Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Car Accident Recovery Using Pain Relief Program
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I was hit by a car 3 weeks ago, while riding my bicycle. I experienced extreme neck and back pain, sprain, stiffness, immobility, and lack of range of motion. After 3 days, I was unable to move at all, and I was taken to the Emergency Room via ambulance. After having Xrays and MRI’s done, I found out that I have 2 herniated discs in my thoracic spine. I was unable to get out of bed, sit up, sleep, or walk without extreme pain until 1 week ago. During this time, I was prescribed painkillers, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers by doctors, in lieu of any real or effective treatment. I did not show signs of improvement after 11 days, and I started to become anxious about my condition, concerned that my injuries might give me problems in the future. I even worried about possible paralysis. I tried the General Pain Relief Program, and listened to it for about 8 hours while I slept. The next day when I woke up was the first day since my accident that I felt any significant improvement. I couldn’t believe it! My pain and stiffness had diminished and I was able to move around much more than before, with less pain. This was my first day out of bed since the accident 12 days prior, other than just getting up to use the bathroom. I was so relieved and thankful. I have since continued to use the program at night while I sleep for about 8 hours per night. It seems to work better than any of the medicines I have been prescribed. At this point in my recovery, I am about 75% better, and I am using the General Pain Relief Program in conjunction with physical therapy and massage therapy, instead of taking prescription medication. I feel so fortunate to have come across this website and the Pain Relief Program as a healthy and alternative option to just taking pain pills. My confidence in my healing process has taken a 180 degree turn, and I feel so encouraged. I have a sense of hope now, that I did not have prior to using this program. I feel confident recommending this product after using it to assist my recovery from such a serious injury.
I understand you're using Prototype 10?