I take raisin, walnuts, green tea, tomato, pumpkin seed and sometimes aloe vera juice and vitaminD3+k2 . I am doing gamma meditation too which helps to achieve optimum neural function. Too much medicine experiment might be alarming in the long run. KISS as they say - keep it simply simple LOL
I didn't take any noots yesterday, and I was extremely exhausted, but I still pushed to listen 20 hrs despite a decent headache lol.
I also forgot to mention I also take gingko biloba + vinpocetine in the mornings so that's also part of my stack.
and dissonance, it'd be awesome to share your experience with noots + subs so we can have a better understanding of how specifically they interact. My experience is barely worth anything on its own
And J4A, how do you do gamma meditation? I'd be interested in that, but I'm worried it would be alternative programming which could interfere with subs.
As for the medicine experiment, I get what you're saying. The fluorafinil is probably the most "alarming" compound I have, and the others have a fairly decent amount of studies, but nothing long term. Regardless, I have trouble imagining how they could impact me anywhere NEAR the abuse I put my brain through during my recreational drug dependence :-P