12-02-2014, 01:47 AM
Hi, men! My name is Dmitry, I'm medical doctor (psychiatry), NLP trainer, coach and etc.
I'm NOT going to advertise my services.
Carefully observing your progress during different programs I found out that main issue is a RESISTANCE that arises at some point.
So, I would like to give you some insights about it.
There two kind of resistance we can encounter in our life.
First one, when somebody tries to change us as they like (for example parents, teacher at school). This kind of resistance came from urge to maintain ourself, our center. Its useful, because we are learning to create and maintain our boundaries.
Second one, is the main, IMHO, issues most of you guys encounter during programs. As you know Shannon's programs are instructions to your sub conscience, they are not trying to make you similar to your father or some other exact alpha male figure. What does it mean? It mean that resistance your encounter during programs are fully YOURS and nothing else.
This resistance is NOT somekind of "I don't want you to tell me what to do", its more "This thing uncomfortable to me, I thought that be alpha is like be a boy who gets all the sweets and takes no responsibility, because alpha doesn't listen to anyone, eh?".
So, if we acknowledge fully that programs changes us for good, so why resistance appear?
Thats why:
Our identity is built on bunch of beliefs of how we are appearing to other people, how we act in life and how we a perceive ourselfs.
So, then new beliefs come (like in B-programs) its merely THREATENS our old identity. Yes, we understand that changes that are going to appear during and after the program will make us awesome.
But its merely a CONCEPT for our mind and the main directive for Identity is - no change, lets stabilize.
There is a paradox - I want to change and I don't want to change. The most powerful resistance comes (and I think you agree with me) when you already one leg, for example, Alpha and one leg still "that guys you saw in mirror all this years".
So, whats the deal? We must engage some techniques to make our transition phase for smooth.
At the end of this message I will give you a NLP technique that you can make by your own to help you to meet resistance with full power.
Btw, if you want a scientific overview about whats going on during our identity changes then google for: liminal, transition stage. You'l get full understanding of whats going on. Also, you will understand why quitting program is not a good idea, either, especially then you think and everything looks bad.
Okey, here the technique.
Belief issues and difficult feelings most frequently arise during times of transition (such as those that accompany the various stages of the adaptive cycle). Usually, the most difficult phase of transition for people to manage is that of collapse or creative destruction. It is this phase that gener- ally brings the most disruption and upheaval.
Archetypically, this phase is portrayed in the symbol ofthe "dragon" which represents something huge, largely unknown and potentially dangerous. Some common "dragons" on the life path of our species include issues such as the arrival of adolescence, menopause, old age, career change, retirement, death of a loved one, loss, illness, and other major life transitions. When such transitions occur, we generally have common or archetypal reactions or responses such as denial, overwhelm, frustration, anger, determination, acceptance, etc. Each of these reactions or responses produces a certain relationship with the transition or dragon.
Carol Pearson (1992) has identified a series of archetypal responses to disruptive life transitions that symbolize vari- ous stages of our relationship with the mysterious and dangerous dragon.
• The Innocent (doesn't know the dragon exists)
• The Orphan (overwhelmed or consumed by the dragon)
• The Martyr (persecuted by the dragon)
• The Wanderer (avoids the dragon)
• The Warrior (fights the dragon)
• The Sorcerer (accepts and transforms the dragon)
As with all archetypal energies, each of the qualities represented in these symbolic roles has its gifts and its shadows:
The gifts of innocence are optimism, purity and simplicity. The shadow side is gullibility, inexperience and vulnerability.
The Orphan brings the gifts of compassion and the ability
to let go. Its shadows are helplessness and despair.
The gifts of the Martyr include a sense of self-sacrifice and justice. The shadows produce victimization, judgment and a
type of passive-aggressive reactivity.
The Wanderer's gifts are space, freedom and discovery. The
shadow side brings avoidance and denial.
The resources associated with the Warrior are determina-
tion, courage and clarity. The shadows include aggression, violence and the imposition of a particular point of view.
The gifts of the Sorcerer have to do with acceptance, creativity and wisdom. The shadows come in the form of manipulation, trickery and illusion.
The key to dealing effectively with transition is obviously to be able to access and harness the gifts and resources each archetype brings through its relationship with the dragon. When the dragon can be held in the field of these resources, it becomes transformed-the problem becomes an opportu- nity; the wound becomes a source of learning and growth. The worst thing that ever happened to us becomes the best thing that ever happened to us.
We bring out the gifts of each archetype by connecting to them through the COACH state, thus producing the centered and integrated version of each response.
The following exercise combines the Next Generation NLP processes of spatial sorting, somatic syntax and connecting to the field mind through Pearson's archetypes as a way to resourcefully face times of upheaval and transition.
Main part
1. Define the dragon. Identify the life transition issue you are confronting. This can include key elements of the context or environment relating to the transition, such as the reactions of significant others or problematic details con- cerning the circumstances surrounding the transition.
2. Create a spatial location for the dragon and spatially sort each of the archetypes around the dragon in a circle in the sequence: a. Innocent, b. Orphan, c. Martyr, d. Wanderer, e. Warrior, f. Sorcerer. Include a location for the COACH state just outside the circle (a meta position).
3. Starting at the location representing the Innocent, explore each archetype of transition in turn by taking on the attitude, energy, body posture and movements (i.e., So- matic Syntax) associated with that archetype. Experience the type of relationship each archetype has with the dragon. Notice both the gifts and shadows each relation- ship with the dragon brings up for you.
4. When you have moved through the entire sequence of archetypes, go to the meta position location and enter the COACH state as fully as possible. Connect to your zone of excellence and open to the wisdom of the larger field mind.
5. Holding this state in your body, physically move through each of the archetypes in the cycle again being sure that you receive and experience the gifts, resources and learn- ings they bring you in relationship to the dragon. Do this by exploring the body posture, gesture and movements (Le., Somatic Syntax) associated with the positive version of archetype created by connecting it with the COACH state. Complete the process by returning to the space that feels most appropriate for you to be in at this time in relationship to the dragon. Notice that you can now do this with awareness ofwhere you are in the entire cycle of transition.
6. Return to the COACH location in meta position and reflect on what you have discovered and learned from this journey.
For more information on this process, see The Hero's Journey: A Voyage of Self-Discovery (Gilligan & Dilts, 20(9) and The Encyclopedia of Systemic NLP and NLP New Coding (Dilts & DeLozier, 2000).
P.S. Hope this helps!
P.S.S. Archetype of Transition technique is NOT changing your beliefs and don't interfere with subliminal programming. Its deals with your ATTITUDE toward resistance just like talking to elder friend who already dealt with any obstacles in his life and encourages you to move forward. Only this friend is inside you.
And Shannon is right: combining subs with techniques-that-change--beliefs can mess things up.
I'm NOT going to advertise my services.
Carefully observing your progress during different programs I found out that main issue is a RESISTANCE that arises at some point.
So, I would like to give you some insights about it.
There two kind of resistance we can encounter in our life.
First one, when somebody tries to change us as they like (for example parents, teacher at school). This kind of resistance came from urge to maintain ourself, our center. Its useful, because we are learning to create and maintain our boundaries.
Second one, is the main, IMHO, issues most of you guys encounter during programs. As you know Shannon's programs are instructions to your sub conscience, they are not trying to make you similar to your father or some other exact alpha male figure. What does it mean? It mean that resistance your encounter during programs are fully YOURS and nothing else.
This resistance is NOT somekind of "I don't want you to tell me what to do", its more "This thing uncomfortable to me, I thought that be alpha is like be a boy who gets all the sweets and takes no responsibility, because alpha doesn't listen to anyone, eh?".
So, if we acknowledge fully that programs changes us for good, so why resistance appear?
Thats why:
Our identity is built on bunch of beliefs of how we are appearing to other people, how we act in life and how we a perceive ourselfs.
So, then new beliefs come (like in B-programs) its merely THREATENS our old identity. Yes, we understand that changes that are going to appear during and after the program will make us awesome.
But its merely a CONCEPT for our mind and the main directive for Identity is - no change, lets stabilize.
There is a paradox - I want to change and I don't want to change. The most powerful resistance comes (and I think you agree with me) when you already one leg, for example, Alpha and one leg still "that guys you saw in mirror all this years".
So, whats the deal? We must engage some techniques to make our transition phase for smooth.
At the end of this message I will give you a NLP technique that you can make by your own to help you to meet resistance with full power.
Btw, if you want a scientific overview about whats going on during our identity changes then google for: liminal, transition stage. You'l get full understanding of whats going on. Also, you will understand why quitting program is not a good idea, either, especially then you think and everything looks bad.
Okey, here the technique.
Belief issues and difficult feelings most frequently arise during times of transition (such as those that accompany the various stages of the adaptive cycle). Usually, the most difficult phase of transition for people to manage is that of collapse or creative destruction. It is this phase that gener- ally brings the most disruption and upheaval.
Archetypically, this phase is portrayed in the symbol ofthe "dragon" which represents something huge, largely unknown and potentially dangerous. Some common "dragons" on the life path of our species include issues such as the arrival of adolescence, menopause, old age, career change, retirement, death of a loved one, loss, illness, and other major life transitions. When such transitions occur, we generally have common or archetypal reactions or responses such as denial, overwhelm, frustration, anger, determination, acceptance, etc. Each of these reactions or responses produces a certain relationship with the transition or dragon.
Carol Pearson (1992) has identified a series of archetypal responses to disruptive life transitions that symbolize vari- ous stages of our relationship with the mysterious and dangerous dragon.
• The Innocent (doesn't know the dragon exists)
• The Orphan (overwhelmed or consumed by the dragon)
• The Martyr (persecuted by the dragon)
• The Wanderer (avoids the dragon)
• The Warrior (fights the dragon)
• The Sorcerer (accepts and transforms the dragon)
As with all archetypal energies, each of the qualities represented in these symbolic roles has its gifts and its shadows:
The gifts of innocence are optimism, purity and simplicity. The shadow side is gullibility, inexperience and vulnerability.
The Orphan brings the gifts of compassion and the ability
to let go. Its shadows are helplessness and despair.
The gifts of the Martyr include a sense of self-sacrifice and justice. The shadows produce victimization, judgment and a
type of passive-aggressive reactivity.
The Wanderer's gifts are space, freedom and discovery. The
shadow side brings avoidance and denial.
The resources associated with the Warrior are determina-
tion, courage and clarity. The shadows include aggression, violence and the imposition of a particular point of view.
The gifts of the Sorcerer have to do with acceptance, creativity and wisdom. The shadows come in the form of manipulation, trickery and illusion.
The key to dealing effectively with transition is obviously to be able to access and harness the gifts and resources each archetype brings through its relationship with the dragon. When the dragon can be held in the field of these resources, it becomes transformed-the problem becomes an opportu- nity; the wound becomes a source of learning and growth. The worst thing that ever happened to us becomes the best thing that ever happened to us.
We bring out the gifts of each archetype by connecting to them through the COACH state, thus producing the centered and integrated version of each response.
The following exercise combines the Next Generation NLP processes of spatial sorting, somatic syntax and connecting to the field mind through Pearson's archetypes as a way to resourcefully face times of upheaval and transition.
Main part
1. Define the dragon. Identify the life transition issue you are confronting. This can include key elements of the context or environment relating to the transition, such as the reactions of significant others or problematic details con- cerning the circumstances surrounding the transition.
2. Create a spatial location for the dragon and spatially sort each of the archetypes around the dragon in a circle in the sequence: a. Innocent, b. Orphan, c. Martyr, d. Wanderer, e. Warrior, f. Sorcerer. Include a location for the COACH state just outside the circle (a meta position).
3. Starting at the location representing the Innocent, explore each archetype of transition in turn by taking on the attitude, energy, body posture and movements (i.e., So- matic Syntax) associated with that archetype. Experience the type of relationship each archetype has with the dragon. Notice both the gifts and shadows each relation- ship with the dragon brings up for you.
4. When you have moved through the entire sequence of archetypes, go to the meta position location and enter the COACH state as fully as possible. Connect to your zone of excellence and open to the wisdom of the larger field mind.
5. Holding this state in your body, physically move through each of the archetypes in the cycle again being sure that you receive and experience the gifts, resources and learn- ings they bring you in relationship to the dragon. Do this by exploring the body posture, gesture and movements (Le., Somatic Syntax) associated with the positive version of archetype created by connecting it with the COACH state. Complete the process by returning to the space that feels most appropriate for you to be in at this time in relationship to the dragon. Notice that you can now do this with awareness ofwhere you are in the entire cycle of transition.
6. Return to the COACH location in meta position and reflect on what you have discovered and learned from this journey.
For more information on this process, see The Hero's Journey: A Voyage of Self-Discovery (Gilligan & Dilts, 20(9) and The Encyclopedia of Systemic NLP and NLP New Coding (Dilts & DeLozier, 2000).
P.S. Hope this helps!
P.S.S. Archetype of Transition technique is NOT changing your beliefs and don't interfere with subliminal programming. Its deals with your ATTITUDE toward resistance just like talking to elder friend who already dealt with any obstacles in his life and encourages you to move forward. Only this friend is inside you.
And Shannon is right: combining subs with techniques-that-change--beliefs can mess things up.