Subliminal Talk

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You could say I have gone through a complete overhaul of my life these past months. I am now at a point emotionally and mentally where I am passionate about doing the things that were top priority but I hated before in the past.

I don't know if my confidence has peaked, probably not, but I feel like I can do anything now that I've overcome this challenge. This sub has met my expectations in profound ways and the next two months should be a blast.

The new year has started and I'm working while we celebrate this joyus occasion. I can honestly say that I've really grown up and older these past few months. It's been 19 months since my girlfriend and I have been together. I have also been working and gaining my independence in each area of my life since then as well. The people close to me have been affected by my emotional overhaul these past months, and I can tell some of you probably have been affected by it as well. The whole time I've known that the entire world has been at my feet but something was holding me back. I knew that getting the confidence from this sub I would effortlessly be able to go after what I wanted and get it, each day. I have now reached this state and my confidence has made the process so much clearer now and it improves as time goes on. You walk out into the world and see a million different ways to make money but it can be a bit overwhelming. And when you pursue all these opportunities at once, nothing gets done. With my new found confidence, I can focus on issues that are a priority and which will get me the farthest. Without hesitation and effort. This feeling continues to get stronger as days go by which means I can accomplish more as the time goes. As you can see since time has past in the journal, I've changed a lot from the guy complaining about clearing and subliminals. Below is the link to the recent SM3 thread that had been finished combining clearing and subliminals. The last few posts finally prove that clearing non stop does not help the growth process.

I still beleive that clearing does permanent damage to the sub, especially while listening to it on a daily basis.

There's one user to thank for briniging FEFT to the forum and disrupting everyone's subliminal progress.


I mean it was really rude how he was so ignorant and self centered that he would refuse to listen. The two times I discussed about how clearing and subs didn't work together on the forum months ago could've really helped you.

But I beleive that after he noticed the wrong of his ways eventually.

Just like Ricardo, a good friend of mine once said " a fool will follow his folly until he becomes wise".

I'm sure from, his intentions and goals we could even be bestest of friends in the future. But until he acknowledges these issues, it is what it is.

I do not care to much about these unimportant issues, just like the piracy one as well
Cool man, thanks for sharing. Glad things are going well for you.
So basically another huge change in my life. I think a lot of the time I've been acting based on emotions and what feels "good". But also based on my third eye and the power dynamic of my situation in this world. I've come to the realization that as time goes on, I'm just going to get better. Because of these subs and in the moment I should have a balance between emotion and logic to produce action.

You know when you are running on a treadmill when you're emotional feels exactly like the end of the world. It's something you don't want to do and you hate every minute of it. Until the next day when it feels better.

The logic of the above paragraph would be that to stick it out until the running gets better over the days.

When you balance the ideals out you can get a surprisingly good work out. And best of all, you want to do it again. You begin to love it.

Scratch that. There's a lot of energy put into that process but what I did discover is that slowly my emotions towards being more productive has increased. And being at home why wouldn't I spend time on doing something worthwhile rather than catch up on sleep. It's about spending some time, minor goals and after the days they just grow into bigger achievements.

I can guarentee that over time this confidence and emotion to work will be stronger and prolonged.

I have loads of confidence this week. I think about all the faces I've seen in the past and I can't recall someone holding this amount of confidence in what they do. And in each situation I find myself people recognize that self confidence I have and that they feel safe around me. I've said something similar about this before but I would say it's ten times stronger now

I feel as if it is time for me to list the positives of my changes that have occurred over the past 6 months. Feels good and right to list it down.

In touch with how my body works
Overcome blocks of exercise
Overcome binge eating
Very hard erections
Increased sex drive
Confident about doing anything or changing my body to a way I desire.
Eyes look sexy and overall confident facial expression
Iron solid facial expressions
This list could go on but the above mentioned are the most relevant

Women and sex

My girlfriend/perfect lover thinks I'm the manliest man along with all of her friends.
Women see me as a dominant figure and are safe around myself.
Women check me out regularly and blantantly comment on how attractive I am.
Sex is great I can last forever and come when I demand.
The more manly I am the more women respect me but women that only "hear" of me fear the change and amazement I could bring in their lives because they think I will want something in return.
I don't really care about women other than the ones close to me I'm just geniunely positive towards everyone.
I'm not going to lie but being heartbroken when I was younger caused me to see the shit side of women but I automatically win all the manipulative games they play or I'm just to confident to notice them and still give them a happy smile full of confidence before they leave.
I just have a loving appreciation for women even the women who are consisted "bitches" I am able to share a positive moment with. Honesty and truth telling gets you far in this situation.
I don't really care abt it but I know I can have perfect women and a swarm of them because of these subs at any point of my life.
To sum it up I am THE MAN in women's life when I interact with them. I've been with my gf/pssl for over 19 months now so relationship wise things are good.

I got offered a position tripling my income.
Blow away anyone interviewing me in any circumstance
Have a successful career in law enforcement
More productive
Moved out of my parents place
Bought a new car
I'm just generally better at every then I used to be. Multitasking, coordination, communicating my ideas, everyone understands the point I'm making even before I have to finish my sentence.
I have a position of power at my workplace and soon to earn another bonus.
Wear a lot of beautiful suits and am a man comfortable in his own skin In his own life.

No emotional issues popping up
Just pure confidence
Laziness getting killed day by day.
Overall confidence increasing over time
Calm and cool
Not making decisions based on fear everything is improving
My world is confidence
I just feel grown up. People like my parents see me as more as equal rather than someone to take care of.

My confidence has reached a point where I come into contact with so many nice synchronicities. Finding ways to help myself more, better solutions and just an overall Better everyday life

And that's about it
Plan simple and honest
I can only imagine how much more raw am will be and chnage my entire life
I can only imagine how much more confident I will be. And that's what I'm going to be

I know for a fact that these subs chnage you from your very core through every cell to get you towards your goal. Hopefully this journal gives you an idea of how long it might take for you to have significant chnage In life. All that I know is that we have all the time to get exposure from these subs. And we are just going to improve as these subs make us more positve. And we will see results sooner. I felt the sub working and people reacting differently towards me after 20 min of exposure then it just began to increase. I can honestly say that I'm internally and externally confident. And I know that my confidence can increase continually throughout my life. Status and standard will just get higher. And hopefully I can accomplish what people take lifetimes to do in the next 5-10 years but I'm just going to be positive.

I feel as if I'm alone in a lot of this as I am the only one who has used this sub for so long. I went for dinner to milestones today near stc with my girlfriend and I swear my confidence had my personality blazin. I felt so good and euphoric with all my interactions, ordering, listening, seeing, eating, sitting was all heavily influenced by confidence. I swear I had saw some of the most professional and beautiful waitresses here. I had such a good time with my girlfriend and when speaking to these women I knew exactly how to conduct myself to successfully get across that I am the dominant male. The positivity I held also made my dinner and connections very pleasurable. I was very aroused at the situation I was put in. So many beautiful women and all of them giving me good reactions. Everything is good and I feel as if I'm becoming more health concious .

Display graceful, confident body language, which broadcasts your power and dominance to all, but especially females (for whom body language is a very important way of communicating, and thus determining the men they are interested in).

I find myself getting influenced by the sub and more positive confident thoughts are popping up in my mind. I would say that there has been a permanent change in my pattern of thinking as my relaxed attitude to being active has taken a 180 and all of my free time is used towards improving myself. Even if I have a short amount of time I squeeze in a workout because how I see it is its better to get something done everyday rather than nothing. I am definitely improving! As I finished my workout I could feel the emotions of my confidence transfer into the ones about working out. It's just a constant increase of positivity.

I feel as if I've changed from the core within to out. I am confident with my life and have confidence being part of the universe that I will be safe and happy.

I have to say any ego is just changed in to confidence. I have goals and I go after what I want. But I am also content in the world that I will improve each and everyday I'm going to be one of the healthiest 100 yr old men the world has ever seen
I've recently been put in a situation where doing my work I would have to put up with a lot of bs. The team I am part of is set up as if a couple members are running a dictatorship. I am just trying to do the work I came to do. At the end of 2014 their insecurities came out and a blatant lie in order to intimidate me. I have done everything in my power to report these people but the security of money has prevented anything to be done about these two senior members. I've held on to the "get out" card and if they were to do anything else I would threaten to leave. Yesterday day was this day and it is a liberating feeling to not have to deal with another persons ego. Everyone else that works in this team just does what they are told. I could not be part of this bullshit and during my time I am doing everything in my power to restore the balance and also get the work done. I was finally transferred out of the site by the "dictators" based on their petty fabricated complaint on me because I was doing things my own way. The human resources staff I had to discuss with were laughing about my situation and couldn't Beleive how ridiculous of a situation I was placed in. As they do not want to lose my contribution they sent me to a location to do my work which is a ten minute walk from my house and a team that is nice. I see this as a personal victory and when I tell the story to others who have ever worked under contract im like a hero to them!

Overall I feel much more confident, once again where ever I stand people look to me as I'm always in a frame of mind that portray confidence and my emotions are a result of this aswell. Women are comfortable around me and my parents trust my decisions more than ever. I feel like I'm making serious progress with my life running this sub and it feels even more attractive to use AM next

After having this powerful positive influx of confidence I have to ask myself. Why do we do the things we do? Do you really need all this shit to survive? All of us want an excess of money. We eat at nice restaurants with certain people just to say we did. When we could easily be able to have sustenance from a bowl of Cheerios and milk. Three squares a day and a roof over our head is all we really need. But when we go outside its like a big fuck you to everything that you don't "own". Maybe it's just being jaded turning into confidence but the reason you should interact with others is out of love. We are all trying to evolve but maybe saying fuck you is a part of love. I think everyone should take their own time and go at their own pace with things because change starts from within. The amount within and without is important to gauge by your emotions. Emotions are basically fun play things, giving you dominance or challenges. Without them we would be robots. Some people want to live a robotic life till they die and then there's some that live the love they have in their hearts.

You know the movie American sniper? Well I was walking around with my sunglasses on the other day and I caught my reflection in the window. I looked like a navy seal! I was so confident it was oozing out of every breath I took. It's weird... Regular people who act based on fear are so normal to me now. I dominate everywhere I go and receive respect from all races. Can't wait to see what's next. I want to upload some pictures and videos to show how drastic my change has been. One thing I've noticed is my stare is now confidently sexy. In any lighting I am sexy rather then preparing for the right picture.
I read a lot about situations where's users don't notice the changes or results. There are many questions to be asked of the practical use of the sub. But more importantly how in touch with your emotions are you? When running AM for example it would be easy to say the program didn't work if you aren't a ceo by the end of it. When you have an attitude of gratitude you notice everything. An attitude of gratitude allows you to appreciate how well you feel in certain areas and all the beleifs that change. I know it's included in AM6 but I feel it's crucial.

The self optimizing script is awesome. I'm not sure if I've come to a point where I am just living in the moment( sure feels that way!) or I'm thinking in a whole new way compared to my new pattern. But I feel a lot more confident, especially in the way I interact with people. As if I'm not hesistating to keep them happy anymore but just being great like I know I am. Last night I felt great being still. I noticed that with the sos I become more confident with different types of thinking. I am usually grateful for all my surrounding and think of an abundance of options. But with this "still" thought process I am honest and outwardly grateful for the people I am near. A sure fire formula for confident success!

I've been feeling much more confident and all I have to say speakers do make a difference! I feel as if I did when I was young. But now I'm in touch with my emotions. I know which goals I want to achieve and I do what I can to achieve them. My and my goals❤️. It's the ultimate motivation and makes me Beleive there is something worth it beyound the bs. This was provided by self confidence. I am unshakably self confident towards my subliminal use.

I feel as if I'm much more truthful to myself and not as ignorant as I might've been Previosuly. This opens up many more avenues for myself having a better life now. I wouldn't have been able to do this without my new found self confidence. To look at life subjectively and rise above negative and positive confidence allows myself to make these decisions.

At the mall women keep looking at me flipping their hair in my direction also blantantly asking for help. I help them but I'm pretty sure it has to do with how safe they feel because I am confident.
I've noticed that with my new beats by dre pill speakers my daily results have improved even more. Probably because of less resistance and better equipment. The ultrasonic effects me internally and the masked on headphones helps me externally.

I've noticed a ton of positivity and it feels so natural to do what is necessary.

Has anyone seen birdman? My life feels similar to that. The camera angles and constant change. It's fucking awesome.

People keep complimenting me and one guy outright said you attract girls easily because you are natural alpha. I am noticing my successes more and more even if they are small and I've noticed immense change of confidence within and in my external actions.

Note to all readers: as much as I love posting here I have to say it is pretty meaningless when someone tries to express dominance over a social network. I know how powerful being a trending topic can be but there's a whole world out there other then the screens you look at not to mention being in touch what is within and the physical communication with other people. Maybe that is being animalistic but I care about where we are and where we are going. Unless I or anyone else has real pictures of success or videos even then it is tough to Beleive such a person with a technology that just travels through our ears. All I'm doing here is giving you my perspextive and hope my honest result get people to consider such an amazing self improvement tool. I will be using this technology for as long as I live.

I feel so fucking positive it's like I'm ready to do everything and anything meaningful in the moment. I'm fibrin success in so many things and I accomplished so much today I love it

I notice that slot of themes for my thinking are based on how to make the world a better place as a whole. We all have to be great actors and adapt to what pushes us the most. I'm sitting in a Chinese supermarket the one person who isn't Chinese and I see a lot of women and men just living the lives their parents have. Lining up, buying things they were told are good. Nothing real or authentic never leaving a comfort zone and being ok with it. I mean it is ok to live like that but it would be awesome to see cultures mix and new common ground built.

I feel attractive and look attractive. I've been having dreams where I am being confident wherever I go. I am confidently winning it situations. My whole mindset feels as if I've reached a stage where when I was once confidence as a young man. I feel that people's confidence gets affected by the "rules " jaded men and women in force by fearing to move forward. I feel that this whole process has brought me to where I was confident as a kid even more so. I'm not avoiding issues anymore by doing something else I'm tackling issues head on rather than resorting to self hate or perfect one area of my life. Basically this sub has improved all areas of my life. On a mental level more than anything. Physical areas of my life

Money- five times what I was earning before. Based on my impression in interviews.

I've also recently had a stomach bug which left me puking my guts out. But I have to say it was a confident puke. I never lost my composure but it was not a good feeling. This experience really left me with a good mind and body connection. I won't just eat or drink anything on impulse I'm trying to stay away from fried foods and be a regular shopper at whole foods. This is a good situation for me. I think. A lot of us get caught up in the pressure to be something we wanted wether it would be successful or morally correct, a leader or whatever you name it but a lot of us are just trying to have heaven on earth. I beleive this release was based on a growing confidence. Just realizing that what serves myself is what provides me with heaven on earth. I don't have to explain anything based on a pre conceived notion of what is "acceptable" I just know I am worthy. This is helping me get to my goals faster and I Beleive has reduced the last of my ego. I just feel confidence in my front lobe and all my decision making is based upon it.
It feels great, being the master of my domain againWink. Meaning it's awesome to set my mind on something and have the feeling/ emotion to go after it. And not be monitoring if the sub is working lol. It must've been when I was throwing up sick this past weekend with the flu. I still felt confident with bile coming out Smile. I was sick and letting go of a lot of the tension I was holding "making sure" this sub was working mentally. It was where a lot of where my ego was left. That is now gone and I feel great confidence in getting things done, but at the same time I am improving with my work ethic building my life. I feel at this time I am now the realest I've ever been.

A couple key points the reiterate. 1. You are not your parents. 2. And that's all I can rmbr at the moment lol my life right now is pretty awesome and I'm going on the right track. I finally feel things are gradually improving with my concious effort find myself winning constantly with my mindset

I feel as if I've been transformed.

A trick I discovered is that when you are not focusing on the subliminal it actually helps your mindset produce hard results rather than waiting till you get to a point where your mind and emotions are right. This most likely takes a lot of confidence to get to a point where you can balance these two ideas but it is blissful when you do.

I feel as if I've overcome to ultimate ego of having this technology affecting my subconcious which is the faster was to create the most authentic improvements in the world. As I said now I have confidence that sub is working as I have an overbearing emotion that supports this claim and as I improve conciously I get things done without thinking about the sub. It is liberating and it's going to get better and better.

It is a display of your ultimate independence by choosing the path that YOU want independant of all factors. I've gone through some serious changes running this single stage program for how long I did. So much so that I have absolute self confidence in my subliminal usage. It's like I can focus on getting things done conciously but I have a balanced and booming emotion of confidence reassuring my decision. I live in the moment and feel positivity towards what's next. As I'm writing this I am listening to the sub on ultrasonic and I know the effects are going to help me greatly on conciously getting what I want, which is the whole point of the program. My ego/fear has just been replaced with confidence. AM6 would be good for me because I'm at a point where I want to see different things in different areas of my life change. The next time I do a single stage sub it will probably be with Bodybuilding. To get absolutely riripped and focus on the healthy aspect of my life would be such a great transformation. If I want to improve something specifically like sales, positivity, or any single stage available I would go that route. My main four areas in life are emotional health, money, physical health, women. 3/4 right now have six stage subs so I'm leaning more to that with the occasional AYP.

Life is great! I'm getting into awesome shaped. So focused, giving information ego less. My life is happy in every area. When I look back I've upgraded within to out genuinely and it feels awesome. I am so confident in my life and have exceeded expectations from 7 months ago.

Today I find myself with more and more amazing life quotes to update my signature with. I am a authoratitve but fair figure at my workplace, I am an awesome lover, an amazing son and brother and have my life and anything I want in grasping distance. It's awesome and I can't wait to see where my AM6 journey will take me next.

My health is improving and my urge to pleasure myself with this popculture is balanced with my own efforts to leave a mark on this ever changing amazing world. I love my life. I thank you all for your support during my journey.

There's this really pessimstic negative guy I see around my workplace and he tries to talk to me a lot. I could not put up with the bullshit he was saying and told him straight "I'd rather we didn't talk casually". I have no time for people like this.
I've become more independent than ever. I mean at the age of 22, you still value what your parents have to say a lot. But emotionally this idea is what holds you back as well. I've spoken about this before. However once you realize that your words hold as much value or more than your parents, it's like rolling downhill you have so much more momentum and beleif in what you do. I have to give credit to all the orphans out there.

As a member of law enforcement I have to work with a lot of older colleagues that have a traditional way of thinking. They see a 22 year old and immediately think of you as their child. In reality it is us young people who get things done because we are free of such a complex. These subs really do even the playing field. Our subconscious' have no age or bounds by society.

A lot of these transitions are bullshit. Tell me something I don't already know right. I'm making a lot of money and I'm grateful.

I feel that my entire life has really changed.

I feel like emotionally I'm changing very fast, in the right direction. In a confident direction. In a Alpha direction. I'm doing something real but just scratching the surface. The more I am exposed to the sub though the better. Just constantly improving. Some people find it tough to keep up with that. But in regards to my concern, we are all on that same path.

I'm less interested in looking at a screen, more into getting things done.

Everyone on the forum has questions until their lives reach the expectation. Just listen to the subs enough and your questions will become statements...

So what about one more week on a sub? How are the communities feelings on wether or not you want to continue or stop. We all gotta move on right. But there's always room to improve. All I have to say about that is its a long journey. But most definitely a good one.

One more week.
I've come to a great point. When confidence grows for so long and continues to transcend you get to rise above the rules and habits that appeared to be there. I guess what This program could use is something for discipline. But I guess that is what the alpha male program is for. A conclusion I could come up with for ASC is that you can expect the exact opposite of depression as results. Not only are you decisive and self assured but whenever you speak you back yourself up and this continues to be true the longer you use the program. This is an awesome program and I Beleive it is a great lead up to the rules am6 will have installed.

This program was an awesome way to spend my time. It really improved my life in everyway and I am very grateful. All my actions are carried with confidence and everyone can feel the safety around me. However, family and people close to me still try and motivate me their own ways. I'm really happy and have made progress that's important to me. I know as time goes on I'll get exactly what I want. I'm loving it!

It's tough to reflect on the journey because I'm always thinking about where I am and where I am going. I have more energy than ever

Been feeling pretty solid. Neutral and grateful for what I have. I want to keep moving forward.

There's a post today that I thought was pretty relevant to my life.

Basically I had to say that AM6 is the most challenging and balanced program. Mentally at times you are tough and leading but your life is s beautiful result of it.


I've read your wrap up of your round 2 of AM6 and I just have a question and comments.

I've run a single stage program for almost 7 months now. And when I see my life through third person there are many personal improvements that have occurred in every area.

You mentioned that there is an ongoing path of challenges that occur during the time you run AM6 and during the duration you were mostly uncomfortable with short periods of happiness. Have you noticed how dominant your recent post is compared to everyone else's journal? It is the most real and visceral post I've read this year and see that some of your experiences are aligned with what I go through.

Your conclusions towards AM6 interested me and I think in a way it does make sense to run something more positive. However just keep this perspective in mind. Having success and money as well as a higher number of women to sleep with in life is "statistics" based. You could spend the most money and have the best sexual escapades but that doesn't mean you've necessarily done anything meaningful. AM6 is not the path of least resistance. You challenge yourself and can look back saying " I actually did something with my life". These are the paths of true leaders. Their realities are portraying the results of action to make heaven on earth. As you ascend and transcend by using AM6 your position in life becomes better. Be the change you want to see in the world right? This is innevitably, evolution. When you get to a place of dominance within your own mindset you can then run a specific sub, or base or SM3 to really enjoy life.

This is what I feel about the life paths of subliminals is about. At the end of the day running AM6 is a pretty balanced way of living life. And the 6G version should make these transitions even smoother.

You are constantly growing but there is always peace within."

An example of many alphas in society and how they interact with each is " the wire". However there is one guy, McNulty, who does his work independant of what everyone thinks and what emotional responses he provokes. It's good police work and his effort from within gets him to single handly change the city for the better making him the most valued cop. He gets whatever he wants, could be in the highest position if that's what matters to him. This was his way of creating heaven on earth.

I'm taking action less and less based on fear. Which gives the importance of having a better mindset. I have the sublimjnals moving me forward so everything is ok. Great.

I've grown from wanting to be happy, wanting to be the best and now wanting to evolve. Going in the right direction I see. This growth has reflected on my life as well.

I have so much energy. What is sleep?

Over the past seven months I've been reading a lot of the forum members journals of AM6 and I have to say the growth I've experienced with this program is quite similar. It seems as if all my issues from when I was young have come up but only this time I've been able to deal with it and become confident in those areas. Yesterday I had gone through a headache- resistance forsure. I was cursing outloud as I just wanted some releif and to have some positivity manifested. The resistance subsided and I feel a lot lighter. More willing to work on myself to increase my confidence. It's a very positive state. These programs really do give so much growth if you listen to it long enough and my life has changed even more then I had expected. Here's the wrap up.


Increased energy levels
Increased dopamine
Unshakable confidence and eye contact
Self confidence in taking action to be even more confident
Exude an aura of safety just as you would feel around a person so sure
Easily gets a point across and contributes positively to any group
Confident body language that goes in hand with my action that ensures my transition into a more dominant position.
Confident self control
Humility- a lot of what I've written has been concious thoughts and actions not my daily winnings and purchases which make my life as amazing as I perceive it to be. A lot more long term thinking instead of short term pleasure.

There are an abundance of improvements that I have noticed go on within but the entire script has noticeably become strong beleifs of my own. These have created healthy boundaries with the people in my life. I'm making improvements by myself and everyone knows this. I'm independant of their actions and do a lot more than other 23 year olds that I know of.


Succeeded in impressing every board I sat infront of during interviews. Received what I wanted because of this.

Went from being a student working part time, in a business with the worst partners. To being accepted into law enforcement, working overtime, pulling in a six figure salary and working with other dominant men and women.

Got my own loft

Paying off my own luxury car every month

I got what I wanted from my business life but my transition made the situation even better as my workplace is a ten minute walk away. And I also work with very tolerant people.

Physical health.

I could improve more here, but I lift weights and have a very dominant figure I appear to be the strongest person at work and this goes well with my confidence. I manage to do some exercise everyday which is an improvement but my eating habits could be better. I passed a medical test so I'm a healthy young male.


Most recently I've noticed my confidence in attracting women sky rocket. It's not only my mindset, my body, my lifestyle that is attractive but also when I'm not with women my lighted hearted and productive attitude has all these beautiful women popping up during my day. I would say five times more. I would say that a lot of these women notice I'm not projecting anything but being positively confident which makes them receptive to what I say.
A lot of young women looking in my direction as I hold a confident and positive frequency. I can hold a loving confident and positive gaze at a women that will have her excited and fumbling over her words. Over all I am just a male of high value. I have less of a high hand and more high morals.
The sex with my lover has been great and I would say improved over the past few months. I get hard instantly and last very long while fucking. The sex is very hot and she's noticed I've gotten sexier. She talks about threesomes even more now. I'm the most sexy when wearing a suit however.

I've gone through a few challenges during this Journey. I knew I had to use a sub for a very long time so I was only positive when I saw results. I had to get out of a bad work situation. Occasional resistance, and not expecting things to change instantly. But over a period of time I've become more positive and seen successes faster. Life feels like an uphill battle when it comes to my mental resistance but eventually it subsides and I have more and more great things in my life. I can always expect things to be great after a pissed off moment of resistance. I'm sure I'll encounter a lot of this during my run of AM6. I know my confidence will help me through all of the changes however. All the changes happen effortless even the resistance just slides away innocently. True subconcious manifestation. I don't have much to say except thank you to all of those that have supported me. If you have any questions let me know.

I think a lot of people should understand that each day that goes by when you're listening to a sub it won't less day before you can switch to another. Just keep up the listening and you will get to your goal.

Everyone wants these subs to be as permanent as possible. I'll do you one better. I want to be devoted to each point as possible.

This final week has really been a shining experience. As all of my displays of confidence that have habituated over the past months have been flourishing.

Final day

I feel like this journey has been a great foundation for many years ahead. I am abundant but continuely improve my life the way I want to make it better. Not what my parents want or what society wants. It is a very freeing feeling and I feel very liberated everywhere I go. I can confidently say, I am absolute self confidence.Smile

Let me know if you have any questions or want to see the uncensored version.Smile
Wow!!! How did I miss this journal? This has got to be the best journals on here.Smile This is so beautifully written and breathtaking. I must sit down and read all of this when I have the chance.
(02-22-2015, 06:54 PM)Why So Serious? Wrote: [ -> ]Wow!!! How did I miss this journal? This has got to be the best journals on here.Smile This is so beautifully written and breathtaking. I must sit down and read all of this when I have the chance.

u din miss it

seems like fonzy has been journaling offline and unleashed everything on the same day

abit like how netflix releases the entire season of house of cards on the same day

yeah except Fonzy is more interesting than House of Cards
you are absolutely spot on, with the attitude of gratitude post. I had to start being thankful every night for what I take for granted on a day to day basis. Like having a roof over my head, food to eat, and a vehicle. It's hard to be un confident when you keep the good things that are going on in the forefront of your mind. Smile
Ah, very interesting. You might've just inspired me to run ASC for this summer, before starting AM6 again around September. Its an interesting option to aim directly for confidence, when the other option would be to do e.g. EPRHA, OGSF, OAA, OED, etc. All of those program aim for confidence in their own way. In theory the OE would have a goal of Confidence and then any obstacles would just fade away without the user dwelling on them. Will have to read some more ASC journals, though. EDIT: Ah, no OE. Well, it could still work.

Thanks and good luck!
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