Let's say I'm listening to EPRHA at night and some really heavy stuff is being pulled out. My mind is focusing on releasing it, but then I have to wake up and start my day. Will my subconscious continue releasing on its own? Or should I strive to listen to EPRHA as much as possible to kind of continue where I left off when I woke up?
I think you'll probably do best to get between 12 and 16 hours of exposure per day. I generally consider 12 pretty standard. That gives you 12 on, and 12 off. The cycle allows for your subconscious to integrate and begin expressing the programming, not just taking it in. If you feel like you want to do more, then up to 21 hours a day is acceptable. But, you generally are going to find yourself considerably exhausted over time if you do more than about 16 hours a day.
The subconscious will continue releasing on its own, once the programming sinks in, and depending on what is being processed; some things are very scary, and must have encouragement and gentle prodding to be worked on. Over time, the instructions become your standard way of thinking and that leads to a standard way of responding. But usually it takes 3 to 9 months for that to happen, possibly even longer, again depending on the severity of the traumas being processed. Obviously someone coming back from war is not going to get there as fast as someone who's only dealt with being picked on in school.
Thanks. I really have to try to up my listening more. It's been a while on EPRHA, I'm moving in the right direction and slowly getting better. Just still a lot of blocks that pop up and sneaky resistance tactics that I fall back into.