consistency.
I seek, welcome, and incorporate valuable feedback from people appropriately.
If I am a manager, i provide the support and encouragement my team needs to succeed.
If I am a manager, I provide the leadership, decisiveness, and decisionmaking the team needs to succeed.
If I am a manager, I will seek the best options and recommendations from people inside and outside the business before making an important decision.
If I am a manager, I will treat my team with respect at all times.
If I am a manager, I will provide honest feedback to my team.
If I am a manager, I make sure I and my team are well organized to achieve and deliver the results we want.
I make sure I and my colleagues do our best to treat customers with respect and diligence at all times.
I make sure I and my colleagues do our best to not take things personally or take offense.
Shannon let me know if you're interested in something like this and I could generate more script for you. Maybe a simple 4g script nothing complex, tiring, or distracting for the people @ work. Something that benefits everyone up and down the organization and helps people make the most of their time at the office each day. This would be worth a lot of money to companies. We would put in the employee handbook that we have self-help subliminals playing in the business and would disclose the script or link to it if that's something you would want. Your terms and conditions could require companies to explain and disclose the usage to employees and disable them if children are on site.