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Full Version: what to expect out of MAXIMUM LEARNING SPEED??
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I posted this question in another forum with no replies. So I thought I'd move it to this forum for some answers hopefully

So I been using MLS for 4 days now 8 hours a day.

I was under the impression that it makes you become "smarter".

I just realized that it is really for when you want to learn something like a skill required or a hobby for the thrill joy of it.

I havent tested it out when trying to learn something new but I was waiting on seeing improvements with stronger memory, recalling information when needed, etc. I know its only been 4 days but I don't feel smarter (yet)?

I guess I was looking to see if I can increase my IQ with MLS.

Let me know your feedbacks on my view of MLS

In first place you can expect what the name of this sub already says. That's it increased learning speed and making learning to your priority. Do this sub at least for 32 days. You also wouldn't expect to have muscles like Schwarzenegger after four workouts only.